View Full Version : Multi-Trigger-> Single Secret, and Diff. Screen Secrets.

12-02-2006, 06:23 PM
Is there any way to make it so that multiple triggers are required for a single secret? For example, that the secret doesn't show up unless you hit all 4 switches with the boomerang, not just one.
And I've heard mention that triggers are used to activate secrets on different screens. How does this work?

12-02-2006, 08:04 PM
Are you familar with "tiered" secrets--secrets on top of secrets. This is a way to do that 4-switch thing with the boomerang. I think there's a quest file someplace on this site you can download (in the forums) that explains the basics of tiered secrets since it may be hard to explain. Basically what it involves is placing one secret flag and then in the secret combo page, holding CTRL and clicking on that flag, so you can place another flag.

I imagine there may be a better, faster way to do this that somebody knows about.

12-02-2006, 08:38 PM
Oy, theres several thousand topics on this site, and I can't search. Can you be more specific?
EDIT:Ok, I figured that specific scenario out. Now for this one. Two boomerang switches, and two secrets. Each switch activates a different secret.

12-03-2006, 12:58 AM
The only work-around I can think of for that is use that tiered secret idea again to have the first boomerang switch trigger one secret and then you can hit the second switch for another secret. But if you want two independent triggers of secrets, as opposed to them being a chain of secrets, I don't even know if that is possible. But there might be a way.