View Full Version : A double-feature Suggestion (Toggles)

12-25-2006, 07:34 PM
Alright, I've got a two-for-one deal here, and they're sort of simple in theory (Though a load of pain to explain). This is the final version, so if you’ve already read it, go ahead and read it again. There’s stuff from the lower posts, and some new things too.
I understand it's a lot of text, but I tried to be as detailed as possible.

Item #1: "Lens->Layer" Screen Flags:
This works with radio buttons, and is accessible from the Screen Flag menu. Using the Lens would toggle the layers selected by this screen flag, giving the designer a better way to work 'unseen' secrets. Also, this could potentially create puzzles that can only be worked while the lens is on (The combos aren't 'push' combos unless that layer is active)

( )-----(X)-----( ) Layer 1
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 2
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 3
( )-----( )-----(X) Layer 4
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 5
( )-----(X)-----( ) Layer 6

With this setup, there are three selectable options. 'On' makes the layer appear when the Lens is activated. 'Off' makes the layer disappear when the Lens is activated. 'No' makes the layer act as normal (It's on all the time).

Layers 1 and 2 would function as they normally do ONLY if they're on. So, if there is a pushblock on Layer 2 in this example, it would only be pushable when the lens is turned on.
With this particular setup, Layers 3, 5, and 6 would be off until the player used the Lens of Truth, and then they would turn on. When the player put away the Lens, these layers would become inactive again.

It has been brought to my attention that something like this could cause some ambulatory conflicts when the lens automatically switches off (Walkable combos could suddenly become unwalkable again).
For that reason, I suggest also adding the following quest rules:
Item #1.5: Lens Quest Rules

“Lens of Tangibility”: This quest rule would have to be on for the above screen flag to be functional. It stops the Lens from draining magic or rupees (Which may seem cheap, but…) as well as prevents it from revealing the flags on the screen. This would prevent any and all clipping errors that could occur with a lens that runs out, as well as makes the effect look smooth and planned.
“Double Lens Bubble”: I know full well this has been suggested elsewhere, but I might as well plump it here with my related suggestions. Basically, this rule doubles the orb around the player when using the Lens. It would allow a greater scan of the screen when trying to solve an invisible puzzle.
“Halve Lens Bubble” (Low Priority): This of course conflicts with the Double Bubble, and I don’t know how developers would work around it. It’s the opposite of the Double Lens Bubble, it limits the field of vision to even less than that of the normal Lens.

Item #2: "Active" Link Tile Modifiers:
This is a little more complicated than the Screen Flag, but it's not too bad. This would be an extra checkbox next to the Link Tile Modifiers in the items screen, and would only apply to items that can be selected in the 'B' button slot.
When checked, the tiles are modified only when that item is in the player's 'B' button slot. When taken out of the slot, the modifier would be reversed.

The Longbow has a Link Tile Modifier of 40 tiles. It is set as an "Active" Link Tile Modifier. When Link selects the bow from his items, his sprites all leap ahead 40 tiles, to a version of him that is carrying the bow. When he switches the bow off for something else, the modifier is reversed (-40 Tiles), and his sprites return to normal.

For even further precision, it has been brought to my attention that a modifier that’s only applied when the item is used would also prove incredibly useful. And so, another checkbox would be placed below the Active tile modifier…

Item #2.5 “When Used” Link Tile Modifiers: What may only seem to be a quarter of a second may still be improved with the option of customizing every item. With this, a creator could make tiles of Link actually shooting an arrow, from his bow, without the fear of it interfering with other animation (Like a sword strike). Though in game it would only appear a minor bonus, to a quest maker that extra boost of precision means the world.
Of course, getting this to work would be even more complicated than the “Active” tile modifier, which is why I’ve brought it up last.
Potentially, this could have it’s own number, separate from the “Active” tile modifier. It all depends on what degree of effort the developers are willing to put in. Below just spells out an ounce of the potential this could serve.

Example: Link’s hookshot has an “Active” tile modifier of 80 tiles. When the player selects it, Link’s sprite changes to one that’s carrying the hookshot. Then, the player uses the hookshot. Link’s hookshot also has a “When Used” tile modifier of 20 tiles. As soon as the player presses the B button, Link’s tiles switch again, converting to one that animates the hookshot firing and then corkscrews his body around the chain as he’s propelled along. When the hookshot completes its action, the “In Use” modifier is reversed and Link reverts to simply carrying the hookshot. The player removes the hookshot, and the “Active” tile modifier is reversed, returning Link to his empty-handed state.

I will combine the suggestions for one final example, an improvement on the Twilight Princess example I provided earlier.

