View Full Version : So who's trying to get a Wii tonight?

11-18-2006, 05:51 PM
I know this forum has decided that trying to get a system on launch day is "not cool" but for some reason in my heart it is important that I at least make an effort to get a Wii at launch. I don't want to go to ridiculous lengths to get one (like paying $600 for a preorder bundle) but once I detail my plan I think you will see I'm not really going very far out of my way.

My vector for getting one will be Wal-Mart. I had to run an errand there today and there are apparently 28 units available and at this time the line contains 0 people. I'm not really sure what the state of the town regarding Wii is so I'm not sure if people are just going to line up later or if this is a good omen for my luck. The systems go on sale at 12:01 AM, a time when I am normally awake on Sunday anyway so I figured why not wait? The plan is when I finish my date at 10:30 or so tonight I will go to Wal-Mart and scope out the situation. If a line of less than about 30 people exists I will enter it; if not I will go home to fetch some DS games or something and come back at about 11PM to enter the line.

I don't really know what game I'll get with it, maybe Excite Truck or something; honestly I don't even know what launch games there are.

Anyone else plan to make at least a minimal-effort shot at launch?

11-18-2006, 06:00 PM
I already have my Wii payed off at GameStop and have Zelda reserved as well. Due to a quantity problem I had to reserve the Wii at a different location than I reserved Zelda, so I may just end up picking that up tomorrow.

As far as other launch games go, ExciteTruck is OK, I plan on getting it once it hits the bargain bin. I've heard good things about Rayman. Red Steel has gotten the most mixed set of reviews I've ever seen, I'll probably rent this one and pass my own judgment before spending anything. Really though, Zelda is the crown title of the launch. Don't forget that Wii Sports comes with the console as well.

11-18-2006, 06:09 PM
I really considered preordering a Wii, but I didn't get around to it. I'm just going to wait until they're somewhat readily available, and pick one up then.

I have enough games to play right now as it is.. :blah:

11-18-2006, 06:23 PM
my friends and I are gonna go hang out in a line up later tonight. Should be fun, I'll have most of the night to work on drawing homework I've go to do and play DS games. I am getting only Zelda with it.

11-18-2006, 06:23 PM
I hope I'll getting one at Walmart at midnight. I'd be leaving at 11:00 PM and probably return by 12:30 or so. I'm hoping that no gunmen show up but I really don't think Gunmen will be around seeing how plenty will be available before Christmas while for Sony there won't be many until March and even then it's not enough like the Wii.

11-18-2006, 06:29 PM
Oh wait the Zelda is out at launch? I think I heard that then checked some threads and didn't see confirmation so I assumed it wasn't... if it is that's the game I'm getting for sure.

Ahhhhhhhhh finals week coming up!

11-18-2006, 06:31 PM
I'm not expecting too much trouble getting one. Gamestop sold out two hours after the preorders started, but there are two Targets and a Best Buy around to try. There are small lines, but they've got lots to sell. Odds are good I can get one if I go pretty early. I'm most concerned that I won't be able to get the component cables, but I can live without them for a few days.
Yes, Zelda's available right away. That's one of them I'm hoping to get, definitely.

11-18-2006, 08:38 PM
If I had gotten a job a while back, you better believe I would, but I can't. I'll be buying one either when I get a job (soon, interview on Monday =D) or with my birthday money.

I'm getting Zelda first, and Rayman as a possible second. I'll try RedSteel, and Call of Duty 3, but they're not really my style. I'll be getting Metroid Prime 3, and Brawl this June though.

11-18-2006, 10:13 PM
I don't plan on getting the Wii at launch, but I definitely will sometime within half a year. I'll probably pick up Madden 07 (I'm playing Zelda on the Cube), and get Mario and SSBB when they come out.

Maybe I'll get Zelda for the Wii as well...

11-18-2006, 10:46 PM
I'm planning on spending my Sunday at home and not going anywhere. I'll probably pick up a Wii during the week though. Probably get Zelda, and a whole bunch of GameCube stuff (since I don't have a GameCube).

11-19-2006, 12:07 AM
I've gotten myself a preorder for Aussie launch day (December 7, 17 days to go).

As for the US launch, i spoke to Ctrl-Alt-Delete on the phone, he's been camping overnight at Wal-Mart to get one on launch.

11-19-2006, 12:22 AM
I've gotten myself a preorder for Aussie launch day (December 7, 17 days to go).

