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09-25-2006, 04:15 PM

"[Nintendo and their DS] are appealing to the same audience that Game Boy has always appealed to. And if you look at the adoption rate of the DS over the first 17 months, not only does it trail the PSP but it also trails their other platforms ... They're potentially losing some of their core audience and they're not really expanding beyond that, and we think we're expanding into a completely new audience as we did with PlayStation ... we'll dip down to the younger consumer eventually, and we'll ultimately appeal to that vastly Earth wide audience we carved out with the original PlayStation."

What is it with them lately? Seriously, is everyone at that company taking retard pills when they say this crap?

"Let's see.. DS is *killing* PSP in sales - has been since it came out.. Nintendo must be losing customers! PSP will be king!"

09-25-2006, 04:24 PM
Ya I saw that the other day too. Last I checked DS was hammering the PSP. Yet some people think it's magically the other way around.

09-25-2006, 04:27 PM
Sorry, but Sony's management is way too preoccupied tounging each other's apparently silver plated balls of gaming glory to realize they are way behind the curve in almost every way that counts.

09-25-2006, 04:29 PM
Even if you ignore the facts, the statement is still stupid.

Let's assume he is just talking about "new audience" or something. That still makes no sense because then what the hell are Nintendogs and Brain Age doing? Nintendo has specifically been working to attract new ppl to the DS who might otherwise not have purchased one. I mean, they have adults playing Brain Age afterall. So really it baffles the mind that he can say stuff like that.

09-25-2006, 04:31 PM
Well we know Sony's management is retarded. But the hardware that is in the PS3 other than being expensive and complicated, should be solid enough for the next generation. It's disappointing because I'd rather see them go down in flames. There's still hope if Blue Laser diode production persists in being difficult for a few years.

09-25-2006, 04:36 PM
I think they'll go down in lames instead. [/secondgradehumor]

09-25-2006, 05:12 PM
Well we know Sony's management is retarded. But the hardware that is in the PS3 other than being expensive and complicated, should be solid enough for the next generation. It's disappointing because I'd rather see them go down in flames. There's still hope if Blue Laser diode production persists in being difficult for a few years.

Speaking of Sony going down in flames, I read this today and it was pretty interesting: http://www.electricsistahood.com/reviews/2006/09/do-math-will-sony-go-broke.html (the article is titled "Do The Math: Will Sony Go Broke?")

09-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Great article. The reason Sony is willing to take such a loss is because they are totally gambling on the blue-ray format taking off, which it won't.

I really wish they'd have just done what 360 did and release it as an add-on. Then the price goes down about $200 and I don't have to pay for the stupid POS I'll never even use (honestly, look at the selection of blu-ray movies.. they don't have shit out.. besides which, the quality is not good enough to justify it for me, esp when I know this format will fail and they'll just become coasters a few years down the road).

09-25-2006, 05:50 PM
The thing is Warlock, they are pushing it as a need for next generation gaming as well. It does have it's uses there but does the cost justify it? When you think about it, if Sony just dropped the Blu-Ray being included they might be doing alot better now. Assuming Sony survives the early years of the PS3, they'll be around for the next generation I imagine. But I guess we will all see in a few months how things will be taking shape. Personally I'm quite comfortable with my Xbox 360 that didn't break the bank and still offers a next-gen experience. And I will be happy when the Nintendo Wii is released. I'm sure there are plenty of retarded Playstation fanboys out there that will follow Sony off the cliff, but I think the general mass gamers aren't going to be looking at PS3 near as much as Wii or 360 when they cost so much less.

As some people say, "I vote my wallet". The fact is the PS3 is going to be quite a heavy hitter on entertainment dollars. We still aren't really sure what games will cost. I'm fine with 50$ to 60$, anything more is just not gonna work with me.

09-25-2006, 05:53 PM
The thing is Warlock, they are pushing it as a need for next generation gaming as well. It does have it's uses there but does the cost justify it? When you think about it, if Sony just dropped the Blu-Ray being included they might be doing alot better now. Assuming Sony survives the early years of the PS3, they'll be around for the next generation I imagine. But I guess we will all see in a few months how things will be taking shape. Personally I'm quite comfortable with my Xbox 360 that didn't break the bank and still offers a next-gen experience. And I will be happy when the Nintendo Wii is released. I'm sure there are plenty of retarded Playstation fanboys out there that will follow Sony off the cliff, but I think the general mass gamers aren't going to be looking at PS3 near as much as Wii or 360 when they cost so much less.

