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View Full Version : Link Tile Mods & Item Disablement

12-25-2006, 11:12 PM
Ok, since there is going to be item disablement in the next beta, here is a question/suggestion depending on how the question is answered. If an item is disabled on a dmap, will the Link Tile Mod be disabled as well? As I wish to make an overworld map for my quest (AoL style), and if there is no good way to switch between overworld and normal sprites, it could really throw a monkey wrench into quest development. I suppose I could use the flippers trick, but I really want to feature normal water in my quest as well.

And now for the suggestion part. If the tile mods won't be disabled, could a quest rule be added allowing them to be disabled? As it will make a lot of things easier. Thanks.

12-25-2006, 11:39 PM
Nope, doesn't work like that, sorry

12-25-2006, 11:56 PM
Dang. It would be so much more useful if it it did. Could a mod move this to suggestions?

12-28-2006, 07:00 PM
No need. Just use a script to take away an item and then give it back; that will change the Link tile mods.

12-29-2006, 11:47 PM
Script, script, script! Not everyone wants to learn scripting for this, you know. Perhaps a simple quest rule could solve this dilemma.

12-30-2006, 12:14 AM
Check the scripting forum, Nick made one that does this in the script showcase.

12-30-2006, 08:23 AM
In the future, each quest is going to have at least one generic script.

12-30-2006, 01:53 PM
Currently the disabled items only prevent you from casting/firing them - they don't affect either tile mods or the subscreen, that is you'd still see the sowrd there even though you couldn't use it.

This may seem illogical, but the reason is making the other parts change accordingly requires some more work - for instance, taking away the current B-item and then trying to fire it tended to make really wierd things happen. I could adapt this but I wanted to have something that works, even if not magnificently, for now as it's high time a stable version was out.

01-03-2007, 05:52 PM
I guess we'll just have to use generic scripts to outright remove the items then. :/ Oh well.

01-03-2007, 05:59 PM
A script that takes or gives items is like, four lines of code long. Jesus christ, dude. Just copy and paste Nick's.

I don't get this hostility to all things scripty. They're plug and play - if someone else did it, you just import it, as easily as you import a graphics pack.

01-03-2007, 06:37 PM
The scripts really aren't all that bad, usually they're real short and simple. But when somebody tells a non-programmer to use a script, the recipient (As in, the non-programmer) is likely to assume that they need to craft that script themselves.

If the posters replying could provide a link to such a script, or to the script request subforum, when suggesting that alternative, that would probably help the problem a bit.

As for disabling/removing items... making it a part of ZQuest would be interesting, but not necessary. It would be fun to work it like a 'Give Money or Life' room that forces you to pick which item you lose, but doing that with a script would also obviously be possible.
So it would be nice, but it isn't necessary.

01-04-2007, 01:55 AM
A script that takes or gives items is like, four lines of code long. Jesus christ, dude. Just copy and paste Nick's.

I don't get this hostility to all things scripty. They're plug and play - if someone else did it, you just import it, as easily as you import a graphics pack.

1. Scripting is almost completely undocumented. Or at least documentation isn't in plain sight, like with just about every other beta feature that's been made. Heck, I barely understand FFCs. I'm just assuming that I'll just leave everything at zero, except the script and arguments when I put one down. I bet half the people who use ZC Betas don't even understand what to do to USE the newest features. I had to pick up the information for how the Roc's Feather worked on PureZC, and I got that entirely by accident. I had to learn how to use Life Gauge Pieces and Magic Gauge Pieces on the subscreen entirely by myself.
2. I just said 'oh well'. I didn't say 'OH GOD THIS IS GOING TO BE SOOOO HARD TO DO I HAVE TO MAKE MY OWN SCRIPT!!!' I should be saying 'Jesus christ, dude' to you. 'Oh well' simply indicates 'Alright, I'm okay with that... though it didn't go as I wanted.' My first post was before I had found Nick's script, but my second was after I'd found it.

01-04-2007, 07:06 AM
You are right, these things ARE poorly documented. I'm still having a hard time understanding scripts, and believe me I'm not a scripting guru, I'm a beginner, Heck I'm still having problems with the most basic of scripting. I'm making an attempt, however, and thats whats important. Perhaps when scripting is documented for everyone to easily learn, then people won't see scripting as a turn off. There are some awesome things that can be done, as C-Dawg and _L_ and some others have been showing everyone.

However, I'm sticking to my first statement, each quest will have at least one script in them in the near future, whether they script or not.

01-04-2007, 02:51 PM
I'm Thinking the Beta Forums needs a Read-Only Documentation Forum. The reason I say read only is because Documentation seems to "Sink" in the forums and thus becomes hard to find. Perhaps a forum where only Documentation is posted, and thusly easy to find. If a member of the forums wishes to contribute then, it would be up to a Mod (Developers have enough on their Plates) to post the information in the Documention Forum.