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View Full Version : SFX Not Changing...

12-27-2006, 09:24 PM
Note quite sure if this is true to the later betas or to ZC in general, so I'll just stick it here.

This is a little bit weird. Long story short, I'm swapping SFX's, and I replaced the 350 something KB default SFX.dat with my own 1.5 MB sfx.dat. I replace it. There is nothing with the name "sfx" in it other than "sfx.dat" and it is the only one, and it is not the default. The shortcut I'm using is the one pointing to the ZC in the same folder I replaced the sfx.dat file with. I start up ZC via the shortcut or the ... well, what the shortcut is pointing to, and play a specific quest, it acts as if it's holding the original sfx.dat rather than the new one, yet it's operating off of a fresh start with the new sfx and the old one nowhere in sight nor reference.

So, basically, I think that the custom sfx area of ZQuest has overriden the sfx.dat. Is there a way to reset this?

12-27-2006, 09:35 PM
All quests made after the beta with custom sfx uses the sfx in the file, not sfx.dat. sfx.dat remains as a default base for older quests, and can no longer be swapped out for newer quests.

12-27-2006, 10:31 PM
Doesn't that automatically increase the natural filesize though? I saw a rise of about 350 or so KB in this quest file.

Dark Nation
12-27-2006, 10:48 PM
Yes it does. Alas, that is the price of progress.

12-27-2006, 10:54 PM
Heh. Fair enough. :blah: At least, then, we should be able to pull up a little list (or put it in the F1 Help txt) of the numbers that correspond to the sfx. It's possible to tell what it is initially, but if you change it too much, it becomes somewhat ambiguous, and before you know it, you've got fire sounds emanating from octorok rocks bouncing off your shield, and Link shouts in pain whenever he rescues Zelda.

12-27-2006, 11:46 PM
Here's some more on this from a few weeks ago ShadowTiger.

12-27-2006, 11:59 PM
Ah, thank you very much, Freedom. :) I have the list of sound effects copied, but not everybody does. Many others would still ask if the information isn't immediately obvious and spoon fed to them. Not everyone knows to copy a list, much less look for one. It's just not one of those obvious things.

So the quest size inflation is due to the new quest rule? Although, I'm using Beta 14, which doesn't include the quest rule.

I assume it's in the sfx.dat, since it's size has increased 300%No, that's due to the "More Sounds" quest rule.

Dark Nation
12-28-2006, 08:05 AM
It's not the rule, really. Just the fact that ever since the ability to change sfx data for a quest has been added, all sounds are saved to the quest file.

12-28-2006, 08:52 AM
I was referring to the fact that the More Sounds quest rule means that more sounds are saved into a normal quest file than previously.