View Full Version : Hair in the workplace

09-24-2006, 06:27 PM
Okay, this thread is meant to be part question for my own sake, but also just to bring up the subject in general for anyone to discuss. I figure someone else around here surely has some problems with this, right? *shrugs*

Having long hair and having a job are difficult things sometimes, especially if you're male or have the misfortune of being effectively male (if you don't know what I'm talking about please don't ask here). Some places will let you keep it if it's clean and constantly pulled back or in a bun or something, but it always seems to be a bit of a shaky matter in general anyway.

Now I, for one, absolutely love having long hair and want to avoid cutting it if at all possible- at least, cutting it genuinely short, I could be convinced to change styles for a while if I had to. I will soon (next couple months, possibly) be seeking out my first job. It will be temporary employment, and my goal is to put most/maybe nearly all of what I earn in a savings account, or moving out and college and so on. Wal Mart is my best shot for getting hired, for being work I can do, and handily, I'm pretty hopeful I can at least get away with a ponytail there, and their dress code doesn't bother me much (heck, I wear vests all the time anyway, I wouldn't mind wearing theirs). However, I have the added dark side of this being in Texass, which could complicate that if my luck really sucks.

My question is, first off, is it likely I can keep my long hair (http://mitsukara.galxeth.net/Me_Chicago_8-06.jpg) (yes, I know I may need to lose a couple inches; that wouldn't be so bad, as long as it's still long) and still get hired at Wal Mart, at least all back in a ponytail? Keep in mind I have no work experience and no high school diploma, either.

Now, if that's a pretty good/safe yes, then I have an extra question to push my limits: I'm wondering if I could get away with a hair style something like this (http://mitsukara.galxeth.net/MitsyatWork.gif) (additionally, here's (http://mitsukara.galxeth.net/hairexplanation.jpg) a drawing of what I'd like to do with it as an absolute ideal- I'm not sure my hair could have that much volume, but it should give you a pretty good idea of what I have in mind)- basically, leave my hair more or less like now (as I said, back can lose a couple inches if it needs to) and put most of it in a ponytail for work, but have these shorter-cut (jawline length ideally, but shorter would be okay if I could get away with that) bangs which would be parted and kept to the sides. This would have most of my hair back/up but some covering the sides of my head. If the specific style I've displayed/described here won't work, I'd be willing to compromise to similar effect- I just want to know if it's even possible.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated ^^

09-24-2006, 07:28 PM
My dad has long hair that he keeps in a ponytail, and he has worked at various places with it like that. His hair has been long for pretty much as long as I can remember. He worked on a computer at a printing place that made business cards and stuff, and now he works on a computer at a advertsing newspaper thingy. I guess it depends on what kind of policy the place has.

09-24-2006, 07:57 PM
Long hair + ponytail is pretty acceptable in most places I've been though the computer industry seems to be more tolerant than other fields. Given some of the creepy-looking people I've seen working the halls of Wal-Mart I can't see how long hair on a dude would be something that would keep you out.

Flash Man
09-24-2006, 10:44 PM
As long as you don't work in the fresh foods area in Wal-Mart, they shouldn't care too much. I would pull it back or something during your interviews too look a little more professional. After you get hired do whatever you want until they decide to approach you about it. Theres plenty of people who have longer hair at my Wal-Mart.

09-24-2006, 11:05 PM
mess it up and push it in your face then run into screaming "GIVE ME A JOB FUCKARS!!!ONE" and then whip your penis out and go nuts. YEAH!:fempimp:

09-24-2006, 11:36 PM
when were you in Chicago :O

09-25-2006, 12:16 AM
I totally told you when I was in chicago! I went to the field museum with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law, remember? In the middle of the trip to Kansas City last month. The field museum, and some downtown buildings (most noteably the aquarium near the field museum, and the Sears tower) were all I saw of proper "Chicago". We stayed at a "Lee's Inn" in some suburb, ate at Cracker Barrel (why couldn't it have been some place with special Chicago Pizza or something? ;.; ) and a trip to Target were all I saw. Target was built exactly like the one in Wichita Falls, Texas, excitingly.

I'm not sure, but I'm thinking I'll leave my hair alone until I'm hired- I'm 95% sure that'll work out okay, the 5% is just uncertainty and the chance of a Texasism. Once I'm working I think I'll experiment as it seems safe to do so. Still open to any advice/comments, though. Thanks! ^.^