View Full Version : Souls of Wisdom

09-22-2006, 07:59 AM
Souls of Wisdom

- Need Zeldaclassic version 2.11 b10 or higher
- Created by Grant Cole (creator of Shattered Courage)
- over 6 complete overworlds in many different environments
- 12 dungeons to entertain players for hours
- New villians including 'The Souls of Power' and 'The Undead Deity'
- a mixture of freestyle dungeon design and classic dungeon design.
- practically a rebirth and evolution of a Legend of Zelda classic.

(download available now)


- for more information, check next post.

09-22-2006, 08:00 AM
Hey, long time no see guys. Creator of Shattered Courage here!

Anyways, I've made announcements in the past about Souls of Wisdom, and also released a beta, in which I kinda messed up on the overworld midi which kinda didn't fit the overworld, my bad, I was testing something, and forgot to check it after the demo release.

Anyways, for those who've played Shattered Courage, were very much impressed, except for the many bugs which they find in the quest. For I am a man of creativity, but very little patience to even play through my own game and test all the bugs.

The biggest dissapointment in Shattered Courage was it's level 9, it was way too long and difficult. I will not bring that dissapointment to Souls of Wisdom, that is a promise.


So anyways, since that day, I've been enjoying my summer really, I had much done in this quest in last spring, but kinda gave up on it during the summer, done small things here and there.

But now, today, if my internet doesn't fail me, I am promising a 'prebeta'
I'd call it a beta#1, but it's been a 'one test' beta, in which bugs only have been tested in one playthrough, also it doesn't include the game's final level. There is so much promise to this game that Shattered Courage couldn't even dream to compare, which is why I'm very impressed with myself today. The game will include 6 1/2 complete overworlds and 12 complete dungeons to provide hours of play.

All in time for your back to school too.

So I hope you enjoy.

09-22-2006, 12:15 PM
Cole Rocksfan is playing it and found some bugs , he isn't able to get on AGN
so you can find them here (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showthread.php?p=38613#post38613)

09-22-2006, 04:28 PM
I loved Shattered Courage so I'm sure that this latest quest will be great.


09-22-2006, 04:56 PM
How do you download the file when i go to the page I can't click on the file name.

09-22-2006, 05:00 PM
annot you have to go down on the page and choose Download for free with FileFactory Basic ;)

09-22-2006, 06:18 PM
Where is the first bomb upgrade? I've unable to pick up bombs left behind from enemies.
I've already gotten the red candle so I'm off to the first dungeon.


09-23-2006, 11:23 AM
The first bomb upgrade is in the 2nd level.

09-23-2006, 01:11 PM
Thanks Cole. I'm on my there later today.


09-23-2006, 04:27 PM
Hello Cole,

I am in level 2 and got stuck after entering. I did the room with the compass, the room beneath that one and the rooom with the 3 bats and the green and a icy block. Cannot continue. Is no possible way out then probably bombing. Missing a key to go to the room in the same room as the door to the master. Did I miss something outside or did I miss something inside the level 2. By the way, a great looking quest till where I stranded.


09-23-2006, 04:35 PM
You need to keep pushing one of the blocks until it is on top of the colored tile. Hope that helps

09-24-2006, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the tip Cole. Found out with the 3rd new start of the quest that I forgot to buy the bracelet. Did level 2 and now running around in level 3

09-24-2006, 12:02 PM
Thanks Han, you just helped me, cause appearantly you wouldn't even be able to enter lv1 without the bracelett. I must have made this mistake somewhere.

09-24-2006, 11:32 PM
Where is lv3 located? And also the white sword? I got stuck and had to start over, but since I can't show you a screen shot I can't show you where. I'm just a player so dont' know the "grid" numbers or screen shot numbers. Also, none of the heart pieces show up as I get them. I have to write down the levels because they dont' show that I beat them. Hopefully I won't run into too many bugs. Have been waiting for a new quest to play :)

09-25-2006, 06:21 AM
Shadow Temple bug if fixed, download game again to be able to beat the Shadow Temple.

Lv3 is located in the forest to the east, gotta use bombs to get past the rocks. Gotta find toadstool afterwards.

09-25-2006, 12:04 PM
I am in level 1 on the fiery mountain and just completed the level. At the minute I took the piece of the triforce the game got stuck and I have to start over again. Can you check this out Cole. Thanks in advance

09-25-2006, 01:39 PM
Cole it's still the same old one we download not the updated one:unhappy:

09-25-2006, 04:44 PM
Elise, it would appear that way, but when you try the Shadow Temple, the door that was not functioning before should now function.

Han, in my experience with Zeldaclassic, I find that some people experience some odd glitches that others do not, the fact that this happened to you is beyond me cause some game testers have collected that peice without trouble. Maybe it be the version of Zeldaclassic you were playing, who knows. I've had weird problems like this before, I've only been able to help if you personally contact me through email and I'll send you a modified copy with everything you've collected to that point and start you off there.

09-25-2006, 05:07 PM
I tried it Cole but same result as Devon already mentioned

09-25-2006, 05:10 PM
Try the new download now, appearantly my post never went through last time.

09-26-2006, 06:51 AM
New update with Shadow Temple door glitch in boss room now fixed, enjoy.

09-26-2006, 07:51 AM
ATTENTION: For those of you playing my quest and get stuck in level 2 cause you are unable to push blocks, I'll have an update shortly for that problem.

