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View Full Version : Tales of Symphonia vs Tales of Legendia (spoilers)

10-27-2006, 11:10 PM
The Tales series is my most favorite type of RPG ever, beginning with the awesome words in the titles, to the fantastic battles to the beatiful graphics and entertaining stories.

Tales of Symphonia is very very similar to Tales of Phantasia, and has all the standard races, dwarves, elves, and half-elves and stars a girl, Collette, whose destiny is to become an angel.

Tales of Legendia stars a girl who looks very much like Colette named Shirley and her destiny is to become the Merines, leader of a group of water-breathing people with wings. The races are humans, or Orerines and The water-breathing Ferines. The story's very different from the other two games.

The gameplay is different, as well. Collette is part of the party throughout the game, but Shirley isn't, although she has a lot of scenes. After the main story, Shirley does join the party.

I also found Legendia's dungeons incredibly easy and Symphonia's rather hard.

I loved both, and I wish some features of one were in the other and vice versa. They each had what the other lacked.

For others who played both, what did you think?

10-28-2006, 01:10 PM
What system is Legendia on I want to play it.

And also I found Symphonia's dungeons to be disappointingly easy, aside from the fact that most "puzzles" just required tedious actions. Except for that one near the end of the game, where the room is a maze and your character moves until they hit a wall oh God it took me forever to do that one and for some reason I always get lost in the level and spend 30 minutes running in circles. So except for that one dungeon I wish they were actually a little tougher :/

10-28-2006, 01:41 PM
What system is Legendia on I want to play it.

And also I found Symphonia's dungeons to be disappointingly easy, aside from the fact that most "puzzles" just required tedious actions. Except for that one near the end of the game, where the room is a maze and your character moves until they hit a wall oh God it took me forever to do that one and for some reason I always get lost in the level and spend 30 minutes running in circles. So except for that one dungeon I wish they were actually a little tougher :/

Tales of Legendia is on PS2.

And if you thought Symphonia's dungeons were dissapointing, don't hold your breath for Legendia's. The dungeons there really only consist of a straight linear path. There's not a whole lot of puzzles. And when there is one, it doesn't fit into the area at all. You get warped to a "puzzle room" which is basically a green room with a lot of blocks.

I didn't like Legendia as much as Symponia. It seems to take a step backwards from Symphonia. Even though I've only gotten through the main story, it doesn't seem like Legendia has much in relation with the other Tales games besides item and skill names. Hell, if you changed those names, you could pass it off as a completely different game.

The battle system is a little awkward as well. It's more like Tales of Phantasia than Symphonia. You have a 2-D plane that allows you to corner enemies very easily (or get cornered yourself). And the battle voices don't really improve the experience. After hearing "YAH, HA, EAT THIS!" over and over, it starts to get on your nerves. :sweat:

I also found Legendia a lot easier than other games in the series. I have yet to die in that game, where I've died a couple times in Atelier Iris 2 (a pretty easy game).

I enjoyed Symphonia and Phantasia more than Legendia. There's too many things I dislike about the game. :shrug:

10-28-2006, 04:53 PM
Tales of Legendia is on PS2.

And if you thought Symphonia's dungeons were dissapointing, don't hold your breath for Legendia's. The dungeons there really only consist of a straight linear path. There's not a whole lot of puzzles. And when there is one, it doesn't fit into the area at all. You get warped to a "puzzle room" which is basically a green room with a lot of blocks.

I didn't like Legendia as much as Symponia. It seems to take a step backwards from Symphonia. Even though I've only gotten through the main story, it doesn't seem like Legendia has much in relation with the other Tales games besides item and skill names. Hell, if you changed those names, you could pass it off as a completely different game.

The battle system is a little awkward as well. It's more like Tales of Phantasia than Symphonia. You have a 2-D plane that allows you to corner enemies very easily (or get cornered yourself). And the battle voices don't really improve the experience. After hearing "YAH, HA, EAT THIS!" over and over, it starts to get on your nerves. :sweat:

I also found Legendia a lot easier than other games in the series. I have yet to die in that game, where I've died a couple times in Atelier Iris 2 (a pretty easy game).

I enjoyed Symphonia and Phantasia more than Legendia. There's too many things I dislike about the game. :shrug:

I actually have to agree with everything you said, except I still loved the story, but I still have to admit that it actually was like a cheap rewritten and changed-around mocking of ToS. I'm just a sucker for these stories, though, I dunno why... But yes, the graphics and battle system were a step back, especially the throwing eres, that was supposed to be a new feature, but it was a waste and failure, and the graphics were also rather mediocre compared to TOS.

And I SEVERLY hate TOS's ice puzzle, but yes, if you thought TOS was easy, if you buy games for the dungeon play, all they are is a linear path in TOL, and I just didn't even bother with the broken duct puzzles.

Oh yeah and I actually had trouble and died with two enemies: Moses, and Nerifes. Heh.

10-28-2006, 05:27 PM
Tales of Legendia is a good game, but if you play Tales of Symphonia or Tales of the Abyss, it really can't compare at all.

Oh yeah. Play Tales of the Abyss now. I'd say it's the best of all of them, myself.. It doesn't really have a lot of puzzles, though, at least compared to Symphonia. As for the puzzles that are in Abyss, there weren't any annoying ones that I can remember, Symphonia definitely had more than it's fair share of annoying places (I'm looking at you, Meltokio Sewers and Forest of Ymir). The battle system is really good, FOFs and Free Run make it a lot different.. The only real bad part about the game is the overworld map. But that's not really a problem if you're used to loading times, anyway. I really like the characters in Abyss, but then again I like Legendia and Symphonia's as well.. :shrug:

Bleh, I'm no good at reviewing games. If you liked Symphonia, you'll like Abyss for sure.

10-28-2006, 05:37 PM
Tales of Legendia is a good game, but if you play Tales of Symphonia or Tales of the Abyss, it really can't compare at all.

Oh yeah. Play Tales of the Abyss now. I'd say it's the best of all of them, myself.. It doesn't really have a lot of puzzles, though, at least compared to Symphonia. At least there weren't any annoying ones, like Symphonia (I'm looking at you, Meltokio Sewers and Forest of Ymir). The battle system is really good, FOFs and Free Run make it a lot different.. The only real bad part about the game is the overworld map. But that's not really a problem if you're used to loading times, anyway. I really like the characters in Abyss, but then again I like Legendia and Symphonia's as well.. :shrug:

Bleh, I'm no good at reviewing games. If you liked Symphonia, you'll like Abyss for sure.

That's awesome, I was gonna get Abyss next. ^_^