View Full Version : Multiple Activation Switch

10-11-2006, 12:12 PM
is there a way to make a switch that i can activate with the bombs and sword? i want a switch like the ones from links awakening & the oracle games where it moves the red blocks up and the blue ones down when you trip it. Can someone also tell me how to make it so that you can change it multiple times please? any help is much appreciated

10-11-2006, 01:04 PM
Well, the "Strike" combo triggers no matter what weapon hits it, I believe. If it doesn't trigger based on bombs, then what you can do is put a Sword flag on the Combo itself (in the combo editor) and a Bomb flag on the same combo after you've placed it down. Viola, two flags at once.

As for using multiple times, you need to use tiered secret flags. If you hold control and click a secret combo in the secret combo editor, you can assign a flag to that secret combo. In this way, you can keep flags after secrets are triggered.

Here's how to do your switch. For this example, I will use the "strike" flag.
1. Place your switch combo on the screen.
2. Place a "Strike" flag on the switch.
3. Open your Secret Combo editor.
4. Set the "Any Weapon" (is it called that?) Combo to be the same switch combo you just placed on the screen.
5. Still in the secret combo editor, control click the "Any Weapon" combo and set it to "strike."


1. Go to your combo editor and put a "strike" flag on the switch combo.
2. Follow steps 1-4 above.

Now, lets say you want the switch to change colors depending upon whether it's on or off. There are a few ways to do this. Here's one of them.

1. Follow all the steps described above, but make sure the switch combo is totally invisible. (You don't have to make it invisible if you are sure the combos you will make in step 2 will totally cover it.)
2. Make two new combos that look just like the switch used to, but have no combo properties. Make them different colors to represent "on" and "off."
3. Go to Layer 1.
4. Place the first of these two new combos right on top of your invisible switch. Place Secret Flag 16 in the same place, on layer 1.
5. Open the Secret Combo editor.
6. Set Secret Combo 16 to be the second of your two new combos. Set Secret Combo 17 to be the first of your two new combos (the same one you just placed on Layer 1).
7. Control-click on Secret Combo 16 and place Secret Flag 17. Control-click on Secret Combo 17 and place Secret Flag 16.

So what will happen? Link hits the switch, which never changes, and triggers a change in color on the faux switch. It will toggle back and forth as long as you keep hitting it. You handle blocks rising and falling using a similar method, by the way.

Two more considerations with switches. Using the method outlined above, if Link's weapon stays in contact with the switch, the switch will keep bouncing back and forth. That is, if you slash it, you might toggle the switch several times. If you want to avoid this, use combo animation. I'm assuming that you've used all the methods above and you're continuing on:

1. Put the Strike flag on the actual switch combo itself. Do not merely place it using the editor.
2. Make a new combo, identical to the switch combo on Layer 0. (The actual switch, not the faux switches on Layer 1).
2. Set this new combo to combo animate to the actual switch with a delay of, say, 15.
3. On Layer 0, open your Secret Combo editor.
4. Change the "All Weapon" Secret Combo to be the new Combo you just created. Control click and eliminate the "Strike" flag if you had it placed.

So what will happen? When you strike the switch, it will first become the inoperable dummy switch you just created for about 15 tics, then cycle back to being the active switch. So Link's sword has time to hit it only once per swing, eliminating multiple triggers.

Last concern. What about toggling blocks on other screens? This appears possible now, since you can just select "room state carryover." However, I'm not experienced using that feature, so I leave the explaination to someone else.

10-11-2006, 07:01 PM
I wonder... could you assign two specific weapons (e.g. sword and bomb) by assigning the combo a #6 bomb flag, but also placing a #79 sword slash flag on it?

10-12-2006, 08:23 AM
eh? how could i assign it two flags? :S is this in a simmilar way to C-dawg's ctrl click on the secret combo menu?

10-12-2006, 03:54 PM
No, you need 2.11 to assign it two flags. You could assign the combo a permanent flag, but also place another flag on it (like we do it now).

I suppose that would require one of two items...

10-12-2006, 09:00 PM
I'll make an example and submit it to PZC in 2.10, it won't be long.

10-12-2006, 09:39 PM
ok sry about the DP, but you can either download it right now:
switch example.zip - 0.27MB (http://www.zshare.net/download/switch-example-zip.html)

or you can wait for it to get put on PZc which I submitted a while ago.