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Darth Marsden
12-04-2006, 04:12 PM
Okay, so I'm playing the PC version of Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (don't judge me) and I'm getting fed up with it but it's near the end and I just want to finish it so I can uninstall the 4 gig monster and install something decent, like Advent Rising.

ANYWAY, I'm playing as per normal, getting my ass kicked left right and center for no apparent reason (seriously - 3 shots and you can die, even with full health. It's a pretty shit game) when I run through what's supposed to be a map change and I fall through the floor.


So I think 'Huh. Okay, let's try that again', so I reload the last checkpoint ('cause this game couldn't be trying any harder to be like Halo) and try again. Same thing. I think 'Maybe it's one particular spot. I'll try jumping over it'. Nope. I try twice more and, as I'm falling through the floor, a map change occurs. I start the new map, and THE ONLY FREAKING SAVE, about 3 meters below the corridor I'm supposed to start in and still falling.

And I'm fucked. 'cause I can't go back and try again. Every time I load that stage, it automatically loads the latest save, and that's screwed up. The only thing I can do is load up the previous stage, and there's no fucking way I'm doing that and spending another hour replaying the same levels just so the game can fuck up again. No freakin' way.


So any of you had any games screw up for absolutely no reason?

12-04-2006, 04:41 PM
Actually there was a time in Wind Waker when Puppet Ganon continued to spin above Link for about 3 minutes... which isn't supposed to happen. Ganon is supposed to spin for only 10 seconds at the most, but he pulled an Energizer Bunny. (Keeps on going and going and going. :p )

He did finally come down, though, so the whole thing was really no big deal.

That's about it. Pretty boring story.

12-04-2006, 04:45 PM
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time screwed up on me recently. I had just saved, and suddenly Farah was placed somewhere bizarre and fell into a pit of spikes. Every time I continued, she did it again. Fortunately, resetting fixed that one.
That's the best I've got, I think

12-04-2006, 07:40 PM
My original LttP game for the snes eventually got this glitch where if you enter the thieves' hideout in kakariko or the 2nd floor of Dark World dungeon in "Dark Kakariko", it does the goto a different map thingy, but it doesn't show the new map. There's still music, but I can't do anything. Which sucks, cause I can't complete the game now. Ever.

12-04-2006, 08:25 PM
My copy of Final Fantasy 3 (that's what it's called when I play it on my SNES) seems to randomly delete a save file every so often.

Aegix Drakan
12-04-2006, 10:38 PM
My copy of Final Fantasy 3 (that's what it's called when I play it on my SNES) seems to randomly delete a save file every so often.

that happens often to my SNES copy of ALTTP.

me: OK! let's go finish Turtle rock!

Game: *Bzzt!* (all save files are blank)

Me: >_> shit...AGAIN!

12-05-2006, 12:04 AM
KOTOR on the PC had a horrific string of problems with me. The worst was that roughly 2/3 of the times I attempted to save the game, it would instead freeze the computer and leave a corrupted save file. Technically I played through the game about 4 times the first time I played it because of this.

12-05-2006, 12:50 AM
PC KotOR is horrible. I have it and never bothered playing through it, because it just kept freezing too dang often.

12-05-2006, 01:10 AM
that happens often to my SNES copy of ALTTP.

me: OK! let's go finish Turtle rock!

Game: *Bzzt!* (all save files are blank)

Me: >_> shit...AGAIN!

I think that's a sign that the battery is dead in the cartridge.

I was once playing FF Legend 2 for the GB, and decided to go back into the 5th world for no reason. Somehow, I ended up in a random battle...against what was supposed to be the final boss (I didn't know that at the time, but I found out later). Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me there, since there are at least 11 worlds in the game.

12-05-2006, 01:19 AM
Oh, I remember one. One of my saves of Final Fantasy II (US) got corrupted. I was stuck in the corner of one of the towns, somewhere where you can't normally reach. It turns out that just because you can reach the edge of the town doesn't mean you can leave it. Nope, just unwalkable grass all around.
So, that was annoying.

12-05-2006, 01:32 AM
I have not had any problems with KOTOR PC, plus I have it on Xbox. It is my favorite RPG of all time.

KOTOR 2, however, is a different story. KOTOR 2 for Xbox is an unfinished turd. It crashed on me multiple times, skipped vital cutscenes for no reason, and made me completely start over half way through. I simply pretend that god damned game doesn't exist.

