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View Full Version : AlphaDawg's Unofficial 3rd Quest - Question

12-08-2006, 10:18 AM
This is a somewhat minor question, and kudos to anyone who knows the quest well enough to answer it. But on Level 2 (the desert themed dungeon), there's a room with a walkway enclosed by blocks, and a bunch of bats. Once you kill the bats with you sword/boomerang, a piece of heart appears outside of the enclosed walkway, so there's no way to get it. Does anyone know how to get it? I thought there might be a secret passageway that takes you to that room, only outside of the enclosed blocks..but I couldn't find one.

12-08-2006, 02:31 PM
Go south of the Aquamentus room and walk through the south wall. Then bomb the south wall to get to the heart piece. There is a way to get it, you just have to go around several rooms.

12-08-2006, 10:07 PM
Found it..thanks. Wasn't hard at all. I'm just rusty, I guess..it's been awhile since I've played Zelda. I remember playing this quest once before, and never finishing it. Level 6 (with all the Zoras and Wizzrobes), if I remember, was INSANE..

And it's 10 Heart Containers needed for the Master Sword, right? I found the location of the master sword, but I only have 8 HC's. I need one more full HC, and a Piece of Heart to get 10. I just started Level 4..

12-09-2006, 08:07 AM
I think you're referring to the Magical Sword and not the Master Sword. For that, you need 12 hearts, and it is possible to get that many before Level 6. Have you found the heart piece in each of the dungeons yet?

12-09-2006, 11:51 AM
I think you're referring to the Magical Sword and not the Master Sword. For that, you need 12 hearts, and it is possible to get that many before Level 6. Have you found the heart piece in each of the dungeons yet?

Right, the Magical Sword, not Master. You had to defeat a Gleeok, then bomb the wall behind him (in the overworld). I forgot it was 12 hearts - full bottom row, and 4 on top? I just beat Level 4. I've found all the heart pieces in the levels so far, and a bunch of others.

I have 10 hearts now. I'll need 3 more heart pieces, and one more HC to have 12. I should be able to get that before Level 6.

And I have to figure out this stupid Forest of Maze now to get to Level 5. Alphadawg's site had a solution for it, but his site is down..so I have to figure it out without cheating. Should be fun..:rolleyes:

12-09-2006, 01:05 PM
Update: I just completed Level 5. The Forest of Maze took me about 15 minutes to figure out. It wasn't as frusterating as I thought it would be..

And Level 5 was easy, as I remembered it being. No Darknuts or Wizzrobes always helps. Got the Red Candle, Raft, and Heart Piece in that level. I need 2 more Heart Pieces to get another HC, which would give me 14 - enough for the Magical Sword. There's a Heart Piece visible on an island..you obviously have to do some rafting to get it.

12-09-2006, 03:51 PM
If you still had trouble with the Forest of Maze, you could go to your user profile and set it so you can get private messages (PMs) from other AGN users. Then you could PM me with your e-mail address, and I could e-mail you a copy of a bitmap that showed the path through the maze. It was downloaded from AlphaDawg's web page.

But now you got the Raft, you can get to Level 5 without going through the maze.

12-09-2006, 06:49 PM
There IS a Master Sword in the U3Q. If you're lucky enough to get all 16 hearts and reach the end of the bonus dungeon (if you can find it), it can be yours. ;)

12-09-2006, 10:10 PM
Yes that is correct. I think there was some type of glitch that keeps the player from getting the Master Sword unless he is using Version 1.90 of Zelda Classic because you cannot finish the bonus dungeon. But if all you want to do is finish the quest, the Master Sword is not needed.

12-10-2006, 02:26 AM
Yeah, it really sucks about that bug. What sucks even more is if you want to beat the bonus dungeon and have to start over cause you aren't using version 1.90. :(

btw, I know what the bug entails. I have no idea if it has been fixed in later versions though.

12-10-2006, 01:03 PM
I have another question, regarding level 6. I've found the compass, map, heart piece, and superbomb shop in there. I made it to the Gleeok Boss, but died (because I was too lazy to go to the potion shop and upgrade to a red one..ugh).

So I've covered the whole dungeon, but I haven't found a special item, other than the super bomb shop (I bought 2). Did I miss something?

