View Full Version : Toggled Permanent Secrets and "Next Screen"s?

10-22-2006, 03:31 AM
Awhile back someone mentioned how the "Next Screen" feature, which allows secrets to carry over to other screens, could be toggled in order to fully implement the level-wide block switches from LttP without using multiple DMAPs. I've been tinkering with it, and I cannot get the switch to toggle correctly.

I link all the rooms containing red or blue switch blocks in a chain of "next screen" data. The last room does not point back towards the switch room.

If I use a temporary trigger, no other rooms in the "next screen" sequence trigger at all.

If I use a permanent trigger, I can't un-toggle the switch. It's permanent on all rooms once done.

I've tried using the "reset room" dealie, but that seems to have no effect unless the secrets are temporary, which, as mentioned above, prevents the switch from affecting any other rooms at all.

So what I need to do, basically, is clear a permanent secret or know if there's some other way to do this.

10-22-2006, 07:24 PM
Let's see... Do you mean Room State Carryovers? If so... They don't work with tiered secrets, they usually only trigger once, it'll only work with Enemies->Secrets if you check the flag Permanent Enemies->Secrets, and lots of other negative things. As far as I know, they don't work with Trigger combos, and... YOU CAN'T REVERSE IT. Oh yeah, and it only works on one screen. If you have a temporary secret that you want to trigger the carryover, you must use a trigger flag... Sigh... They're not as helpful as we'd want, but they suffice.... for now.

10-23-2006, 10:45 AM
Well, if it's true that it cannot be reversed, then I have my answer.

However, you did make a few mistakes in your post. First, You can use Room State Carryovers on any number of different rooms. You do this by linking the trigger room to the first carryover room, link the first carryover room to the second, etc. So you can have one trigger in one room affect any number of other rooms.

The room state carryover is MONSTEROUSLY useful because it lets us have remote triggering without making multiple DMAPS. Insanely useful. Not being able to reverse it is too bad, but it's still bad-ass.

10-23-2006, 06:27 PM
Well, if it's true that it cannot be reversed, then I have my answer.

However, you did make a few mistakes in your post. First, You can use Room State Carryovers on any number of different rooms. You do this by linking the trigger room to the first carryover room, link the first carryover room to the second, etc. So you can have one trigger in one room affect any number of other rooms.

The room state carryover is MONSTEROUSLY useful because it lets us have remote triggering without making multiple DMAPS. Insanely useful. Not being able to reverse it is too bad, but it's still bad-ass.

Really? I didn't know that! I thought tiered secrets didn't trigger RSCs. And here's the irony- One of my quests REQUIRES a tiered secret to trigger RSCs throughout the dungeon. XD

10-24-2006, 03:03 PM
No, you misunderstand. It's not a tiered secret issue. You trigger secrets on Room 1. You then go into Screen Data and have Room 1 carryover to Room 2. Then go to room 2's Screen Data and have Room 2 carryover to Room 3. Etc.

It has nothing to do with tiered secrets, although you could pull what you're doing off with a quick pitwarp. (To identical screen, hit trigger on that screen, warp back to the first screen almost instantly, the identical screen has a RSC to the room you want triggered).