View Full Version : Wii Sports is the best pack-in game ever

11-19-2006, 10:54 PM
It's not perfect, some of the games are twitchy and a little inaccrate and they're very basic.

But man, are they a blast to play. I haven't had this much fun playing a game in a LONG time. Bowling is probably the best game out there. It's ultra-intuitive, and responds very nicely to your wrist movements. it really does feel like bowling to a degree. Golf is okay, but I never liked golf much anyway. Baseball is great, ESPECIALLY against a friend. Tennis is REALLY fun, even if you can'tmove the character. Finally, boxing is an absolute blast, and one of the best multiplayer games out there.

Nintendo has a surefire hit on their hand. Bundling Wii Sports with the console might've been their smartest move in a VERY long time.

11-19-2006, 11:07 PM
I think they threw in Wii Golf as a warning to developers that some games may seem like a good idea but ultimately the controller hurts the experience.

I can't ever seem to do an accurately powered swing because the only indication of the strength of your swing comes after you have already made the swing. Therefore I always either hit too hard or way too light.

Otherwise I've spent more time on Wii sports than on Twilight Princess (though that's partially due to very limited time for play sessions).

11-19-2006, 11:11 PM
Well, the thing with Wii Golf is that if you go gung ho to hitting the ball, you're gonna do badly. The idea is to practice your swing, get a feel for what type of swing produces what degree of power. Once you've got your swing down, the fun part is actually hitting the ball, as now it beomes an exercise in nailing the swing that you just spent the last minute or so perfecting. It becomes much easier (and more fun) when you play it this way.

11-19-2006, 11:13 PM
Yeah it's definitely a game you have to practice more, which is why I had much more fun with baseball and bowling because I could just pick those up with minimal investment in practice. With 10 minutes of experience golf isn't very fun.

11-20-2006, 03:09 AM
Yeah, I went out and bought a second remote and had some friends come play, and it makes the games a lot more fun. And the best part is, there was no learning curve, people could just pick it up and play.

My friend threw out his shoulder once already while..bowling, of all things. And almost nailed me in the head with the remote in baseball.

Actual conversation between us:
Me: "While you're bowling I'm going to grab something to drink. Don't send the remote through the television."
Him: "I'm gunna play baseball now."
Me: "Oh, don't send the remote through the window then."

Modus Ponens
11-20-2006, 01:55 PM
Last night my roommate and I had a total of ten people in our one-bedroom apartment. We made Miis of everyone present and then played Wii Sports with them.

One of my favorite things in Wii Sports is the training mode in bowling where you knock down successively more and more pins in a lane that gets wider to accommodate the ever-growing back row. There's something so magically appealing about bowling over 86 of the 91 pins that are set up before you.

11-20-2006, 02:09 PM
I thought that Bowling was great, Baseball and Boxing were pretty good, and I wasn't too impressed by Tennis and Golf. A great game overall though, especially for something that's pretty much being treated as a Wiimote demo. I especially like how, when it's possible, you can play with multiple people on one controller.

11-20-2006, 02:53 PM
I hate you. I hate you all.

I want a wii...

11-20-2006, 03:27 PM
I didn't even hear that there was a pack-in till yesterday ( o_o; )

At least I know it comes with something good/interesting whenever I buy one in a couple of months.