View Full Version : "Take One Item" room type

Radien ZC
12-07-2006, 09:21 PM
Here's something I haven't heard anyone mention yet. So I thought I should point it out. :)

There is a new room type which allows you to offer up to 3 items (via the "shop types" menu) and allowing the player to take just one.

It's basically a no-charge shop that doesn't come back when you leave the room and return.

Why is this significant? Well, I think this could become very useful to people who want a "branching" style player character. The player can choose how to advance by deciding which item best suits their priorities.

It allows for a slightly more RPG-like main character, especially if one makes a quest where most items are not compulsory for solving the required puzzles in the quest. For instance, a quest with no "Pound" combos and no "Hammer" flags could use the Hammer item solely as a strategic weapon. Choose it, and you'll be strong against Darknuts. Choose another item, and your strengths will lie elsewhere.

I doubt I will use this capability, but I've heard several people talk about making this kind of quest, and have yet to see any of them follow through with it. With these new features, hopefully someone will.

Perhaps a Megaman quest, for that matter?...