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View Full Version : I don't understand....

11-08-2006, 10:46 PM
If the develeoprs state that the full version is going to be released either this or next month and they were going to make sure DN gets to it then why haven't we gotten any new betas to test out really quick. Not rushing anyone, but I feel we should be moving AQAP (As quick as possible) to fix all the bugs we can.

11-09-2006, 03:01 AM
First of all, I vote they should have more time to work on it. I say they don't have to release it in December. Stable version is key.

Anyways, the reason I believe why there hasn't been any betas, is because most of the developers have taken a break from it, for issues such as busy with life, school, etc (jman, koopa, DD). Because of that, progress is going slow.

DN is making 2.10 a stable version at this moment. God bless his heart. So that should make people happy about a stable version.

But I say, delay 2.11 if it means a stable non-buggy version. I think people would flip out a little more, if it was released with bugs. Also, remember that life comes before ZC. They aren't getting paid for this.

Soon enough we will see a beta, don't worry. :P

Dark Nation
11-09-2006, 07:42 AM
At the moment, beta progress is halted due to problems with the code repository. Hopefully it will be working again soon but until then, I'm focusing on 2.10.1.

11-09-2006, 07:56 AM
Yes, the slow progress is entirely my fault; the server that used to host the code repository crashed and as I'm out of the country I've been extremely slow in getting a new repository up :(

11-09-2006, 08:22 AM
Damnit! This is so my luck... :(
I was so certain that this time the developers would be able to keep their promise and finally release a stable ZC soon... That's why LI was converted to the latest betas as well. But now the progress on the newest ZC is halted and DN is concentrating on some damn old build of ZC, unbeliveable! I just lost all ZC motivation, blarg! I was too confident in the devs, what a mistake that was! But then again, what seems to have happened is really not anyone's fault...

Oh well... sorry for bitching and whining, I am just so unbeliveably frustrated. I don't blame anyone and I perfectly understand why the production is halted, shit happens, but I just had to let that all out. Sigh. You devs are still awesome and doing a fantastic job, it's just that hopefully that stable ZC is released before the end of the world... :p

Nicholas Steel
11-09-2006, 08:33 AM
arnt you happy petoe that a new much less buggy 2.10 is being made?

11-09-2006, 08:34 AM
Petoe, don't despair, DN and I are working as we speak on getting the new repository up. Shortly after the devs reconcile their changes I'm sure there'll be a b15.

11-09-2006, 11:17 AM
Petoe, don't despair, DN and I are working as we speak on getting the new repository up. Shortly after the devs reconcile their changes I'm sure there'll be a b15.

Well, I sure am glad to hear that! Can't wait to see b15 released so we can start testing it and get rid of all the bugs and unstabilty so that the full release can happen some day.

And to franpa: Yeah, I guess it's nice to have a stable 2.10, but what's the point when a NEW stable ZC is about to be released during one of these days? I just think everyone, including DN, should concentrate on the new revolutionary ZC instead of going back to fix a mistake. But what do I know, I'll just shut up and let you devs do your job the way you see fit. ;)

Nicholas Steel
11-09-2006, 11:51 AM
the beta they are gonna release will most likely be mostly stable but not completely... thus DN is making a rock solid stable version to use till we get ALL bugs out of the beta's.

11-09-2006, 01:10 PM
Some people will be happy to get a stable 2.10, without scripting and other new stuff, perhaps even to play their old 2.10 quests on, others will want a stable 2.5 ... you just can't make everyone happy.

I understand you, Peteo, especially as I know a bit about the LI circumstances ... all I can say is the repo downtime caught all of us by surprise too and just at the very worst time as beta 14 is about the most unstable one yet. Latest thing I hear is it's back up again though.

The target is still a stable 2.5 by the end of the year.

11-09-2006, 02:29 PM
I for one, am thrilled to death that DN is working on a stable 2.10, I have 8 quests, I hope to move all of my past quests to it and work all the kinks out of them, so I don't continue feeling that on many I just wasted my time building them in the first place.

The 2.10 file size is also smaller so that's another plus for dealing with those old quests.

THANKS DN, I think fixing the 2.10 was a really wise move.

11-09-2006, 05:02 PM
I can see why people would want a stable 2.1 (I refuse to use unecessary 0s :p), if they have quests almost ready to play or are more interested in the playing of quests than building. Myself, I can't go back. I love my custom subscreen too much.

11-09-2006, 05:50 PM
Tygore it's quiet simple
The players like to play a quest without running into engine bugs like that awfull sound bug in 2.10 and the developpers want to have quests that don't have bugs caused by the engine , and are the best they can make at that moment:shrug:
So indeed I as a player am very happy that they are making the 2.10 stable
DN just from a player :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

11-09-2006, 05:56 PM
I think you misread me. I said I can understand, not can't. Easy mistake.

11-09-2006, 06:09 PM
I am a bit frustrated with the gap between b14 and 15, but it's more out of the fact that b14 is so buggy. Now if 14 wasn't nearly as buggy, I wouldnt mind waiting this long at all. And a stable 2.10 is going to be a godsend, I must admit.

11-10-2006, 06:46 PM
^ Indeed. The gap between beta 10b and beta 11 wasn't nearly as bad due to the fact that beta 10b had very few bugs... All of these new bugs are caused by new stuff added in.

11-11-2006, 03:17 PM
As DN said, the repository went down and that halted progress for a bit. It's back up now. Also, seeing just how buggy b14 was, you can't really complain if we fix some of those bugs before we release a new version :p