12-10-2006, 02:52 PM
No. Other than the Triforce, map, and compass, the Super Bomb shop is the only thing of significance. You need a Super Bomb to open Level 7.

12-11-2006, 12:44 AM
Thanks..Level 6 is complete. Not terrible, actually..I remembered it being worse.

I'm on Level 7 now, I found it okay..it's really tough so far. I did get the map, compass, and magic wand. I figured out to use the wand/book of magic to burn that isolated bush, revealing the pathway. I defeated a bunch of darknuts in the next room, and got a key to open the door. But the next room has another locked door, and I'm out of keys. I don't think I've missed any rooms, and I've been good about pushing every block. Either I missed a key somewhere, or it's designed so you have to buy one. Buying one is no big deal, there's a shop nearby..I'm just wondering if anyone else remembers going through Level 7 and having this same problem.

12-11-2006, 10:15 AM
If I remember right, in one of the rooms with this block formation:


you have to bomb one of the columns. Hung me up for a good while when I played through it last a few years ago...:laughing:

12-11-2006, 11:27 AM
If I remember right, in one of the rooms with this block formation:


you have to bomb one of the columns. Hung me up for a good while when I played through it last a few years ago...:laughing:

THANK YOU..I wouldn't have figured that out in a million years. I would never think to bomb a column like that..

12-11-2006, 12:29 PM
Guys, I need help again.

I'm still stuck in Level 7. I found that hidden key, got the map, compass, wand, heart piece..I've been in every room in the dungeon except the triforce room, and the one below it (which I would assume has the boss in it).

I've been going back and forth, trying to figure out how to get there. At one point, there's a room with just blue bubbles..a tile in that room warps you to a room with a bunch of blue wizzrobes, and a bunch of red water. The only way you can go is down, but I noticed there is a door on the east side of the room that leads right into the boss room. Problem is, I don't know how to access that door. There must be another entrance into this room, on the other side of the red water, but I have no clue how to get there..

This is definetly the toughest dungeon so far. Way tougher than Level 6. I hope Level 8 is surprisingly easy.

12-11-2006, 12:33 PM
you have to bomb one of the columns. Hung me up for a good while when I played through it last a few years ago...:laughing:

I remember getting stuck there too, mainly cause that was something that wasn't possible in the original game.

12-11-2006, 12:57 PM
Whoops, Nevermind..I figured it out.

But stupid me..I forgot to go up and buy potion before entering the dungeon. I figured out to blow the whistle in the desert room, and got to the boss with about 8 hearts left. I literally needed to hit the last patra head ONE more time, with 1/2 a heart left..and a stupid fireball hit me..

This time I'll buy a red potion, and there's no way I'll die..I hope

12-11-2006, 01:59 PM
Alrighty, I beat Level 7. Definetly the toughest so far. Blue Wizzrobes absolutely MURDER me..I guess I haven't found a good technique to beat them with (on the other hand, I'm really good against darknuts).

I hope Level 8 is full of stalfos and goriyas (kind like Level 7 was in the original Zelda..I doubt the boss will be a single Aquamentus though ;)

EDIT: Found Level 8, and no goriyas so far! Only played a couple screens, but it looks to be Blue Wizzrobe Hell..

Also, there's a screen just like the one Level 8 is located on..I slashed through bushes/burnt bushes, but couldn't find any secret on that one. There MUST be something there (or maybe not?)

12-11-2006, 03:13 PM
It doesn't get any easier with the Blue Wizzrobes until you manage to find one of the items in level 9 that helps a bit. (I think it's level 9... may be level 8, I can't remember)

12-11-2006, 05:06 PM
Yes that would be the Mirror Shield.

12-12-2006, 01:28 AM
Ugh, I'm stuck in Level 8 now.

I've uncovered a lot of the dungeon. Found the room with the map, but can't access it (it's one of those rooms with the red water, and you're on the wrong side of it..the map appears when I defeat the enemies).

I also can't find a special item anywhere. I got to a point where I was right near the boss, but there's a locked door, and I'm out of keys..

I'm also not sure what the guy means by "Be Careful because you can't always go back the way you came" (something like that) I know that's supposed to tell me something, but it's not registering.

Also, there's a screen in which the bushes are arranged just like in the screen where Level 8's entrance is located. But I can't seem to reveal anything on that screen.