As for the US launch, i spoke to Ctrl-Alt-Delete on the phone, he's been camping overnight at Wal-Mart to get one on launch.

I'm mildly tempted to go over and heckle him :D

11-19-2006, 12:25 AM
You ought to. All i know is that he's at a Wal-Mart, and that he's freezing his balls off.

11-19-2006, 12:43 AM
I was originally planning to get one. Then I decided it just wasn't worth it for the launch title offerings. Instead I'm looking at updating my gaming TV/Display with some less CRT and more LCD. Zelda is great and all, but I'll play it on Cube or Wii eventually. Red Steel I heard some things about that make it not sound worth it to me, something who regularly plays Gears of War on 360. Other launch titles sound fun, but I'd rather wait till it's cheaper.

11-19-2006, 12:47 AM
I haven't got a car myself, but I'm having my little brother drive me around to various electronics stores in the area tommorrow in hopes of finding Twilight Princess and a walk-in Wii for sale at $250. If I do, yay. If I don't, there's always tommorrow. Or, probably safer for my GPA, during Thanksgiving break.

11-19-2006, 12:52 AM
Kairyu, just go to a local Target store at 8am or whenever they open. You should have pretty good luck then.

11-19-2006, 01:06 AM
Kairyu, just go to a local Target store at 8am or whenever they open. You should have pretty good luck then.

I'm not worried about finding one. I'll be a bit suprised if we don't, actually.

11-19-2006, 02:12 AM
You shouldn't be. Wii is still in limited supply. Like all consoles when launched (cept for the Virtual Boy) it can be very hard to find systems.

11-19-2006, 02:52 AM
I arrived at about 10:15, 45 minutes early due to the desire to grab another DS game for the wait. When I arrived, 29 tickets for the 28 Wiis had been handed out and I stood at position 32.

At 11:00 they moved us from steerage (outdoor garden center) to 2nd class (indoor garden center) and handed out tickets to replace people who had bailed. I received ticket 25, but I was the last person to receive a ticket at our store.

I got a Wii and Zelda but the sad thing is due to real life pressing responsibilities my first long stretch of play may not be until Tuesday but you better believe I'm setting it up and giving it a whirl tomorrow :)

Forget all you haters who are pretending you are too good to get it at launch. You are gamers just like me and I'm sure if I felt like trawling the forums I'd find you frothing over the mouth at some other system launch!

I would like to give a big laugh to the faggot who camped our Wal-Mart for 29 hours for this Wii. The guys behind me report that sometimes he dresses as a Jedi for school so I planned to laugh at him whether I got a Wii or not but now I have the full laugh right!

11-19-2006, 06:03 AM
Well, after spending 7 hours in a Walmart vestibule with some smelly teenage geeks and a few normal adults, I came home with my Wii, and I must say, it is an absolute JOY to play. It just... works... and it makes games fun :)

11-19-2006, 08:23 AM
I got to Walmart at 10:50. Already the line was huge and my doubts were high. Soon it was 12:01. For some reason, it took over 1 and half hours for 22 people to get their Wiis. Me? I was so close to the door when they said, "Sorry, no more but you can go to our electronics and..." but I had left then. Shame I don't have a car as I won't get on until awhile now...

11-19-2006, 08:25 AM
I'm extremely jealous of everyone here who's got a Wii.

11-19-2006, 10:00 AM
i won the wii so i dont have to buy it lol but i do want zelda tp though.

11-19-2006, 10:34 AM
When I drove around scoping out the situation, there were already full lines at Wal-mart for the midnight sale. This was at 5:00. All other stores weren't opening untull normal sunday business hours. It is now 6:00am, and I and am preparing to go see what the situation is at the Target by where I work. Hopefully there won't be too much of a line, as I have to be at work by 8:30. If that plan fails, I'll have to see what's left when I get off work at about 5.

11-19-2006, 11:29 AM
Went to TRU this morning at about 8 AM. Got spot 1 of 18 and they told us instead of waiting in ine to just get there at opening time and I ould have my Wii. So I should have it within the hour :D

11-19-2006, 11:57 AM
Took a few hours of waiting (from about 2:30 to 8:00, mostly not out in the cold), but I got one. No component cable, but I'm still quite pleased.
Anyway, back to it...

11-19-2006, 04:11 PM
Forget all you haters who are pretending you are too good to get it at launch. You are gamers just like me and I'm sure if I felt like trawling the forums I'd find you frothing over the mouth at some other system launch!

