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11-23-2006, 08:45 PM
So, guys, what does everyone think? What sort of Z Items should we have? Be sure to utilize The Guide (http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23843&view=getnewpost) if you want to get creative with the stuff.

11-23-2006, 09:22 PM
How about something you have to collect enough of to obtain something special, like the Secret Shells from LA?

...That is, if they can carry their own counter. But the Item Editor is very limited at the moment, so if anything, one thing I'd like to see come back is the apple from LttP, since "apples" are now possible. Speaking of food,which is probably not the best thing to talk about right now(if you had a big Thanksgiveing dinner or not), a "cafe" would be possible, since all of the food and drinks on the menu can restore you health/magic without sacrificing you heart/fairy.

11-23-2006, 11:20 PM
Hm. That actually gives me an idea for a ZC Suggestion: An item which affects multiple counters at once. All it consists of (This suggestion) is adding more "Action" tabs to each item, similar to how the concept of the tile warp remains the same, but there are three more. You could have slots for three more actions; i.e. removing four rupees while adding two hearts.

11-24-2006, 01:17 AM
We've already confirmed the following quest items:

* Bottled stray fairy
* Spring element
* Summer element
* Autumn element
* Winter element

Let's not only have apples and hyoi pears and thickshakes, but also treasures: diamonds, pearl necklaces, platinum tiaras etc. that only appear once or twice and are worth a certain amount of rupees. (No gold, though. It's part of NeoFirst mythology that gold is inherently magical.)

Sudden brainwave: Ore chunks for the Subrosian Market? And said chunks can only be found in various places in Stonewater?

11-24-2006, 10:40 AM
Roc's Feather. :tongue: No, just kidding. Unless, of course, you want to try it. ;) Let's see what I can think of....

A Medallion that, when used, destroys all enemies on-screen except the boss enemies, and decreases your magic by... 4-5 Containers (not Max, mind you). Get the idea? Bombos Medallion from LttP. Or, just have it seriously damage all enemies on-screen, including bosses. You'd need to disable it for custom bosses, though. :( When used, it'd cause a great big flash on the screen. When it's over, all enemies take damage.

Cane of Somaria? Hey, it's possible, even with the NORMAL wand! O_o

Blast Cane- When used, it creates a little spark. When it hits ANYTHING (a solid object, an enemy, or YOU), it creates a Super Bomb explosion. This explosion, of course, triggers both Bomb flags if it comes into contact with them. Or, just make it create an instant explosion in front of you, but far enough away that it can't hurt you if the "Explosions hurt Link" rule is on. It takes away 2 Magic Containers when used.

Freeze Cane: It works like the Clock (stop enemies), but you don't turn invincible. The Cane freezes enemies for a short time, but if you come into contact with one, you take damage. It's great for getting away from big hordes of them. Note that it doesn't freeze them literally- It freezes them in TIME, much like the clock. So you can essentially call this the Time Cane. :laughing: It takes away 4-6 Magic Containers when used, and works for about 5-10 seconds.

Heal Cane: This cane heals you for 1/4 of a Heart every 3 seconds. While using it, you CAN NOT move, thus, you're a sitting duck if there are any enemies in the room. It takes away .5 Magic Containers each time you get healed for 1/4 of a heart, or every 3 seconds (feel free to extend the time if you wish).

Maybe I'll think of more. Then once a full Item Editor comes out, I'll see if I can make these. :laughing:

11-24-2006, 11:04 AM
Hmmm. A flamethrower.

Would it be possible to have a custom item counter, and have stuff added and taken away from it?

11-24-2006, 11:16 AM
Hmmm. A flamethrower.

Would it be possible to have a custom item counter, and have stuff added and taken away from it?

Theoretically, it should already be possible. Just use a different counter number than the 'reserved' ones. Note that the only thing at the moment that can actully manipulate counters aside from the reserved ones are FFC scripts.

11-24-2006, 12:47 PM
You'd also need a way to actually display such a counter, and to tell it when it's displayed. I'd assume that the "where it's displayed" is handled similarly to how all of the other item/bomb/rupee (etc) counters are handled.

Now all we need is a way to add these z items to the subscreen. .. er .. And the ability to attach scripts to them.

11-24-2006, 06:40 PM
Oh good. Coz then you could have the Shells from Minish Cap.

11-24-2006, 07:14 PM
Ooh! I have more ideas!

Fairy's Call: When used at certain places, this spell causes a Great Fairy to appear and heal you. Costs 4 Magic Containers. Great if you plan there to be only a few Great Fairies in NeoFirst. This'll make it harder to get healed. You could make it to where using this at Fairy Fountains is the only way to get healed. :sly:

Fire Arrow: Hey, why not?

