View Full Version : Compass Suggestions

09-28-2006, 02:32 PM
1: A second compass marker for the map. This would (assuming the questmaker assigned different colors) differentiate from the normal compass mark. Mainly to be used for marking treasure chests a la Zelda 3 onward, but could be used for all sorts of things.

2: Custom Icons. Set per D-Map, lets you use the subscreen equivalent of a minitile to have a custom symbol for your triforce and treasure markers. Include a checkbox for a "blink" option.

3: Screen flag: Compass->SFX. See Link's Awakening. Doable via scripts, yes, but a screen flag shouldn't be too hard to implement. (Upon further thought, I reaized that there would also need to be a check to see if a set item had yet to be obtained. This might be a little tricky, since both the item OR special item could be used. Leaving this to FFCs MIGHT be the best idea after all, since there are really three options: always beep, beep until get item, and beep until get special item.)

4: Compass options for the large map. Why should the minimap get all the fun? Basically, similar options as seen for suggestions 1 and 2.

5: Z3-style map. Here's how it would work: the player would press the Map button, and a custom set of screens would pop up. The editor would work similarly to the subscreen editor. Include the option to create a template, to save frustrations on those longer quests. Floors could be added as part of the map, allowing the player to scroll between the however many by pressing up/down. Room types could be assigned to specific screens, allowing the player to create pseudo large rooms by assigning them all to the same piece of the map (IE Link enters the bottom right hand corner screen, and the 2x2 square appears as an "entered" room). The Map causes all rooms to appear, with an option to change the display color on rooms that can be seen on the map but not yet visited. Compass icons could be added, not a lot more to explain here.