View Full Version : Rocs feather question(no not a suggestion)

09-23-2006, 02:49 PM
Before you skip the whole thing and give me the boot, read it!

I know a real Roc's Feather is far away, but with Item Scripting coming along. will we be able to FAKE it, like jump tiles only as an item?

09-23-2006, 07:16 PM
Actually, thinking about it, jump tiles as an item wouldn't be faking it, it would just be Roc's feather. That's a good idea.

09-23-2006, 10:17 PM
Something that should be noted is that my jump tile has quite a bit of fakery involved in it. In particular, as there is currently no way to shut off Link's collision detection, it requires that at some point Link is moved to a covered, unwalkable location on each screen that it is used.

Also, jump tiles don't provide the ability to swing the sword in midair.

Also, don't forget sidescrolling areas.

09-23-2006, 11:20 PM
You're wondering if you can create a tile that will cause the player to jump to another space? I have no clue, but the idea is intriguing, and certainly not unprecedented in the Zelda universe. Since LTTP, there has been a sort of jumping, even if it was only one way in it's earliest form.

What you're asking could potentially be a combo, or a script, or however it's used (since I don't fully understand scripting yet), that would be placed on the edges of a chasm (both sides), and the player would jump across said chasm when they stepped on the tile. Could be very useful.

If you ask me, it should be a flag. A series of flags, of course, for multiple directions. Bounce North, Bounce South, Bounce East, and Bounce West (or up down left right). Each flag would send the player bounding two tiles in a certain direction, skipping the first and landing on the second. The landing tile would generally (but not necessarily) contain an opposite direction bounce flag in order to return the player. Naturally, complicated bounce puzzles would not be possible, since due to the way I've suggested this to be implemented, a bounce flag can only be one direction.

Am I rambling, or is my idea more or less what you were thinking?

09-24-2006, 03:16 AM
Something that should be noted is that my jump tile has quite a bit of fakery involved in it. In particular, as there is currently no way to shut off Link's collision detection, it requires that at some point Link is moved to a covered, unwalkable location on each screen that it is used.

Also, jump tiles don't provide the ability to swing the sword in midair.

Also, don't forget sidescrolling areas.

In The Minish Cap you couldn't swing your sword in mid-air while jumping with Roc's Feather, and that was still a great game though. It would work fine.

Modus Ponens
09-24-2006, 03:26 AM
Since LTTP, there has been a sort of jumping, even if it was only one way in it's earliest form.

Hello? You forgot about the game just before that, which had jumping all up ins.

09-24-2006, 01:04 PM
In The Minish Cap you couldn't swing your sword in mid-air while jumping with Roc's Feather, and that was still a great game though. It would work fine.

Actually you could swing your sword while in mid air on MC. It would just bring out a technique or if you didn't leanr it he would just swing on on the way abck down . and btw the Roc's Feather wasn't in MC, it was the Roc's Cape.

09-29-2006, 06:09 AM
You can make a ff combo "ledge" with a script which, when Link steps onto it, turns off the controls and moves him over the ledge to mimic a jump. You can also make it so if he approaches from the bottom it stops him from walking up by intercepting the keypress (to mimic an "unwalkable" tile).

09-29-2006, 06:15 AM
I was much more hoping to make a more realistic platformer then that by replacing the sword with a jump script =\

09-29-2006, 01:51 PM
Actually you could swing your sword while in mid air on MC. It would just bring out a technique or if you didn't leanr it he would just swing on on the way abck down . and btw the Roc's Feather wasn't in MC, it was the Roc's Cape.

Ooh yeah. Forgot about that. And Roc's Feather and Roc's Cape are the same thing.

10-01-2006, 05:19 PM
Ooh yeah. Forgot about that. And Roc's Feather and Roc's Cape are the same thing.

I haven't played Minish Cap, but in Oracle of Seasons (it might have been Ages, but I'm pretty sure Seasons) the Roc's Cape was the upgrade to the Roc's Feather. The cape would poof out mid-jump and let you go farther than you could with the feather.

