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View Full Version : Legally, how is child support to be used?

10-19-2006, 03:35 PM
OK, so sob story time.

Ma mamma, when we wuz kids, were poor as niggas! She was low-income, payed about 200 a month for rent, included utilities, and lived off social security, disability, and child support. She bought roughly 200 dollars of groceries me and my sister and her all ate a MONTH. which means roughly 130 dollars of that, me and my sister ingested.

What I'm bothered with is the lack of actual support. My clothes were rarely purchased, we got them from this free shithole called the clothing closet.
We got ALOT of food free from "the food pantry" which gave away the food that stores couldn't sell anymore. The produce and the baked goods were always... disgusting.

Yeah I know, blah blah blah... What I'm wondering here, is if my moms absolutely rediculous amount of child support a month is legally required to go towards the children. Now... If she assumed 2 thirds of the rent was our problem, (lets assume 150) and two-thirds of groceries, also, thats roughly 300 dollars. Now, we recieved that much every two weeks! which fails to account for the other half - Spent on supporting chain smoking, and immense ammounts of alcohol. Like ALOT.
And other shit for my mom, like weed and shit.

What it's coming down to is that my mom pissed me off royally, by claiming she was such a good mother blah blah blah how did things turn out so baaaad, and I want something to rub in her face, and if she does the usual "It's not your business, you were too little, you can't remember!" shit, I could maybe make a lawsuit out of it.

I live in wisconsin, but can't find anywhere the information on how child support is to be used. help plz. :(:(

10-19-2006, 03:41 PM
Ask a lawyer and not a bunch of videogame dorks.

10-19-2006, 03:51 PM
Ask a lawyer and not a bunch of videogame dorks.
I'd have to agree with Bel. You'd have better chances asking a lawyer/law firm and getting some decent answers.

10-19-2006, 03:58 PM
you seem to run into an awfully absurd number of "legal" problems punkonjunk.

the sooner you realize that you're a stupid adolescent, and get over it, the sooner you can enjoy what there is to enjoy in life.

and don't talk back to your mother.

10-19-2006, 04:11 PM
Thx eckles but that doesn't really answer my question, and I don't care enough to pay a lawyer to give me some advice on something too stupid to follow through on.

10-19-2006, 04:21 PM
I don't care.

Then there's your answer.

10-19-2006, 04:24 PM
Thx eckles but that doesn't really answer my question, and I don't care enough to pay a lawyer to give me some advice on something too stupid to follow through on.

If you don't care enough to talk to laywer (a consult won't cost you anything) then we don't care enough to answer your question. After all, we don't have invested interests in the situation. What do you really expect to get out of these threads? I see two possible outcomes:

Outcome A:
A bunch of internet gaming forum members try to answer your questions. One or two may even try to sound authorative on the subject. None of the responses are helpful because none of us are lawyers.

Outcome B:
People like me will think you are an angsty teenager who should be reading a book instead of trying to learn law on an internet forum.

Honestly man, go sign up for some law classes. The hard work might make you appreciate what you have and you might learn something so you can stop posting these threads.

Edit: Beldaran beat me too it and said the same thing in 4 words. Pfft. :(

Modus Ponens
10-19-2006, 06:06 PM
Learn a skill, cultivate a talent, and write a song. Genius often rises from poverty. The less money you have, the richer you are in the human spirit. Be one of the rare and awesome humans who exceed expectations. I have faith in you, Punk.

10-19-2006, 06:14 PM
Legally yes, all the money of child support must go to support the child it's for. None of the money, not a single cent, goes to the person taking care of the child. If the money is not being spent appropriately, generally the person paying the child support would make the person recieving it itemize/keep track of the entire spending of the child support.

That should be true of all states. There is support that exists for ex-wives too, but child support often is mishandled as being some kind of hand out at the kid's expense. Anyways, at like 18 the child support ends, though I think it can be extended to 21 if you went to college. But really, one of your parents has to take charge. If both your parents are deadbeats, you're fucked.

10-19-2006, 06:28 PM
How do you keep getting yourself into these situations where you require legal advice.

Wanting to sue your mother for making you wear secondhand clothes? Fuck, man, she's your mum. She'd have to do something far worse than that first, surely.

10-19-2006, 06:36 PM
Outcome A:
None of the responses are helpful because none of us are lawyers.

I know of atleast one lawyer browsing the forum right now. POJ is stupid as shit though, so.. yeah.. why are people even replying to him?

Also, POJ, did you take into consideration that you were probably the reason your mother was wasting money chainsmoking and drinking herself to death? That's where the other half of the child support went. CASE CLOSED BITCH.

10-19-2006, 06:58 PM
so.. yeah.. why are people even replying to him?

Slow day, nothing better to do but murder children, and I'm out of bullets.

10-19-2006, 11:23 PM
Unless you have some kind of awesome, stable job that pays enough to support yourself with no problems I would think that burning the bridge to the only person in the world who might ever feel the obligation to help you out of trouble is a bad idea.

10-20-2006, 12:32 AM
being white trash is so dramatic!

I also lol'd at your clothing dilimena. YOU'RE "PUNK" THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING SIR. Also I didn't get "new" clothes until I was like, 13, and guess what, it made me grateful about things! GOD I HATE MY LIFE I WANT TO SUE MY MOM

10-20-2006, 12:42 AM
Well you're one up on me. Same situation, except my dad never sent the money.


10-20-2006, 04:42 AM
Thx eckles but that doesn't really answer my question, and I don't care enough to pay a lawyer to give me some advice on something too stupid to follow through on.

So, your entire existance can be summed up as "whines on message board about stuff too lazy to do anything about".

10-20-2006, 09:09 AM
My mom stopped buying shit for me about a year ago. She basically told me to get off my ass and get a job, so I did, and I still don't have any money somehow. But atleast I buy my own shit.

Also, making bowls helps.

Master Ghaleon
10-20-2006, 10:04 AM
Well its all supposed to goto the child, Since its called Child support and not Mother support. But I doubt that there is anything you can do about it.

10-20-2006, 09:09 PM
My dad's son's mother blew all her child support on drugs. Then dad's son tried to collect from dad because he never knew it had been paid.


Bladen's child support money is just a few extra bucks when I get it. Just means I can afford gas to take him some where that's not in Heath/Newark, or I buy him something cool, or we go out to eat...

I also use that money for things like... oil changes, new brakes and other general car maintenance. It also helps with my car payment.

I need to invest in some new clothes for work, though. The ones I wear kinda... suck :(

10-26-2006, 02:43 PM
I used to consider this a nice place to get answers to anything I'm wondering about, either casually or seriously. It seems more and more that how much some of you disaprove of what I have to say is inversely proportionate to how many reasonable answers I receive. Thanks for the negative criticism and negative oppinions, but I didn't ask!

10-26-2006, 05:14 PM
I used to consider this a nice place to get answers to anything I'm wondering about, either casually or seriously. It seems more and more that how much some of you disaprove of what I have to say is inversely proportionate to how many reasonable answers I receive. Thanks for the negative criticism and negative oppinions, but I didn't ask!

Armageddon GAMES forums. Do you see "FREE LEGAL ADVICE" anywhere? I didn't think so. This is a gaming forum. Nobody is certified to give you legal advice you and set your self up for what you get.

You want to sue your mom because you had a shitty childhood. Lots of people have a rough childhood but they get over it and don't bitch to a bunch of people on an internet forum.

Welcome to life, it's a bitch. Here's a fruit basket, a big black dildo, and a lollipop. Enoy your stay.