Yeah exactly. Check the article, I posted a comment there :) (just search for "warlock"). I said the only reason they are willing to take such a loss is to push blu-ray on people. Just like the PS2 did with DVDs (but of course, DVD vs. VHS is huge compared to Blu-ray vs. DVD). I honestly think Sony is too full of themselves right now to see the stupidity of this. But like you said, we'll see. They do have enough mindless peons who will buy a PS3 no matter what. Honestly, I would have if not for all the recent crap they have been pulling. Now I'm just going to wait for Final Fantasy or some other game that actually makes the system worth it.

09-25-2006, 05:56 PM
Can any one game make a 600$ system worth it..? I mean really, I can't think of a single game truely worth a 600$ system. I'll get a PS3, when it's 300$ or less maybe. ;p

09-25-2006, 06:05 PM
Can any one game make a 600$ system worth it..? I mean really, I can't think of a single game truely worth a 600$ system. I'll get a PS3, when it's 300$ or less maybe. ;p

Not one, but by that time there will at least be a handful of decent ones. Plus, HDMI will be nice for my TV (and old PS2 games).

09-25-2006, 06:07 PM
Decent games don't justify a 600$ system to me. They must be good/great/masterpiece of a certain number. For the PS3 now they must also be PS3 exclusive. Anything on 360 and PS3 doesn't even factor in.

09-25-2006, 06:15 PM
Decent games don't justify a 600$ system to me. They must be good/great/masterpiece of a certain number. For the PS3 now they must also be PS3 exclusive. Anything on 360 and PS3 doesn't even factor in.

I can afford the $600, so to me they do. One year ago I would *not* have been buying a PS3 at all though.

So keep in mind, the only reason is that I can actually afford to buy one :P That doesn't mean I *like* shelling out that much money, but if they have enough good exclusives (like FF13) that's enough for me.

09-25-2006, 07:46 PM
The car my parents used predominately when I was young (like 2-7) cost them $600.

Then again, the only current systems I own are the GBA/SP and the Gamecube. I'd love a PS2 for Katamari Damacy and maybe Castlevania and such, but it's not very high on my priority list.

Does Sony comprehend that besides the ridiculous price, some people will genuinely not be able to afford this thing? I can imagine plenty of people in their early 20s, who have PS2s and stuff and might've looked into the PS3, but needed that money for, oh yeah, food and electricity. A PS3 is awesome without electricity.

Just my two cents. Literally.

09-25-2006, 08:00 PM
That's basically what I was saying. If you get a premium PS3 rather than a premium Xbox 360, you're spending an extra 200$ on the system you are getting, which could have bought you 3 to 4, maybe 5 games (depending on new, used, sales, etc). That's quite alot of entertainment. And you could go even further, opposed to buying a PS3 and 1 game for 560$+tax (low end ps3) you could buy a Nintendo Wii and 6 brand new games. 8 brand new games if you went with the premium ps3 vs wii.

8 games opposed to 1, or even 6 games opposed to 1 sounds alot better to me. Sony seems to believe that their system's superior technology will justify the higher price. The thing is while that may work for the hardware, the increased cost of development which then factors into software sales most likely will not. I think people are will to stretch forward to 60$ for a new release. I highly doubt they want the rumored 59$ to 99$ software range.

09-25-2006, 09:55 PM
I guess that's their retaliation press confrence to the GBA SP beating out the PSP in sales a few weeks ago.

09-25-2006, 10:24 PM
There's a lot of really big mistakes in that article. It seems to add up, but the comments at the bottom really tear it apart. The writer of the article is assuming that the stars will align and that every possible thing that can go badly for the PS3, will.
I think that Sony will lose quite a bit of money but they definately won't go under. Now, their video gaming sector might go under, but the entire company won't be pulled down with it. Either way, that would be a good thing for Nintendo, so :thumbsup:.