Nicholas Steel
10-01-2006, 06:30 PM
uh no there is no cape in either of seasons or ages.

10-01-2006, 06:33 PM
Nope. I checked, it's the item in level 7 of seasons.

10-07-2006, 01:56 PM
Yeah, tygore is right. It's some sort of tomb. It's there. Check online, check a players guide, or play the game over again, you'll find it.

Also, I would LOVE having jump-offable ledges.

10-09-2006, 01:00 PM
I haven't played Minish Cap, but in Oracle of Seasons (it might have been Ages, but I'm pretty sure Seasons) the Roc's Cape was the upgrade to the Roc's Feather. The cape would poof out mid-jump and let you go farther than you could with the feather.

Oh. In The Minish Cap, Roc's Cape is just the same as Roc's Feather in ALTTP.

10-09-2006, 01:31 PM
Oh. In The Minish Cap, Roc's Cape is just the same as Roc's Feather in ALTTP.

There's no Roc's anything in Link to the Past. You mean Link's Awakening? The Oracle series?

10-09-2006, 02:24 PM
What he ment was the ability to jump off ledges.

10-09-2006, 04:11 PM
not true, you could not jump off ledges with the roc's cape (unless in cloud tops on MC) in neither MC or the Oracles

10-09-2006, 09:59 PM
not true, you could not jump off ledges with the roc's cape (unless in cloud tops on MC) in neither MC or the Oracles

Was talking about LTTP

and I misread something anyway, I messed up >_<

10-10-2006, 03:15 PM
yo this discussion and proving each other wrong about the Roc's items isn't on topic about adding it to ZC. So lets skip to the pint. Developers, you've seen the way _L_ faked the jumping somewhat on his quest. All you have to do it copy and paste it into an item, but changing it up abit so Link has animation for Jumping in Graphics>Sprites>Link. Also to make the feather visible in the subscreen, make sure the shadow is accurate, and make sure the way you set it up does not require a whole tilesheet of Link going up and down when you can just have the Link animation for jumping. Please and Thank You :D.


10-11-2006, 01:27 AM
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that.

Consider, for example, Pols Voice with shadows on. Should you be able to jump over it when it's in the middle of its own "jump"? Should the fact that it isn't really "jumping" at all be considered?

Also consider some bosses that logically should be too big to jump over. Gleeok and Manhandla 2 come to mind.

And what about bomb explosions? Should you be allowed to evade a Super Bomb explosion just by jumping?

And, of course, there's that deep water/flippers problem. You could just outright prevent jumping over deep water without the flippers, but it'd seem unnatural - the "invisible wall syndrome".

I reckon that these problems are surmountable, but it'll take more than just copying what I did for that jump tile to overcome them.

10-11-2006, 10:14 AM
And, of course, there's that deep water/flippers problem. You could just outright prevent jumping over deep water without the flippers, but it'd seem unnatural - the "invisible wall syndrome".Well, IMHO, for this one, you could set aside two variables to store Link's X/Y position just before he jumps, then, if he jumps into water without the flippers, you could change his sprite into a "Drowning" animation instead of his usual swimming animation, damage him a bit, and warp him back to those X/Y coordinates we stored.

10-16-2006, 12:05 PM
Counterexample! What if Link is jumping on the spot above a combo which cycles permanently into deep water?

Anyway, if it was that easy, the developers would have implemented bottomless pits and such already. Right?

10-16-2006, 05:11 PM
Not necesarily, what if none of them thought of that(No offense to you devs)
I'm just playing devils advocate.

10-16-2006, 05:28 PM
Things like bottomless pits have been suggested a million times over. Trust me, the devs have thought of them.

10-23-2006, 12:04 PM
Bottomless pit is also dooable, even without scripts. Just direct warp back to the start of the room. Zoooyaaaa.