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12-16-2006, 08:16 PM
Very like it!
I like it a lot! Good work, keep it up. Tomorrow I shall return again.

My links here:

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12-16-2006, 10:23 PM
I like his post so it stays.

We anxiously await your return.

12-18-2006, 02:28 PM
We should at least edit it though such that the link isn't active.

12-18-2006, 09:39 PM
We should at least edit it though such that the link isn't active.

When they are as blunt as that I don't think people are going to click on the link.

12-19-2006, 12:05 AM
Well, it looks like the host has already deleted his links. I thought it added to the funny.

12-19-2006, 12:10 AM
Haha. This is one of the better ones, for sure.

12-19-2006, 03:07 PM
Well, it looks like the host has already deleted his links. I thought it added to the funny.

lol. Most effective advertising campaign ever.

12-19-2006, 09:53 PM
You know, I've noticed an increase in spam bots lately. Our stringent security practices aren't doing the job any more. I suggest introducing a HARD 5,000 question multiple choice test. And not just normal questions, oh no, the kind where your thinking it's kinda A and B, but IT'S REALLY D.(All joking aside, the spam-bots are becoming more common)

12-20-2006, 12:47 PM
lol. Most effective advertising campaign ever.

The host couldn't handle his mad hitz.