View Full Version : Quest Video Recording

10-15-2006, 08:44 PM
One thing occurred to Animus01 (A PureZC Member), and hopefully, it's easy to implement: Quest video recording. Emulators have a game recording, so why not the same option for our quests?

Things it can be useful for:
1) Showing off bugs and glitches better
2) Giving other people in PureZC, AGN, and other forums assistance in quests (ex. going through a dungeon, fighting a boss, etc.)
3) Showing off, period. Make your custom boss battle known to all!
4) Time attack in dungeons.
5) Reveal secrets to other questers easily.
6) Make videos as sorta trailers for upcoming quests (maybe open with Windows Movie Maker for this one).

So, basically, that's pretty much it. If it's already implemented, let me know. Just don't have several people reply saying the exact same thing if this occurs. Just one can tell me if it's already implemented.

Hot Water Music
11-02-2006, 04:27 PM
YES, I REALLY want this, this would be great!!

11-04-2006, 01:19 AM
YES, THIS WOULD BE GREAT! But the problem is filespace. :(

Nicholas Steel
11-04-2006, 02:34 AM
not if they only record key presses like most emulators do... then its easy and consumes maybe a MB... if you want it as an avi or similar tho then it will be massive...

11-04-2006, 03:08 AM
But how would it play on your browser and such?

Nicholas Steel
11-04-2006, 04:10 AM
if its just a bunch of key presses then you play it from within zelda classic... but if its an avi then you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

11-04-2006, 12:11 PM
Or we could use MPEG video. And then we could even load it onto Google video.

11-04-2006, 06:22 PM
Watching me beat the first seven levels of HoD in 4.5 hours... oh, that'd be freaking great.

EDIT: ... shouldn't this be in the standard suggestions forum? I figured that you would want it soon... but 2.11 already has enough new features. All they are doing to it now is finishing up the current features and finishing bugs... as well as finishing implementing whatever other features that have already been started. It'd be nice... but the devs simply don't have enough time to have this done for 2.11... well, that's assuming that they're still going for the end of the year deadline.

Also... I think this would be better as a separate program that runs with ZC at the same time.

Dart Zaidyer
11-05-2006, 12:13 AM
I think this is a novel idea, given the relative popularity of "movie" recording features in modern emulators. The question is how difficult it would be to implement... The game would have to record not only the player's every move, but also the game's own moves as well, like monsters and item drops and such. Speed and frameskipping controls may also become necessary to prevent desynchronization between the recording and the actual gameplay.
It seems simple enough to do on an emulator, but with ZC's twisty codebase, we can only guess.

Nicholas Steel
11-05-2006, 11:51 AM
side note... if you've used fraps before then you should be well aware of the insanely sever performance drop in games while using it... that dumps video's as pure avi files... so i think dumping and converting to mpeg would render pretty much every computer (unless you have a dual core :P and the games multi threaded...) useless.