First, the creator sets up his tiles to accommodate the wolf sprites, and assigns the appropriate Link Tile Modifier to the Lens of Truth (Set on Active) so that when the player selects that item, they become the wolf.
The creator then assigns another Link Tile Modifier (Set on When Used) to take effect as soon as the Lens is turned on.
Toggling the quest rules, the quest maker turns on both the “Lens of Tangibility” rule and the “Double Lens Bubble” rule to avoid confusion and clipping errors.
Next, the creator sets aside layers 2, 4, and 6 for the various visual effects that will be activated by using the Lens of Truth (Or in this case, the wolf's senses).
The creator then sets up layer 3, which is set to disappear when the lens is turned on.
On the screen in question, the creator turns the "Lens->Layer" flag ‘On’ for layers 2, 4, and 6; and ‘Off’ for 3. Layers 1 and 5 are set to ‘No’. All layers will be depicted normally in ZQuest for editing purposes, but the Lens effects will be applied as soon as ZC.exe opens the quest file.
The player equips the Lens of Truth, switching to the wolf sprites. When he/she turns it on, the sprites shift again, to depict the wolf sniffing the ground. The secret layers react according to their instructions, making certain areas passable and puzzles possible.

EDIT: This post has been updated for the purpose of elaborating and improving the original suggestions.

12-25-2006, 08:21 PM
The second is a fantastic idea, the first I don't really have any worries over. But yeah, the second is a great idea and makes a lot of sense, I would highly suggest implementing it.

12-26-2006, 05:30 PM
Hmmm... I suppose a better explanation of the first suggestion is in order, though the second is far more important to me (Due to all the wonderful things it could lead to).

Alright, I'll combine the two suggestions for another example. A questmaker is making a 'Twilight Princess' spoof, and wants to provide a 'sense' ability for some wolf sprites. To achieve this effect...

First, the creator sets up his tiles to accomidate the wolf sprites, and assigns the appropriate Link Tile Modifier to the Lens of Truth (Set on Active) so that when the player selects that item, they become the wolf.
Next, the creator sets aside layers 2, 4, and 6 for the various visual effects that will be activated by using the Lens of Truth (Or in this case, the wolf's senses).
On the screen in question, the creator turns the "Lens->Layer" flag on for layers 2, 4, and 6. Though they'll show up as normally in ZQuest, when the player opens it in ZC 2.5...
The player equips the Lens of Truth, switching to the wolf sprites. When he/she turns it on, the secret layers appear, giving 'hints' with the wolf's senses. (Like a gaseous trail towards secrets)

...And no, I am not doing a Twilight Princess spoof. It was just an example.

12-26-2006, 06:48 PM
Well, would the first one allow the lens to warp reality? Ex: A bridge on layer one that only appears when the lens is active.
As for you second one, I'd like to add a "only when item is activated" option as well, for things like Roc's cape so that the cape only shows up when one actually jumps.

12-26-2006, 09:26 PM
It sounds like he's making that assumption, because - unless I missed something in one of the earlier 2.11 betas - layers 3+ are never able to be things like push combos, even while visible. That suggestion would require higher layers to (selectively) be treated the same as ground level, and I for one welcome that idea. My question is, would they overwrite lower layers? You know, like a wall that gets replaced by normal floor tiles on layer 3 while the Lens is on. Or would you need to be able to turn layers off with the Lens too?

12-26-2006, 10:02 PM
Well, as far as I'm aware combos on layers 1 and 2 still have their effects on Link when he's standing on layer 0. So yes, the lens would warp reality by turning the layer on and activating it's combos.
As for higher combos having an effect on the floor level (Layer 0), I hadn't really thought of that. I suppose that would need to be something separate from this screen rule, though.

So, let's try a rework of the screen flag:
This time, it will use radio buttons for each row, as only one option can be selected.

( )-----(X)-----( ) Layer 1
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 2
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 3
( )-----( )-----(X) Layer 4
(X)-----( )-----( ) Layer 5
( )-----(X)-----( ) Layer 6

With this setup, there are three selectable options. 'On' makes the layer appear when the Lens is activated. 'Off' makes the layer disappear when the Lens is activated. 'No' makes the layer act as normal (It's on all the time).

Layers 1 and 2 would function as they normally do ONLY if they're on. So, if there is a pushblock on Layer 2 in this example, it would only be pushable when the lens is turned on.

This may also need some quest rules along for the ride: "Lens shows whole screen" to have all of these little effects visible, as well as an option to make the Lens free to use (Doesn't drain Rupees or Magic, based on what's available).

The last part is just an afterthought, though. It isn't really too important.

Moving on to item #2, an 'Only When Active' button would be just fine. But, I would want to abbreviate it to just 'Active', and then it's the same as the original button. Thusly, I think the second version should be called 'When in Use' or something similar. If you can think of something better, please let me know.

12-27-2006, 02:01 AM
For the first one, have it be a different rule. It would be "lens displays secrets on layers". That way you can't get stuck an whatnot. And besides, it spoils the purpose of the lens if you do it that way.
Perhaps make a L2 lens (Lens of Tangibility) that works in a similar fashion that you described.

