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View Full Version : okay, i'm new at this Zscript stuff...

12-07-2006, 11:55 PM
How do i use it...
for example how would i make an NPC?
how would i change it's look, and what it does?
and most inportantly... how in the world do i put the NPC/whatever into my quest???
oh and i want to know how to make something...
i think it was made by Freedom. It's an Item naming script...
you select an item, and it shows it's name on the subscreen.
it looks like this:http://members.toast.net/mfreedom/bug/roc3.gif
can anyone help me with these?:D

12-08-2006, 08:11 AM
First, the dialouge editor in 2.5 will help with NPC's, and even then, I'm not sure if they're something you'd script. Second, the item subcreen name thing can already be done in the subscreen eiditor. I forget what it's called, but it's there.
Just so you know, ZScript wont let you actually script properties of the game itself, it only lets you apply scripts to things to make them more complicated/interactive.