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View Full Version : links birthday s.o.s

11-04-2006, 12:12 AM
ok... so i was playing link's birthday and i came across patra in level 4. seeing as you need the hammer to beat him, i went on a massive head hunt to look for it. does anyone know where it is?

also, i noticed the whistle was there where patra is. how do you get that as well? :confused:

its a bigger puzzle than the da vinci code. :D

Nicholas Steel
11-04-2006, 02:47 AM
play the game in the right version of zelda classic.

Mr. Z
11-04-2006, 05:45 AM
You don't need the hammer to defeat a Patra.

11-11-2006, 06:50 PM
I am SOOO glad someone opened up a new thread for this.. I hate to be the one to restart something...lol

I'm playing the Christmas version of Links Birthday. From my understanding it's the same as Links Birthday right? I already finished the DX which was GREAT! Excellent job!!!

I may be a doofus but for the life of me I can't figure out level 2.. Yessss... level 2! lol I'm wondering if the issue is I should have a boomerang? Since it's seeming either that or the bow, of which I can't get, to is what I need for triggers. I obviously haven't gotten to the bow because the room to the left and up from it is one I can not figure out how to get to the block to push it .. to open the door!

Thanks in advance...Lita

Edit: As So... many any here before me, I figured it out before I got a reply. The side hit with a sword threw me. I was coming head on with stuff. :googly:

2nd Edit: Guess I have to do this? verses another box, since theres been no reply...

Now in level 6. Was so proud of myself that I got through L4 by myself, because the threads were full of L4 questions. That's the way it goes though... it's the simple crap that gets me. lol Anyway... Can't seem to find the key to open the door to the upper part of the dungeon on F1 Far Left, small block of water blocks but lets us see it. Full of Mummies. There are two doors I haven't passed through, but both of them have spikes and I've got no goodies yet (boots). I did start this level with the 2 keys that were suggested at the end of L5. So am I missing the key somewhere? Or am I missing the boots? I have been through it 12 times! I 'think' I've checked everything... but can't figure my next move? Gosh I hope someone sees THIS post...lololol If not... I will do the unthinkable and start a new one?:scared:

3rd Edit: Well, I managed all by myself. Again.. something so simple~! lol I could get through a L4 on my own.. but the simple crap??? Good gracious! lolol Anyway.. major Shout out on this game as well as DX. Absolutely LOVED playing them. And your ending on DX??? Wow! Very creative. :)