Magnetic Gloves: How hard could it be to make a Hookshot clone that'd work on FFCs with a script "magnetic"? It wouldn't be a replacement for the Hookshot, because you could probably have areas that would require the Hookshot and places that require the Magnetic Gloves. Plus.... What if you decided to make an FFC that acted like that masked thing in OoS? With the Magnetic Gloves, its mask could be pulled off, thus making it vulerable to ANY hit, no matter where it came from. Or what about... MAGNETIC DARKNUT SHIELDS? :laughing: Of course, they (the shield and the Darknut itself) would have to be FFCs.

Rupee-Magnet Gloves: Like the Magnetic Gloves, only they can only attract Rupees to you. Link :heart: Rupees. :laughing:

Rupee-let: :rofl: Rupee Amulet, if you prefer. Let's assume you make an FFC that acts like a Like-Like, but instead of hurting you, your Rupee counter goes down by a certain amount every few seconds (In other words, Rupee-Like). With this, you could get trapped by the Rupee-Like, but your Rupees won't get eaten. You could also call it "Sticky Hands". :laughing:

Like-Like Bait/Food: As long as you have this in your inventory, Like-Likes can't eat your Shield. But if one DOES try to eat your shield and you have this, the Like-Like will spit you out, and this item is gone until you get another. In other words, it's one-use only.

Mirror Shield 2: Exactly like the Mirror Shield, only.... LIKE-LIKES CAN EAT IT!!! If you require the Mirror Shield all throughout Level 3 (Tower of Light), make it so it's REALLY easy to lose the Mirror Shield. But since Like-Likes can't eat the Mirror Shield normally, make a new Shield that they CAN eat, but it acts EXACTLY like the Mirror Shield! That'd make it so the player has to be VERY careful while battling Like-Likes, or they'll lose the Mirror Shield and have to find a way to BUY IT BACK. O_o The ultimate evil! :sly: :evil:

Magical Controller #1: This handy item allows you to control where your Boomerang goes. Think the Magical Boomerang from OoS and TMC. ;)

Magical Controller #2: Like Magical Controller #1, only this one lets you control the flight of your Arrows. Unfortunately, the Arrows disintegrate after a very few seconds. :tongue:

Magical Controller #3: Again, like the other Magical Controllers, only this one lets you control where your Wand Magic goes. You can only change its direction while it's on a full tile (not in between two tiles), and if it hits a Magic Prism or Mirror, the effect is lost until you fire more Magic from your Wand. Try making an intricate puzzle involving getting Wand Magic from one end of a Magic Mirror (4-Way) Maze, and if you hit one, a chain reaction starts, sealing you off from the exit. Or, a whole lot of magic comes and KILLS YOU unless you get out of the room quickly. Think fast, Link! :sly:

Magical Controller #4: Wow, I'm on a roll with being able to control items. This one lets you move your Bombs after setting them. They'll still blow up after the designated time limit, but you can move them to places Link can't go if you play your scripts right. ;)

Whew... Oop! One more. ;)

Rod of Lightning: Fire electricity from a wand. Enough said. Can activate certain FFCs, harm enemies, etc.

I can think of more if you want, but do you think you can handle it? :laughing:

11-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Wow, Pikaguy. :p Have you even looked at the images in the Custom Item tutorial I wrote? Granted, it's just first generation, but let's at least try to keep it to that first generational level for now. We don't want to put all our eggs into one basket and not get any of these items.

Let's try to stick to what we can do for now, okay? ;)

11-25-2006, 02:29 PM
Wow, Pikaguy. :p Have you even looked at the images in the Custom Item tutorial I wrote? Granted, it's just first generation, but let's at least try to keep it to that first generational level for now. We don't want to put all our eggs into one basket and not get any of these items.

Let's try to stick to what we can do for now, okay? ;)

Okay then. I'll do it YOUR way. :tongue: And yes, I did read your tutorial.

Oh wait, I can't do it your way. Your way's too obvious. :laughing: No seriously, why suggest something that you're OBVIOUSLY going to do anyways, like making a Magic Container that increases your maximum magic by, oh, say 3, or a Piece of Heart that automatically increases your Max. Hearts by 1/4 of a Heart. Or even a Giant Rupee that increases your Rupees to the max possible. Or a Rupee that increases your Max. Rupees count by 200. Or a Super Bomb that increases your current Super Bombs by 2. And stuff like that.

11-25-2006, 08:27 PM
"My" way is the way of the first generation of custom items, not a way that I thought of myself for use in NeoFirst. ... ... I ... guess. ._o (What a bizarre direction for the thread to take.) Really, all I had intended for this thread (Initially) is a basic account of what kinds of custom items people would like to see in NeoFirst, that are possible -now-. For example, if you wanted little Max Arrow pickups, in increments of one, etc.