09-26-2006, 02:48 AM
I won't be interested in buying a PS3 until the price is cut in half. Until then, Wii for me.

09-26-2006, 07:47 AM
I think that Sony will lose quite a bit of money but they definately won't go under. Now, their video gaming sector might go under, but the entire company won't be pulled down with it.

That's one of the main points the article was trying to make. The video game sector IS Sony, and without it, the company will be in dire straits. It's like pulling the sails off a sinking ship and expecting it to still get to land. Sony still has a chance, but if their gaming sector tanks, the whole company is in deep.

09-26-2006, 11:07 AM
I lol'd at the article

Sony's ignorance will probably be their downfall.

09-26-2006, 11:14 AM
What if all of this was some ploy by Sony to get publicity? I mean, lets face it, it's a little ridiculous to say all the things they've been saying, while completely obvlious that everything said is wrong. What if they were doing this to generate superpublicity, so when they release the 300 super high end PS3 people are gonna buy it because its 300 cheaper than what was advertised? What if all of this is some facade, and the actual PS3 is going to kick ass?
Just a thought.

09-26-2006, 11:24 AM
What if all of this was some ploy by Sony to get publicity? I mean, lets face it, it's a little ridiculous to say all the things they've been saying, while completely obvlious that everything said is wrong. What if they were doing this to generate superpublicity, so when they release the 300 super high end PS3 people are gonna buy it because its 300 cheaper than what was advertised? What if all of this is some facade, and the actual PS3 is going to kick ass?
Just a thought.

No, PS3 costs $1000 to manufacture. They are not going any cheaper than $600.

Aegix Drakan
09-26-2006, 11:54 AM
That's it. I am now officially convinces that Sony is attempting economical suicide.

Either that or their management is insane.

09-26-2006, 12:00 PM
I'll stick to my Xbox 360 and rest for now, $600 is way too much.

09-26-2006, 12:51 PM

Consider the comments of Michihiro Sasaki, senior VP of Square Enix. Sasaki's company has been a longtime supporter of the PlayStation, particularly with its Final Fantasy series of games. Sasaki told the Journal that "We don't want the PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them," he said. "But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much."

I'm sorry, but LOL at that. You know Sony has some problems when basically *the* "exclusive content" 3rd party they have says they hate them. It's sort of come down to Square producing games for PS3 in the same way a pretty girl goes out with a loser on a pity date :)

09-26-2006, 01:27 PM
Hey, not to keep coming up with insults, but I realized a good one.

Know another console with prices like this?
Oh yes. About $700 US dollars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD-i).

Just a thought :)

09-26-2006, 02:53 PM
You know Sony has some problems when basically *the* "exclusive content" 3rd party they have says they hate them.

I don't think that SE hates Sony. They are just in a hard place right now. Exclusively supporting the PS3 probably won't mean suicide for them, but if people don't buy PS3s, who's going to buy their games? That's development cycles, production runs, and all sorts of money they won't make up.

That being said, if they support Sony too little, they may assist in it's demise, and that would be bad for them as well. Sony is counting their chickens before they hatch, but Square-Enix is playing it safe and smart. It's a bad sign if your exclusive third party game makers don't have confidence in your product.

09-26-2006, 03:54 PM
Basically Sony has given me the sentiment that they don't know what they are doing, and no matter how much evidence to the contrary can be provided I still have the gut feeling.

The system is launching a year after the XBox 360 and to date I haven't seen any major differences between the two. They'll both target the same audiences, have the same kinds of games, provide similar online experiences, and similar support for people with expensive entertainment setups.

On the other hand, news from Sony is consistently peppered with announcements of problems, feature cuts, and other disappointments. To top it off, Sony's attitude is that they have already won when I'm not even sure if anyone in the press has playtested the blasted thing.

So constant bad press plus their aggressive opinion that there's no reason to buy anything but the PS3 when no evidence of this claim exists makes my failure sense go crazy.

It'll sell, but it won't be a smash hit I think.

09-26-2006, 04:00 PM
Oh I think PS3 will sell like hot cakes. But that's due to the initial excitement. But after the initial batch is sold and maybe through christmas time, the excitement will dwindle. It'll truely be up to Sony and 3rd partys to try to keep the marketing campaign/hype train going.