12-05-2006, 07:11 AM
Apart from game batteries dying or very infrequent (and seemingly unreproducible) lock-ups in games like Ocarina of Time or Metroid Prime, the only real problems I've encounter in games have been times when the physics engine in them would go berserk, with dead corpses, or my character in some cases, stuck bouncing like mad on a platform.

Nicholas Steel
12-05-2006, 10:06 AM
eh majoras mask overheating my n64 and the xtra ram thingie.... giving me enough time to beat the water temple in 1 sitting -.-' if i fail or am too slow it WILL lock up or make me fall through walls/floors... but alas my n64 controllers now have insanely crap joysticks... thus kinda eliminating most hope of beating the wonderful game... im hoping this game will be released for the wii at a reasonable price... ~50$ AUD.

12-05-2006, 12:19 PM
My copy of Final Fantasy 3 (that's what it's called when I play it on my SNES) seems to randomly delete a save file every so often.

Final Fantasy 3 (6) had so many bugs it wasn't even funny. There was a whole FAQ devoted to "how to glitch your game" and you could get some random funky stuff with it (i.e. party member sprites turn into guys like General Leo, equip Pheonix Downs as weapons, etc.)

12-05-2006, 03:29 PM
800Mhz, 368MB Ram.
Nvidia Geforce 2.
Windows ME.


Actually it still has problems with my 1.8Ghz 768MB Geforce 5500 on XP. :p

12-05-2006, 05:15 PM
Windows ME.


You said it yourself.

12-05-2006, 05:17 PM
Recently FFIII (ds) caused me to replay three hours of the game after I flew into a mountain range and got stuck.

Another frustrating moment was a few years ago when I played tomb raider I quick-saved at the very end of a level when a bullet was about 1/2 a second from killing me. Unfortunately, the game had only one save slot so I hard to start the whole game over.

12-05-2006, 05:44 PM
You said it yourself.

Yes, yes I did. And I meant every word. :laughing:

Darth Marsden
12-05-2006, 07:23 PM
Windows ME.
You have/had Windows ME? You sadist.

Other games I've found to be f'd up recently - The Prince of Persia games (No, don't run that way - Dammit, don't fall over the edge to your death! I need those sands for the stupidly ever-blocking enemies! And for god's sake, why can the Prince never keep his freakin' shirt on?), the 3D Sonic games (I think everybody has issues with those games though) and Quake II (two of the levels had no light sources whatsoever - If you wanted to see, you had to use the blaster, which wasn't fun at all). Nothing gamekilling though.

12-05-2006, 07:24 PM
eh majoras mask overheating my n64 and the xtra ram thingie.... giving me enough time to beat the water temple in 1 sitting -.-' if i fail or am too slow it WILL lock up or make me fall through walls/floors... but alas my n64 controllers now have insanely crap joysticks... thus kinda eliminating most hope of beating the wonderful game... im hoping this game will be released for the wii at a reasonable price... ~50$ AUD.
There was a gamecube disc released that had OoT and MM on it; look around your used game stores. I've never seen it for more than $15 US.

12-05-2006, 07:51 PM
You have/had Windows ME? You sadist.

Hey, it's not MY fault! My dad ordered the PC when ME was brand new, :p Anyway it was replaced with XP so none of our PCs have it anymore.(we have 3, one's mine, one's my dad's and that one is the oldest and my mom and sibs use it)

Oh yeah I just remembered that on Star Ocean, I fell through the mountain and Fayt was walking all through the sky BEHIND the mountain and it wouldn't let me go back through onto the path. I "flew" around for a minute and then reset, lol

12-06-2006, 12:16 AM
eh majoras mask overheating my n64 and the xtra ram thingie.... giving me enough time to beat the water temple in 1 sitting -.-' if i fail or am too slow it WILL lock up or make me fall through walls/floors... but alas my n64 controllers now have insanely crap joysticks... thus kinda eliminating most hope of beating the wonderful game... im hoping this game will be released for the wii at a reasonable price... ~50$ AUD.

That sounds really weird. Do you have an official Nintendo RAM expansion pak? I ask because I never had any problems with my Nintendo 64 overheating. Thank goodness too, cause I've played MM for hours at a time.

Like Atma said, MM can be found on the Zelda Collector's Edition for the Gamecube, but places like Gamestop and EBGames charge like $30+ for used copies. MM doesn't play perfect on it unfortunately - aside from the sound glitches Nintendo warns you about while the game is loading, there is slowdown in Clock Town and a few other places cause of all the NPCs, and every now and then the game locks up and you get a black screen and can do nothing but reset the game. I think that only happened to me once (maybe twice) when I played it on the Cube though (it happened when the Stal children opened a grave for me near Dampe's hut)

Nicholas Steel
12-06-2006, 04:15 AM
i dont have a cube nor will i buy one -.-' im looking at getting a wii eventually tho... no it isnt a official mem add-on... its one made by pelican software -.-' anyways... n64 emulation will one day become awesome enough to enjoy it to its fullest.

