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View Full Version : Of Multiple Overworlds and Scrolling Warps

11-28-2006, 08:39 PM
I want to have different colored regions in my overworld. The way to do that that occurred to me is to have several DMaps associated with the overworld map and have scrolling warps connecting them. This does produce The desired colors, but the scrolling warps send me to unexpected screens. Both maps involved are overworlds so I don't see how it could be an issue related to relative vs absolute coordinates. Anyone have tips for me?

Oh yeah.. the quest in question uses ZC2.10 and a pure tileset. Apologies for the newbie question.

11-28-2006, 10:53 PM
So, both Dmaps are assigned to the same map, both have different color settings, and a scrolling warp in one colored section is set to the right screen, but the second DMap, right? Hmm...Well, I dont know, but are both set to overworld, and not BSoverworld, or vice versa? IDK what BS version does, but this may be it. Oh, I'm assuming you have the right side set for the warp, and you know how the co-ordinat system works, i.e that your other warps work, just not scrolling.

11-28-2006, 11:34 PM
Hmm, I'm not sure what you're saying, miod. You have ONE map, with several DMaps seperating the various areas? As far as I know, it should warp you right to the screen you want if all the DMaps are set to the normal Overworld type

11-30-2006, 01:02 PM
You probably didn't set your warps correctly.

Side warp dialouge boxes have a diagram. You need to click on the side corresponding to the side you want the side warp to activate. In newer versions of ZC, you can have the four side warps go to four different screens, so you need to make sure the letter corresponding to the side warp is corresponding to the side warp information you're editing.

Also be wary of the relative position of your DMAPS. That is, if your forest side warps to your lake, but the lake DMAP is shifted over a few screens, you'll need to account for that when you set your side warps.

Also, cave DMAPS are all you need, baby. The only thing you lose is whistle warps.