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View Full Version : A few more ideas...

12-19-2006, 11:36 AM
...regarding SFX, mainly...

1: Quest Rule: Rupees don't play "Item Pickup" sound. You know how when you pick up ANY item (whether "Hold Up Items" is checked or not), you'll hear a certain SFX play in the background. It does that for Rupees, but not Hearts. I suggest a quest rule that turns off that sound and only plays the "Rupee Counter Increase" SFX.
2: Seperate SFX for Strings. Ever notice how message strings use the exact same SFX that the "Rupee Counter Increase" does? It's most noticable when you CHANGE THE SFX FOR THE RUPEE COUNTER INCREASE. It's a bit annoying, so how about a new SFX for it? It'd only be used when you check the rule "More SFX". Though, you might want to put it somewhere where it wouldn't bother any other SFX people might be using....
3: Quest Rule: Turn off "Item Collection" SFX when Holding up Items. Like previously stated, when you grab an item on a screen with "Hold Up Items" enabled, it'll play the "Item Collection Fanfare" and "Item Collection" SFX (the first is only for when you Hold Up an item; the latter is for EVERYTHING but Hearts and a few other select items...). This rule turns off the latter WHEN YOU HOLD UP AN ITEM. :D

I can't think of more right now. XD I'll probably think of more later...