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View Full Version : Literal Push Blocks

11-11-2006, 09:45 AM
Can someone make a script that forces Link to go to his pushing sprites when colliding with a push flag? You know, like it is in the oracle series.

11-11-2006, 11:09 AM
As you know Zelda Classic is hardly a Zelda 1 clone... but although it has improved much near the LA level, Zelda 1 didn't have any push sprites (could you push blocks in it at all?).

But this is a really good suggestion since it can be created and done pretty easily. Link could go to the pushing sprite when trying to walk over a combo with a push flag.

We would have to make 4-12 pushing sprites
(4=not animated, 8=two-frame animation, 12=three-frame animation),
but that's simply not a problem even for those lazy guys out there since there could be a quest rule "Use pushing sprites".

***And, it was already in aLttP***

11-13-2006, 06:50 PM
If you think about it, you could make push/pull blocks where you have to hold A.