PS3 does have some advantages over the 360, but nothing that important really. We are already hearing rumors about the360 having a new black color edition console this holiday season. There's also rumors of a 360+HDDVD bundle, even a price drop on the console because of increased production efficancy cutting costs to make the console.

09-27-2006, 01:47 AM
PS3 does have some advantages over the 360, but nothing that important really. We are already hearing rumors about the360 having a new black color edition console this holiday season. I'm hearing rumors that making decisions about expensive electronic devices based on the color of the unit makes one a colossal faggot, I'm expecting confirmation of this rumor any time.

Honestly you buy the electronics THEN decorate the room, not the other way around.

09-27-2006, 01:58 AM
I dunno, I don't think Sony is in as bad of a place as you all think. What should they do? Admit that stocks are low and they've made some mistakes? They're in so far that they can't go back, but apparently trying to save themselves somewhat by talking themselves up and painting a brighter picture makes them retards? I don't see it. It's not something that other companies haven't done totally. They would be stupider to go around admitting the mistakes they made.

Plus, I think 3-4 years from now, the PS3 will be sitting pretty as the tech comes down in price, more games are released, and more people have HD TV's and interest in Blu-Ray. It'll be rough for the first year or two, of that I have no doubt. But I don't think this will be the downfall of the PS3. I'll gladly shove my foot in my mouth if I'm wrong.

Oh, and I don't think SE developing for the PS3 is something that they are stuck doing. They have said on multiple occasions that they want to develop their main FF games for the PS3 because they like what it's capable of, and SE like's pretty games.

09-27-2006, 02:35 AM
I dunno, I don't think Sony is in as bad of a place as you all think. What should they do? Admit that stocks are low and they've made some mistakes? They're in so far that they can't go back, but apparently trying to save themselves somewhat by talking themselves up and painting a brighter picture makes them retards?

Yes to all of the above. Yes they should admit that some of their choices in the past have been mistakes, because that shows people that they recognize it and are ready to correct it. As of now, Sony is sitting and smiling as the numbers continuously show problems.

And claiming that the PSP is outselling the DS is, in fact, retarded. Anyone with half a brain could look up the numbers for themselves and see that the exact opposite is true.

Aegix Drakan
09-27-2006, 08:01 AM
I'll gladly shove my foot in my mouth if I'm wrong.

When you do that, show us the Pics please!

09-27-2006, 10:09 AM
I dunno, I don't think Sony is in as bad of a place as you all think. What should they do? Admit that stocks are low and they've made some mistakes? They're in so far that they can't go back, but apparently trying to save themselves somewhat by talking themselves up and painting a brighter picture makes them retards? I don't see it. It's not something that other companies haven't done totally. They would be stupider to go around admitting the mistakes they made.

Plus, I think 3-4 years from now, the PS3 will be sitting pretty as the tech comes down in price, more games are released, and more people have HD TV's and interest in Blu-Ray. It'll be rough for the first year or two, of that I have no doubt. But I don't think this will be the downfall of the PS3. I'll gladly shove my foot in my mouth if I'm wrong.

Oh, and I don't think SE developing for the PS3 is something that they are stuck doing. They have said on multiple occasions that they want to develop their main FF games for the PS3 because they like what it's capable of, and SE like's pretty games.

Here's what they should do:
1.) Don't outright *lie* and say your product is beating another product when it's not even close.
2.) Don't insult the people who might want to buy your product (i.e. "They'll buy a PS3 even if it has no games" or "We think people can just work harder to make the money to afford our product" type of comments)
3.) Stop trying to use your video game hardware to push new "Sony owned" formats on people just so you can get rich. (or insert any instance of Sony forcing *their* stuff on you when there should be alternatives - another example is UMDs when PSP could have easily had a DVD drive)
4.) Stop taking retard pills :P

But honestly you defend Sony in every topic so I don't expect to change your mind on anything.

