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View Full Version : How to get a Wii

12-07-2006, 10:36 PM
Recently I've been trying to get a Wii and as I'm sure you all know they are sold out. My EB games store is getting them in tommorrow, but my friends says that they usuall don't get very many. First question; How many Wii's does EB usually get at their stores. Second question; How else could I get a Wii for a reasonable price.

12-07-2006, 10:45 PM
Try getting up early on Sunday and hitting stores like Target, Best Buy, Toys R Us and Circuit City. There have been lines each week as if the system had a launch each week so go early before they open.

Walmart had Wiis in last Wednesday, and I heard EB games or Gamestop only get a handful of weeks compared to say 15-20+ systems at Best Buy and Circuit City.

All you can do is just get to a store early enough. I'm still searching!

12-07-2006, 11:04 PM
If you are willing to spend around $400 including shipping, you can get one on ebay. Thats my suggestion if you can't find one in stores, because you need to stop waiting for this thing man! It's incredible, and every casual gamer I know is talking about it. My wife went behind my back and got one for like $380 I think, including shipping on ebay. Its worth it.

12-08-2006, 01:13 AM
Our store got 18 for an initial shipment for the reserves on Nov. 19th, then we got another shipment in for Black Friday which was 6 units. We have yet to see anymore.

Oddly enough, we have had 4-5 more shipments of PS3s since its launch day that consist of anywhere between 2-6 units each. I believe we have actually sold more PS3s than Wiis just because we get them in more often.

Wal-mart I don't think get many either. The one around here got 8 or 10 on Wednesday, which of course were gone the minute they started selling them.

12-08-2006, 01:55 AM
All of those numbers seems really low. I'm told that the Circuit city in my area consistantly gets around 40 every week or two. By the numbers you guys are throwing out there it seems like that would be my best bet by far.

12-08-2006, 04:08 AM
My Wal-Mart got 28 but it was the only store in town that sells video games. The numbers in a nearby city (that has a Circuit City, Best Buy, EB, Gamestop, and 2 Wal-Marts) were low enough that some friends that live there were ahead of me in line.

Your best bet is to do your best to get there as early as you feel like.

12-08-2006, 11:08 AM
We needed to get one for my little brother for christmas. So we got up around 6:45am last Sunday to wait in line. We went to target which only had four people in front of us. So after waiting an hour, we found out they got 16 in and we got one.

So yes, I definately concur with Mak-X on this - just wait in line for about an hour and you'll probably get one. Target seems the best to me, just because everyone else always hits up Best Buy, Toys R' Us, etc. We were going to wait at Toys R' Us, but there were already 14 people there at 6:45, and we had heard they were only getting about 10 (we went back later and they said they got 18, but still, too much of a gamble).

12-09-2006, 02:30 AM
Stangle a man for one. It's worth it.

12-11-2006, 01:50 AM
Target seems the best to me, just because everyone else always hits up Best Buy, Toys R' Us, etc.

Depends on location. Our Target only had 3 last week, which meant that if you didn't get up at 6:30 on a Sunday morning you were screwed.

Honestly, I'd go with Circuit City, since they're the second tier electronics store that everyone seems to check AFTER Best Buy. Then again, I was #28 of 28 Wii's and managed to snag a $40 off coupon, so I might be a little biased. :)