12-28-2006, 02:38 AM
I updated the first post to include all the aforementioned improvements. For those of you unwilling to read that wall of text, I'll summarize:

Item #1: Lens of Tangibility
A series of screen and quest rules (2 to 4, actually) that convert the basic Lens (Which reveals flags) into an item that warps reality (By toggling layers on and off). The screen flag is designed for designating which layers turn on, which turn off, and which are unaffected. The first quest rule involves turning off Lens drain (To avoid getting trapped in walls when the lens wears out) as well as its ability to detect flags (If you still want it to do that, make some sparkly stuff and put it on one of the layers).

Item #2: "Active" and "When Used" Link Tile Modifiers
An extra field (And a half) in the item sprite editor that allows for two different kinds of modification.
The first (selectable by checkbox, next to the Tile Modifier number), which is called "Active" tile modifiers, makes the tile modifier only have an effect when the item is selected in the B button slot. Obviously, that means this excludes anything that can't be in the B button slot, so this checkbox would be grayed out on said items.
The second (Has a number field and a checkbox, beneath the first modifiers), which is called "When Used" tile modifiers, inflicts the tile modifier effect only when the item is used (As in, from the moment the B button is pressed until the moment the item stops animating). This is limited to items that are used with the A or B button.
Of course, the combination of these would eliminate any need to make more 'special' Link animations for new items.

Hmmm... the summaries are kind of long too. Alright, I'll summarize the summary.

Item #1: "Lens of Tangibility"
Good. Implement sometime after version 2.5.

Item #2: "Active" and "When Used" Link Tile Modifiers
:eek: Fantastic! It's a miracle we made it this long without something like this. Implement as soon as possible.

12-29-2006, 12:16 AM
I updated the first post to include all the aforementioned improvements. For those of you unwilling to read that wall of text, I'll summarize:

Item #1: Lens of Tangibility
Let me get this straight - in the N64 Zeldas, the Lens of Truth makes invisible objects visible, and hides objects which aren't actually there (i.e "lies to your eyes"). Your proposal is to make the Lens literally remove and create those objects.

Doesn't make sense to me. Lenses and other visual instruments are supposed to be filters to one's perception of the world - and perception is, for the most part, not reality.

As for your "Layer is invisible to Lens" checkbox... Well, someone else suggested a combo flag which, when applied to a combo on a layer, makes that combo invisible. The former is less flexible, but would be easier to implement than the latter.

Item #2: "Active" and "When Used" Link Tile Modifiers
Can't get enough of these Link tile tweaks, can we?

I understand that equipping the Shield in the handheld Zeldas causes Link to idly wear it on his right arm. That, I suppose, would be precedent enough for adding this.

12-29-2006, 12:46 AM
Let me get this straight - in the N64 Zeldas, the Lens of Truth makes invisible objects visible, and hides objects which aren't actually there (i.e "lies to your eyes"). Your proposal is to make the Lens literally remove and create those objects.

Doesn't make sense to me. Lenses and other visual instruments are supposed to be filters to one's perception of the world - and perception is, for the most part, not reality.

As for your "Layer is invisible to Lens" checkbox... Well, someone else suggested a combo flag which, when applied to a combo on a layer, makes that combo invisible. The former is less flexible, but would be easier to implement than the latter.

I'll explain why I had thrown in the 'Tangibility' aspect instead of just visibility. Firstly, it would seem easier (In my opinion, I am unaware of the actual code) to just turn layers on and off rather than set them invisible. And since layers 1 and 2 have effects on the ground already, I made the assumption that those effects would, too, be turned on and off with the lens.

Secondly, I understand that Zelda Classic tries its best to remain within the boundries of the Zelda games, but something that bends reality isn't exactly leaving those boundries. The 'Magic Mirror' in "A Link to the Past" could be used to teleport from the Dark World back to the Light World. Feasibly, this "Lens of Tangibility" could be used to do the same, change a dungeon from dark to light and back again... or even an entire overworld. It would also encourage people (Creators and Questers) to make constant use of (currently) an item that is usually set to the side for most of a quest.

But that's entirely up to you. I appreciate that you took the time to read my post.

12-29-2006, 05:31 PM
It doesn't necessarily have to be a lens item, possibly call it the reality bender which is separate from the lens, therefore it doesn't overwrite the lens, nor should it work in the same way. It should be a toggle that shows the whole screen. It should also only use magic when you toggle. Maybe even a way to change that.
Why not have the L2 lens just have a wider view. (possibly the whole screen) Maybe even have both have an adjustable radius, much like with the hookshot/ longshot.

12-29-2006, 05:32 PM
It doesn't necessarily have to be a lens item, possibly call it the reality bender which is separate from the lens, therefore it doesn't overwrite the lens, nor should it work in the same way. It should be a toggle that shows the whole screen. It should also only use magic when you toggle. Maybe even a way to change that.
Why not have the L2 lens just have a wider view. (possibly the whole screen) Maybe even have both have an adjustable radius, much like with the hookshot/ longshot.
Sorry, I'm a little impatient and I double-clicked. DELETE THIS POST. It's a duplicate.