09-27-2006, 11:15 AM
Hours before the launch of the space shuttle Challenger, a teleconference was held between NASA representatives and the Morton Thiokol engineering staff. The subject of discussion was concern over the observed trend of the erosion of o-ring seals on the solid rocket boosters. The engineers had observed the trend that erosion increased as the temperature at launch decreased, and were concerned about the launch since it would be the coldest launch ever.

Corporate politics clashed with ethical obligations, and NASA and the corporate heads of Thiokol determined that while the statistics did seem to indicate a startling trend, there absence of data for the particular expected temperatures at launch (the engineers were excluded from this decision and are still quite pissed off). They then decided that since nothing bad had happened before, it would be impossible for this trend to continue towards disaster.

Now Sony is looking at sales numbers and a market that indicates diminished sales and they are calling victory? Sony's never failed before, how could anything go wrong?

09-27-2006, 03:34 PM
Atma, the Black Xbox 360 is merely a nice thing. No one really believes that the color makes all the difference.

Warlock, actually the PSP could not have had a DVD drive. The PSP is not large enough to contain even a mini-dvd. The disc is actually smaller than that. Plus they had to be contained in some sort of caddy because some kind of tray type design probably wasn't fesible. The UMD also has a lower density than the DVD (though it's dual layered) possibly for better reading liability for a portable device. The problem with UMD was them trying to push it as a new music and video medium. For games it wasn't bad.

09-27-2006, 04:11 PM
Atma, the Black Xbox 360 is merely a nice thing. No one really believes that the color makes all the difference.

Warlock, actually the PSP could not have had a DVD drive. The PSP is not large enough to contain even a mini-dvd. The disc is actually smaller than that. Plus they had to be contained in some sort of caddy because some kind of tray type design probably wasn't fesible. The UMD also has a lower density than the DVD (though it's dual layered) possibly for better reading liability for a portable device. The problem with UMD was them trying to push it as a new music and video medium. For games it wasn't bad.

For games it's fine, I don't care about that. For movies it was rediculous. How hard is it for them to slap a DVD holder onto the back of that? DVDs are not *that* big. They could even leave it as an add-on if you don't want that thing on there while you are playing games or something.

Edit: I looked it up: PSP is 74mm tall. DVDs are 117mm in diameter. That's maybe 25mm extra top and bottom.

09-27-2006, 05:16 PM
I don't think you quite understand what you're suggesting. A handheld as tall as a fucking CD? That 120mm. Plus you have to have MORE than just 120mm because the drive/tray goes around that. If anything would work at all, it would be a attachment to attach a seperate CD-ROM/DVD-ROM that plugs in the USB port, and lets you watch DVD movies and listen to audio CDs, maybe even MP3s on CD.

Anyways, other than an attachment via USB, yes it would be impossible for them to get away with using a full size disc. Seriously, pickup your DS and a CD in it's CD case and place that over/under it in the center. See how unappealing that is? Not to mention it would make the PSP no longer 16:9 aspect, it would no longer fit in a pocket very easily.

09-30-2006, 05:27 PM
for me, the PS3 is way too expensive for my current earnings, I've got better things to worry about then the PS3 right now, but if I could, I'd get it if there were a good selection of games (mostly RPGs and whatever)

Darth Marsden
10-03-2006, 05:31 PM
for me, the PS3 is way too expensive for my current earnings, I've got better things to worry about then the PS3 right now, but if I could, I'd get it if there were a good selection of games (mostly RPGs and whatever)
I think that's the current thought among most rational gamers. The die-hard Sony fanboys will buy one whatever, and the die-hard XBox or Nintendo fans will blank it from existance, but I like to think that most people will look at the PS3 and think 'far too expensive, but if it comes down in price and there's some decent stuff for it, I may get it at some point'.

That's what I think, anyway. Anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong and must be shot.

10-03-2006, 08:28 PM
Ya I have to agree with your Darth, and make the same threat.

Price really does matter. A cheaper PS3 + 1 Game = Wii + 8 Games. I think many people would rather be able to buy 8 new games than 1. Or a 360 with somewhere between 3 and 5 games opposed to a PS3+1 game.

Just because I can, I thought I'd mention Nintendo sold just shy of 1.6 million copies of their new Pokemon game for DS in a mere four days in japan.