View Full Version : Jump-Through Floor

12-24-2006, 04:05 PM
Ah yes, the famous jump-through floor from countless sidescroller games. Since sidescrolling is now fully possible, it needs to be added to ZC.

The function is simple--You can jump trough the tile, land on it, or walk right through it. Unfortunately, you can't go down from it. That's the only disadvantage(or advantage, depending on how you use it).

What do you say about this?

12-24-2006, 05:02 PM
Hmm....It's interesting. It only has two strikes against it tho. One, I don't think any Zelda game has had this, and two it could be the kind of thing that is either horribly complex to program, or else buggy.

12-24-2006, 11:40 PM
Hmm....It's interesting. It only has two strikes against it tho. One, I don't think any Zelda game has had this, and two it could be the kind of thing that is either horribly complex to program, or else buggy.
Actually, it's pretty simple. In fact, you could have it in the other three directions too. So what if no zelda game ever had it? I say put it in!

12-26-2006, 09:10 PM
Actually, they have been in a Zelda game before - The Minish Cap. Sidescrolling areas are no problem, and Adventures of Lolo-like one way floors are long overdue. However, people will be expecting the clouds in TMC that you can jump through in the top-down areas. They might be plausible at the moment with the way Z movement is being handled, but I'm not sure how they'd be placed in ZQuest. Maybe if you could set Layers 3+ to be active at specific Z levels...