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View Full Version : competition to find the cream of amateur game designing talent

12-20-2006, 11:03 AM
In January 2007 Jonathan Thompson will be launching the Voyager Crusade, a competition to find the cream of amateur game designing talent. We're looking for an original, playable game to feature on our best-selling Voyager cabinets - we chose a retro platform because it means the playability has to be top-notch, something we think is getting forgotten as more emphasis is placed on graphics and presentation.

For all the information and for regular updates visit
The Voyager Crusade website (http://www.jt-voyagercrusade.com)

Entry is free, so if you're sitting on a gem of an idea why not get in touch...if you know people who would be interested, please spread the word.[/url]

12-20-2006, 05:46 PM
How the heck does this guy have 0 posts? O_o.

12-21-2006, 10:11 AM
How the heck does this guy have 0 posts? O_o.

From this forums' description:

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