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View Full Version : Warps for Roc's Feather

11-29-2006, 02:40 PM
There needs to be Direct Warps and Stairs that work in the Z-axis also. Because in my quests, there are warps that are a must to step on. However, with Roc's Feather you can jump over them, which would screw up everything in my quests. But if the warps detected the Z-axis it would work out. For example even if you try and jump over the warps, it will still warp you, thus problem solved.

11-29-2006, 02:41 PM
Either that or the warps need a "no jump over this" combo type.

11-29-2006, 03:02 PM
Why not add to this idea and make new warps- Jump Warps? Ever played TMC? The Wind Temple had those cloud that you jumped on to get to the next floor. You needed to use the Roc's Cape to go up them, and at the top, you went up a floor. Sure, it's not very useful at first, but it would be if you used the Trigger Combos along with a Jump Warp. Imagine a forest with low-lying clouds. You can jump on one to get on top of it and continue up the clouds. Eventually, you'd trigger a Jump Warp that'd spit you on top of these low-lying clouds. Or, you could make the clouds themselves be Jump Warps. Jump Warps would only activate if you touched them AT THE PEAK OF YOUR JUMP, so you couldn't trigger them by standing where they are and simply jumping.

11-29-2006, 05:01 PM
Either that or the warps need a "no jump over this" combo type.

Aye, particularly since I think that we should be able to jump over unwalkable water combos without a problem. ;) It's not quite how it works right now, apparently. Saffith's jumping script worked WONDERFULLY with water.

EDIT: .. ooh, more useful suggestions. Remember in Link's Adventure, how you had flying items? Flying torches, flying hearts, flying fairies, etc. They just kinda hovered up there in the air on white wings, but you did need to jump to get them. Perhaps a Screen flag "Airborne Item" is in order?