Huh? Who is that supposed to even be directed at? I didn't bother to get a Wii, because Zelda just isn't enough for me to buy a system. Red Steel feel through. And the rest of the games were nothing that special to me either. The Wii just isn't worth 250$ to me. Like I already said, I'd rather replace my gaming TV with a nice LCD monitor appropriate for both my retro gaming needs and my Xbox 360's High Def. I already spent probably 600 or 700, probaby more so on my Xbox 360 in the past 6 months. I'm not really itching to buy another console. I'd rather work on certain things I already have which could all benifit for a better video display.

11-19-2006, 05:41 PM
Well I didn't get one, but I did get Yoshi's Island DS. Then again, I didn't actually get to go to any stores until after 2 or so. Still, the thing holding my search up was a turkey drive, so I can't complain.
I'll just pick a Wii up later. Like Mott said, with Red Steel being a rush job and Excite Truck being a tech demo, TP is the only Wii game I'm really looking forward to. I can survive waiting a week or two for that.

11-19-2006, 10:23 PM
I was gonna get a Wii sometime soon because I'm gonna get one eventually anyway, but Zelda for GCN is gonna keep me busy for a few weeks at least. Add to the fact that there aren't really any launch titles I'm dying to play, I think I'm just gonna wait for Metroid.

11-19-2006, 10:49 PM
I was gonna get a Wii sometime soon because I'm gonna get one eventually anyway, but Zelda for GCN is gonna keep me busy for a few weeks at least. Add to the fact that there aren't really any launch titles I'm dying to play, I think I'm just gonna wait for Metroid.

Watch out, Atmaweapon is gonna pounce on you now! You're not allowed to pass on the Wii. Now you're saying you're too good for it and better than everyone else or something!

11-19-2006, 11:05 PM
Watch out, Atmaweapon is gonna pounce on you now! You're not allowed to pass on the Wii. Now you're saying you're too good for it and better than everyone else or something!Honestly it's nothing personal I just noticed that when I'd skim threads I'd see your name with negative comments in every Wii thread and I got kind of agitated but it's not worth an e-war man. There's nothing wrong with passing the system up at launch but it's kind of silly to post in every thread about how you don't want one yet.

Honestly the anticipation for a new Zelda game at a forum where Zelda Classic was spawned is pretty low compared to what I'd expect. Maybe it's the release on GCN is dulling the novelty of the Wii version?

11-20-2006, 03:11 AM
If you could help it, I'd invest in the Wii version of Zelda. Not that I've played the Gamecube version, but I've found that controlling Link is a lot more fun on the Wii. I played Ocarina of Time for a bit tonight after playing TP, and aiming and such with a joystick just seemed clunky.

11-20-2006, 04:51 AM
I might get whenever I have a surplus of money in the next few years which is not likely to happen. I just don't have Wii fever (Wii-ver) apparently.

It seems posting that you're not getting a Wii is a faux pas so I'll just officially declare it in this thread and not mention it again.

I, Ryan Alexander Mulkerin a.k.a. Rainman, hereby affirm that I have no desire to purchase the Wii at this time. Furthermore, I declare this affirmation was not made because of any negative or postive opinions of the Wii.

11-20-2006, 10:37 AM
I might get whenever I have a surplus of money in the next few years which is not likely to happen. I just don't have Wii fever (Wii-ver) apparently.

It seems posting that you're not getting a Wii is a faux pas so I'll just officially declare it in this thread and not mention it again.

I, Ryan Alexander Mulkerin a.k.a. Rainman, hereby affirm that I have no desire to purchase the Wii at this time. Furthermore, I declare this affirmation was not made because of any negative or postive opinions of the Wii.It's only a faux pas if you make it a point to visit every Wii thread and act like a faggot in there too; that's the one that's kind of silly.

11-20-2006, 10:58 AM
I'm going to get one by christmas, because here in finland it comes 8th of December so it's not so long waiting, my parents promised to buy it for me, I'm going to buy TP as well at 8th Dec.

11-20-2006, 06:51 PM
It's only a faux pas if you make it a point to visit every Wii thread and act like a faggot in there too; that's the one that's kind of silly.

You know better than to call someone a faggot, which is what you were doing. Knock it off.

11-20-2006, 07:30 PM
I didn't get up early enough on Sunday and was too far behind in line at Best Buy to recieve a ticket to buy a Wii :( Originally hadn't planned to go for a Wii just yet since I only really want Zelda, but anticipation got the better of me, and I thought it'd be good to play it this holiday weekend...