Aegix Drakan
11-30-2006, 10:54 AM
Sudden brainwave: Ore chunks for the Subrosian Market? And said chunks can only be found in various places in Stonewater?

0_0 Ore chunks? SUBROSIANS?!?


>_> Yeah...I'm a major subrosian fan...Just ask Shadowtiger... :P

I'm really looking foreward to playing Neofirst. You guys are all GENIOUSES (sp?)

11-30-2006, 11:18 AM
Cool. If you can script another shop type for Ore Chunks, I'll draw all the items and whatnot. Just wondering what sort of things you can buy with ore chunks. :p

Aegix Drakan
11-30-2006, 11:30 AM
You gotta remember though, Subrosians live underground, so they have very little idea about what the outside world's item are...


Secret hammer technique: Tiger scroll for hammer quake
Peaches: Upside down hearts
Pointy stick (or how about...TOOHTHPICK!) : Arrows
Ore juice: Magic restorer
shiny gem : rupee
wooden Plate : small shield
Bomb : >_> a bomb

11-30-2006, 11:56 AM
You gotta remember though, Subrosians live underground, so they have very little idea about what the outside world's item are...


Secret hammer technique: Tiger scroll for hammer quake
Peaches: Upside down hearts
Pointy stick? : Arrows
Ore juice: Magic restorer
shiny gem : rupee
wooden Plate : small shield
Bomb : >_> a bomb

How would Subrosians know what the Tiger Scroll is? Secret Hammer Technique? They don't know that! :p How about "Weird Paper"? :laughing:

11-30-2006, 12:38 PM
Y'know Aegix, that's entirely possible. :p You CAN make a little gluey orb that looks like a bomb, and make it behave like a bomb, adding to the amount of bombs that you have. I think you actually can do that! Same with every other item. It's the "Item Class" field. Just put the item class into that field, and eating a peach will indeed increase your health!

11-30-2006, 01:13 PM
Y'know Aegix, that's entirely possible. :p You CAN make a little gluey orb that looks like a bomb, and make it behave like a bomb, adding to the amount of bombs that you have. I think you actually can do that! Same with every other item. It's the "Item Class" field. Just put the item class into that field, and eating a peach will indeed increase your health!

Err... Have you ever played OoS before? In that game, the items were exactly what they looked like, but the Subrosians didn't know what they were. Like, they called the pack of 3 upside-down hearts "Peaches". They called Bombs Bombs because they had them in Subrosia, but they don't know much of what you can find down there, like, they have no idea what a temple is, so they call it a "temple" (With the quotation marks), remember? :p

11-30-2006, 11:57 PM
Don't forget the Big Peach Stone!

And the Fool's Ore! (a.k.a the best item in the universe.)

12-01-2006, 07:33 AM
_L_, rest assured good sir, if you manage to make us a duplicate hammer that does practically no damage, I promise you, we'll make it look like ore, and use it in NeoFirst. :blah: :laughing:


EDIT: ... ... OKAY. I JUST got that Peach thing. :blah: Upside down heart. Cute.

12-01-2006, 09:45 AM
That depends on what form this "item editor" will take.

12-01-2006, 01:19 PM
Don't forget the Big Peach Stone!

And the Fool's Ore! (a.k.a the best item in the universe.)

XD :laughing: I forgot about that upside-down Piece of Heart. I can see it now...

Big Peach Stone

200000000000000000000000000 Ore Chunks.

....:rofl: Just kidding. Maybe 200 Ore Chunks, as they're supposed to be HARD TO FIND. Here's my ideas on the prices, and they're chosen under the assumption that Ore Chunks are hard to find, but remember that Subrosians also take other things, too (like in OoS, they took any of the Mystical Seeds, but that was trading):

Peaches: 5 Ore Chunks
Pointy Sticks: 10 Ore Chunks
Bombs: 15 Ore Chunks
Big Stone with Peach Center (Piece of Heart): 70 Ore Chunks
Huge Peach Stone (Heart CONTAINER): 300 Ore Chunks
Weird Plate: 20 Ore Chunks (It'd be nice if you could find a way to make it to where if you got the Magic Shield even once, then all shops normally selling the Small Shield would sell the Magic Shield, and if you got Mirror Shield, they'd sell the Mirror Shield, too.)
Odd Clothes (Goron/Heat Tunic): 90 Ore Chunks
Mysterious Cup (Small Magic Jar): 10 Ore Chunks
Glowing Relic (Triforce?): 100 Ore Chunks

Those are just examples, and to keep from ruining the whole "Glowing Relic" thing, I'd be glad to explain it in a PM. :p

12-06-2006, 08:02 PM
Use the Ice_Slick script, once it gets perfected, in conjunction with a Z-item to have two levels of sticky/winter boots.