Thanks again, in advance

12-12-2006, 03:21 AM
What that guy is saying is the following: Say you take a passage from Screen A to Screen B. You could have the passage from Screen B take you to some other screen besides Screen A, so you need to be alert to that. It's VERY important in Level 9.

To get the map, you need to bomb the north wall in the room below the map room.

12-12-2006, 05:29 AM
What that guy is saying is the following: Say you take a passage from Screen A to Screen B. You could have the passage from Screen B take you to some other screen besides Screen A, so you need to be alert to that. It's VERY important in Level 9.

To get the map, you need to bomb the north wall in the room below the map room.

Yeah, that trick'll get you the magic key eventually. Just try every passage you come across. ;)

I think that level-8-entrance-lookalike screen may be a fake designed to throw you off course...I can't remember getting anything from it either. <_<

12-14-2006, 06:56 PM
I'm gonna bug you all with one more question..

I've been tackling Level 9, and there's 2 (so far) superbomb walls that respawn every time you die, leave the dungeon, or whatever.

My question is, is Level 6 the only spot to buy them? It's really a pain in the butt to keep going back. I checked that cave en route to level 8, with the Lens of Truth, but couldn't find any secret wall or anything. Maybe they only are in Level 6..if so, what a pain!

12-15-2006, 02:07 AM
From AlphaDawg's old site:

Q: Isn't there an easier way to get Super Bombs than to keep going back into Level 6?
A: Yes. Look for a super bomb shop somewhere in the large cave. There are also two super bombs hidden in Level 9.

(had to find it at archive.org since his site is no longer up)

12-15-2006, 10:50 AM
From AlphaDawg's old site:

(had to find it at archive.org since his site is no longer up)

Sweet, I found it..I just wasn't looking hard enough. What threw me off is that the Lens of Truth doesn't show phony walls..and you have to walk through a phony wall to get to it.

And they're half price (25 rupees versus 50) at this new location!

12-15-2006, 04:02 PM
Yeah, a "phony wall" is just a tile with the walk parameter set, it's not a secret tile or anything. (which would show up using the lens of truth) I missed that shop my first time through too. Lucky for me I didn't have to backtrack out of level 9.

12-16-2006, 05:08 PM
Ok, now finally..

Can someone give me a hint on where the hidden level is?

12-17-2006, 03:47 PM
Remember on the way to Level 8 where you used the Wand/Book combination to reveal a secret bridge across some water? Go past that towards the southwest part of the world map. There will be a place to place a super bomb, and you can use the Lens of Truth to help.

12-17-2006, 10:40 PM
Ok, now finally..

Can someone give me a hint on where the hidden level is?

Have you beaten level 9 already?

Also, what version of ZC are you using? If you're using anything other than version 1.90, I'm sorry to say that you cannot enter the bonus dungeon afaik. There is a bug in later versions of ZC that prevents you from getting the item that allows you to enter the bonus level in the U3Q.

I could tell you where it is, but it is cleverly hidden, and finding it on your own is very rewarding. (I was surprised when I guessed correctly where it was)

12-17-2006, 11:51 PM
I've uncovered most of Level 9. Still no Red Ring. I made it towards the end, where there's 2 choices..one leads to Ganon, one leads to a goofy Goriya..I actually chose correct the first time I made it there, but died on Ganon. The second time, I was hoping the other way would lead to the red ring, but it was the stupid Goriya. But I'm getting frusterated with having to keep buying superbombs (you need like 3, and the walls keep respawning), and potion. Even with my mirror shield, blue wizzrobes are a pain, and there's a couple rooms where I always get murdered..

But in terms of items, I probably have everything but the red ring. I have the Lens of Truth, and I also got the Flippers from that weird colored mini-dungeon near Level 8, which was a total shock, as I didn't realize they were even in this game.

I'm assuming I need the flippers to find the hidden level, but I've pretty much all the water in the game, and didn't find anything. The only other place with a lot of water is Level 6..

12-18-2006, 02:03 AM
Yeah, you need the flippers to get to the bonus dungeon.

You haven't looked everywhere... think hard. Also, don't bother trying to beat the bonus dungeon unless you have all the heart containers - you need them all in order to pick up the Master Sword.