View Full Version : Rating Quests

11-19-2006, 01:39 PM
Someone needs to devise a new method for rating Quests. I don't know about others, but I use the Rating to judge if a Quest is worth downloading, and have found several disappointments.

There is one Quest (with 5 Stars) that has 5 TIMES more 'comments' than any other 5 Star Quest. 56 to the next highest, 11. Only a couple were nit-picking the spelling. Who cares? What has that got to do with playing the game? Even that couple admitted it was a great Quest.

That exceptional Quest is Hero of Dreams. Not one game in the entire Database even comes close to the many pluses of Hero of Dreams.

Save in a Dungeon? You return to that Dungeon when you are ready to play again.

Hate waiting (what seems like hours) for an enemy to get close enough to be hit, so you can move on? None of that.

Hate losing multiple hearts immediately upon entry into room after room? Doesn't happen in this Quest.

Hate getting killed over and over in a Dungeon, going back to the entry, and fighting the same amount of enemies over and over? Not a problem in this Quest. Kill all but 1, and there is only 1 to fight the next time thru.

Get bored with long trips thru the same scenery, over and over? What a visual treat this Quest is in comparison.

Tired of trying every possible move, in each and every screen, hoping you will find one that works so you can progress? No problem here. Plenty of tips along the way, or something that looks different.

I could go on and on, and tried to leave a Rating on PZC. No way does it allow you to do justice to this Quest, in the allowed short space.

I have finished Level 7 AND the Windmill, but can't save there until my Granddaughter gets back in 3 weeks. (She loves it too) So I decided to start another from the beginning. WOW! There had been so much to do in the meantime that I had forgotten that Levels 1 and 2 were part of this amazing Quest. :)

Very simply, this Quest is so far above any of the others I have played, that it should have it's own category. Quest of the Century would be a good start. Apparently at least 50 others agree. PZC needs to take into account that so many of us responded with glowing comments.

And to think this was Shoelace's FIRST Quest. Too bad that mere words can never do justice to this amazing game.

11-21-2006, 03:45 AM
Wow, thanks a lot. :P I am glad that you liked my game as much as you did. I am so happy really. Because all of my life, I have been wanting to make a game that everyone would love and have fun playing. It may not be as big as any other zelda game like I imagationed in my head, but I know I made a lot of people happy with my quest. So thank you so much!

I am making a Shoelace Expo then will be late this Winter, and I will be showing of my next games. Hopefully they live up to the hype. :P

11-27-2006, 01:59 PM
The QDB at ZeldaClassic.com is a bunch of gobbledygook. I wouldn't take any quest ratings there seriously. Unless you're talking about PureZC's database, which is pretty tough as far as ratings go.

Hero of Dreams was a capital job (from the start of the opening cinema I was hooked), definately, but there are other good quests out there. It depends on what your preferences are.