Darth Marsden
12-06-2006, 01:06 PM
Funny... I played through that entire disc and not once did the game lock up on me... I got the odd bit of slowdown, but otherwise it was pretty damn near perfect.

And I suspect N64 emulation is about as good as it's going to get. *COUGH*Project 64*COUGH*

Nicholas Steel
12-06-2006, 07:44 PM
i know i can play it to its fullest on current emulators... doesnt mean i can enjoy it to its fullest tho.

12-06-2006, 07:47 PM
no it isnt a official mem add-on... its one made by pelican software -.-'

Well, if I had to guess, that's your problem right there. (why your N64 overheats)

A nice thing about WIi is that it plays Gamecube games - you just need a Cube controller and memory card. So even though you skipped on the Cube, if you get a Wii you have a lot of great games at your disposal, most of them really cheap too.

Also, despite fan reactions, Wind Waker is a great game. And just recently I was reminded of some of the great music it offers.

Nicholas Steel
12-07-2006, 03:22 AM
thats why im getting a wii.... its like the ps2 but with decent graphics... and much broader selection of games that dont suck.

12-07-2006, 12:10 PM
thats why im getting a wii.... its like the ps2 but with decent graphics... and much broader selection of games that dont suck.Eh as much as it makes my fanboy gland hurt I really don't think that's a very good (or even correct) analogy. I could easily list a dozen PS2 games (especially including PS1 backwards compatibility) that should be on everyone's "must play" list; coming up with a dozen for GCN without opening up my games box would be much more difficult (unless you let me count "collection" games as more than 1). The GBA player doesn't count because it's not a built-in compatibility.

Now if the point you were trying to make concerned the statistical likelihood of a randomly selected game from either system's library being a good game or not then Gamecube has a definite advantage; signal to noise in the Sony library has always been disappointing.

Darth Marsden
12-13-2006, 05:51 AM
Super Mario Sunshine
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 4 (Also on the PS2, so if you wish you may claim this one doesn't count)
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime: Echoes
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Soul Caliber II (The GC version has Link and is therefore the best version)
Fire Emblem
Battalion Wars
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon

...there's your dozen, right off the top of my head. Now worship me.

And back on topic, I had fun with PoP:Warrior Within last night. Ran along a wall and when I landed on the floor, I got stuck in the falling animation halfway through the floor. A quick rewind sorted me out, but dammit, I needed those sands!

12-13-2006, 02:50 PM
After unlocking Tails in Sonic Adventure (DC), I tried going into the action stage where Sonic gets Tails from the plane. I had Tails fly into there, and it showed the loading screen for that stage, and then it went to an off-color screen, resulting in the locking the game up.

Another one that I can think of is Link's Awakening. I was playing around with that and a Game Genie and came up with an odd code '888-888', it resulted in Link doing an auto-jump (bounce?) and I had to turn the code off to go to other screens. It also created random pits in certain rooms. I played around with that code changing it to 798-888, which resulted in the following:
when coming in contact with a solid object on the left or right side of the screen, Link will 'bounce' (just like when he hits the wall with the Pegasus Boots), you can use the shield and the sword* held out to walk over pits. With that, I started a new game, went to the one tree in the area, and got a bomb. I repeated that many times, resulting in playing the game without the sword for at least half of the game. There's also places in Mysterious Woods that you can lift stones from the corners of trees; wtf is with that?

*with the sword, if I held it out to the left on certain screens, there would be a 'gravational pull' on Link, resulting in him usually falling down a pit that doesn't exist

12-13-2006, 06:01 PM
Final Fantasy 3 (6) had so many bugs it wasn't even funny. There was a whole FAQ devoted to "how to glitch your game" and you could get some random funky stuff with it (i.e. party member sprites turn into guys like General Leo, equip Pheonix Downs as weapons, etc.)
I'm reading that guide right now, and it's very interesting!
I bet they'll fix these glitches for the GBA release, though.

My worst game problem ever was in god of war. It just... couldn't be finished. Something that was supposed to load in this level wasn't. If I remember correctly, it was a switch handle. It didn't exist, no matter what I did. Pissed me off pretty bad, too.