View Full Version : Treasure Chests

11-04-2006, 10:37 PM
How do I make a treasure chest like when you slash and the item appears:confused:

11-04-2006, 10:47 PM
1. Make a closed treasure chest combo
2. Make a combo for what the chest will look like when you slash it.
3. Assign the combo type "slash --> item" to the closed chest
4. Place the closed chest combo on the screen and assign to it Flag #10--Armos Item

5. Set the room type to Special Item (Press "R" and select "Special Item").
6. Pick the item you want to be in the chest (Press "A" and select the item).

Lastly, if you set the under combo to the open chest, that's what the closed chest will turn into when you slash it. Also, make sure the open chest combo is not completely unwalkable otherwise Link cannot pick the item up.

11-04-2006, 11:38 PM
Thanks a lot!:)