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View Full Version : Help with Zelda Classic 10 test

09-28-2006, 09:21 AM
Not sure what this one is, but it is the last one on the original Zelda Classic. I am looking for a walk through for this quest. Everything looks the same, but I can't use the blue candle and no matter how many bombs I pick up, I can't seen bombs in my bomb bank and can't use them either. Also, I can't get past the first dungeon as I can't find the master key. I don't remember the first quest or Demoex that I am currently doing having master keys. Can anybody please help? Also, I have tried downloading other quests, but for some reason, I can't play them. Having trouble with zip files or something I guess. Any suggestions there, too, would be welcome. Thanks!!

Dark Nation
09-28-2006, 10:26 AM
210test.qst is broken. I think someone posted a fixed copy somewhere.

09-28-2006, 01:17 PM
Thank you. I'm glad you told me before I decided to keep going. I can't seem to find the "fixed" version, but there are so many cool games in here to download, but every time I try to download one of them, it puts it on my PC under Winzip and then when I try to open it, it says "Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a vailid archive. If you downloaded this file, try downloading the file again". Then it goes to ADD under unzip files and says "Filename of archive is not complete. Be sure to specify a valid filename". Can you help me with these problems or direct me to where I could get help. Thank you so much!!:confused: