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View Full Version : Action is item is equiped.

10-11-2006, 04:28 AM
I'm using version 2.11.14,
Ok I have two questions:
1) I'm using Link->Item[IT_xxx] to determine if Link has an item in his inventory and doing something if it's true, something like this:
ffc script SomeName
if ( Link->Item[IC_CANDLE] )
...do something here.
The code inside the if is only executed when the selected item changes (it seems) rather then all the time once the item is acquired. Without the if the code works correctly. What am I doing wrong?

2) Is it possible to detect whether an active item is actually equipped rather then just in the inventory?


10-11-2006, 07:36 AM
1. One thing I can see is that you shouldn't be using IC_CANDLE, as that's an itemclass constant and not an item. But otherwise the code should execute every frame you possess the candle, I have no idea why it's linked to item switching.

2. Currently not.