I'd rather replace my gaming TV with a nice LCD monitor appropriate for both my retro gaming needs and my Xbox 360's High Def.

If you're going for LCD, make sure you try it out very good with everything while you can still return it. LCDs have to scale lower resolution content to its native resolution, and ghosting can be bad on some models.

I'm looking at a couple of CRT HDTV models myself around 27" since they still give the best image quality for the price and plasma is too expensive. The only problem with CRTs are the weight that comes with the size. I played Phantasy Star Universe via my PC through DVI on a HDTV I had available and 480P is definitely nice. (I'd play PSU on my PC monitor but the LCD refresh rate is too low at 16ms). I'm specifically getting a new TV for that and for when I play Zelda, either on the Wii or Gamecube (which I have component cabels for).

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129885 Looking at these screens at Neogaf of Zelda running widescreen @ 480P makes wonder if I should opt for a 30" widescreen TV and take a hit to a fullscreen size of 24".

Anyways, there isn't much besides Zelda that I want at Wii's launch, but it would have been nice to get one...

11-20-2006, 07:55 PM
Indeed I plan to test out my entire array of consoles and such when I get the LCD. Everything from NES, SNES, Genesis, all the way to the 360.

11-20-2006, 08:07 PM
I started camping out at 5:00pm Friday in the freezing fucking cold, and received it at 12:10AM Sunday. Totally worth it. More fun than I have ever had in my life.

11-20-2006, 10:58 PM
I went to Target yesterday, stood in line for 15 minutes and recived ticket number 47/60. Then I had breakfast and went to work, had my brother pick it up for me before noon. I heard that the Target store on the other side of town had more people waiting than the 60-70 systems they had. It's all about scouting things out and choosing the right place. Unfortuanatly, GameCrazy did not have a copy of Zelda for me. They were "shorted." More are supposed to come in tomorrow. I don't know what other stores stock is like, but if they still don't have a copy for me, I'll drive all over the Greater Sacramento Valley untill I find one. I'm slighty upset about it not being in on time, but since I only had the minimum of $5 down, I didn't complain too much.

11-21-2006, 01:23 AM
I went to Target yesterday, stood in line for 15 minutes and recived ticket number 47/60. Then I had breakfast and went to work, had my brother pick it up for me before noon. I heard that the Target store on the other side of town had more people waiting than the 60-70 systems they had. It's all about scouting things out and choosing the right place. Unfortuanatly, GameCrazy did not have a copy of Zelda for me. They were "shorted." More are supposed to come in tomorrow. I don't know what other stores stock is like, but if they still don't have a copy for me, I'll drive all over the Greater Sacramento Valley untill I find one. I'm slighty upset about it not being in on time, but since I only had the minimum of $5 down, I didn't complain too much.

It was kind of like that here. I scouted stores around 10pm and there were only two in line at the Target I got mine at, so I picked that and went back around 4:45am to be 18th in line. I heard from a guy who came later that he went to the other Targets (Super Targets) and while they were all getting like 40 systems (this one got 24), there were already way more than 40 ppl in line at all of them. Somehow this one was not crazy and in fact, one guy walked up right at 7:00 (when they handed out the tickets) and got the last one :P

11-21-2006, 10:45 PM
I got my Wii at midnight! I have played Zelda for 12 hours so far and gone through two dungeons and holy crap the game is AMAZING. Next thing I need are component cables.... Looks like my only chance will be this Friday, 7:00am at EB Games. Sigh, that's earlier than when I went to go get my Wii pre-order.

11-21-2006, 11:26 PM
I got a Wii with Zelda and Excite Truck sitting in a bag in the floor of my room. Not really sure if I'm feeling it. I haven't played it yet, and actually thought about taking it back. Hmm, second guessing my decision I guess...

11-21-2006, 11:28 PM
Get S-Video cables if you can't get Component. S-Video is still a huge step up from nasty Composite.

11-22-2006, 11:43 AM
I got a Wii with Zelda and Excite Truck sitting in a bag in the floor of my room. Not really sure if I'm feeling it. I haven't played it yet, and actually thought about taking it back. Hmm, second guessing my decision I guess...

Hook it up and play Zelda NOW!!!

11-22-2006, 01:07 PM
Well, if I do that... I can't take it back if I decide I don't want it. :tongue:

11-22-2006, 01:10 PM
I seriously doubt that you'll decide that you don't want your Wii after playing Zelda. Besides, you could still get a good price on eBay for a repackaged, used-once Wii.