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View Full Version : Alternate Music & Enhanced Music

11-09-2006, 07:15 PM
I've noticed that when I'm editing a DMap's music, there is another box for an "Alternate Music". I've tried importing various songs in there, but it does no play when I test the quest. How do you get it to work?

I've also noticed that under the "Quest" tab, there is something called "Enhanced Music". What is the purpose of this?

I'm using 2.11b14. Thank you in advance.

11-09-2006, 08:06 PM
I've noticed that when I'm editing a DMap's music, there is another box for an "Alternate Music". I've tried importing various songs in there, but it does no play when I test the quest. How do you get it to work?

I've also noticed that under the "Quest" tab, there is something called "Enhanced Music". What is the purpose of this?

I'm using 2.11b14. Thank you in advance.

1: The music file MUST be in the same folder as the quest for it to work. Also, there can't be any other music playing.
2: Nothin right now. Some people think it will be a future place to insert SPC's, MP3's, and all those other "Tracker" music files directly into the quest, thus allowing you to make them louder. :D Just wait.

11-10-2006, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the help! :)

Originally Posted by pikaguy900
Some people think it will be a future place to insert SPC's, MP3's, and all those other "Tracker" music files directly into the quest, thus allowing you to make them louder.

That'll certainly be something I'll be looking forward to seeing.