This is caused cause you need to buy the lvl1 bracelette in the shop before entering for the first level, which is why you have to push the blocks before entering it, problem is that you don't need the bracelette to enter level one, therefore you find yourself stuck in lvl 2 where the bracelette becomes necessary.

An update will be available shortly with the fix, also there will be an extra bracelette provided in lvl2 for those who do get stuck.

09-30-2006, 01:01 PM
New update is ready, some major bugs have been removed, though there are still plenty to go, thanks fans and game testers.

09-30-2006, 09:24 PM
I seem to be stuck in Level 2. I got the bomb upgrade, but how do I get out of the level and back to the OW? I have the bracelet.

Also, I am using 2.11 b13 and when I check the OW map, the game stops. The enter button doesn't let me exit the map viewer and go back to the game. Is this a beta problem?

09-30-2006, 09:28 PM
Also, I am using 2.11 b13 and when I check the OW map, the game stops. The enter button doesn't let me exit the map viewer and go back to the game. Is this a beta problem?

Yes, and the map issues have been reported.

10-02-2006, 01:11 PM
could someone tell me how to get past the trees in desert oasis. i can go 1 screen to the left and 1 screen to the right but i can't get rid of either of the trees that dissapper with the lens.

10-02-2006, 02:06 PM
use your items ( different each time ) one time you need your boomer
and bomb on another just try everything you have ;)

10-02-2006, 02:18 PM
thought i tried everythin i have but i'll try again thanx elise

edit yep elise tried everything again but still nuthing

10-02-2006, 03:57 PM
you don't always need to hit the trees that are in your way look for otherplaces to hit with the glasses , it's always on the same screen but sometimes in the wall or something like that ;)

10-02-2006, 05:14 PM
thanx elise i finally figured that out
but now i can't seem to progress in the desert temple without the wand and i CAN'T ifnd it. i've been through the area of the temple i can access 3 times with the lens but i don't know where to go next.

10-02-2006, 05:41 PM
I don't know where you get stuck you have to go to the right side from start
and sometimes do not the most logic things
can you get on the screen with all the little triforces and snakes ?

10-02-2006, 06:39 PM
yep i can get to that but it just runs me around in circles without the wand.

10-02-2006, 06:47 PM
You have a PM :)

10-02-2006, 07:25 PM
I still can't get out of level 2. I have the bomb upgrade and the bracelet, but I can't finish the level to get back out to the OW. Please help.

10-02-2006, 08:29 PM
thanx elise got through the desert temple(finally) but it turned my brain to mush and i can't remember where i saw the magic book for sale at could you point me to it.

radder1 i'll check on lvl 2 for you and get back(can't remember how to get out without checking)
i need to know a little more i forgot how confusing it can be. have you talked to zelda yet? you prolly just need to bomb that big ugly thing in the boss room and fall through the hole

10-02-2006, 08:44 PM
No I am afraid I also don't remember where I got that book :googly:
Level 2 you get the glasses and the "item " level 2 you get the flippers
so I don't think you are ready to leave yet ;)

10-02-2006, 11:45 PM
The book is in the town at the first of the game.

My problem is that when I found the candle in the dark world and picked it up, it did not show up in my inventory. Is there something wrong with my game or with the system???????

Please help, I have started the quest over twice.

Love For Fire
10-02-2006, 11:58 PM
I'm confused... (it's been a long night at work).. is this a demo or the whole quest?

10-03-2006, 08:52 AM
It's a beta quest only the last level isn't finished and you may walk into bugs , but you can help by pointing them out to Cole so it becomes a good stable bugfree quest ;)
I finished it , it already is and it will be a real good one when he's finished with it ;)

10-03-2006, 12:27 PM
I still can't get out of level 2. I have the bomb upgrade and the bracelet, but I can't finish the level to get back out to the OW. Please help.

Sorry for the late reply

Use the bombs you recieved to free the boss from the ice. :p

10-03-2006, 12:47 PM
The book is in the town at the first of the game.

My problem is that when I found the candle in the dark world and picked it up, it did not show up in my inventory. Is there something wrong with my game or with the system???????

Please help, I have started the quest over twice.

Shouldn't get the book that early, I'll check it out.

Why the Red Candle doesn't work? Hmmm, maybe the beta you're using has a certain system configuration in which you must collect the blue fire first, if so, Zeldaclassic themselves must fix this bug, cause I'm definately not the first who probably has 'skipped the blue candle'.

10-04-2006, 07:20 AM
Sorry for the late reply

Use the bombs you recieved to free the boss from the ice. :p

I'm starting to feel really dumb... I've been running in circles for so long, I don't even remember if I fought a boss... Which room do I need to bomb something to get out of level 2?

Nicholas Steel
10-04-2006, 07:53 AM
is this quest stable enough to enjoy now?

10-04-2006, 10:41 AM
I just started playing it a few days ago and haven't run into any major problems yet. There's been a some people at Elise's zelda forums who have already finished it and reported quite a few bugs already and Cole's made an update too so try it out franpa. I promise you won't be disappointed with this quest at all.


10-04-2006, 10:56 AM

When you first started this level, you were in an ice stage, that surprisingly lead you to the boss room fairly quickly... Questionable, but once you enter the boss room, all you find is this ice thing. That's actually the boss frozen solid, but without the bombs, he's stuck there. Now that you have the bombs, go back to that room, nearly back at the beginning of the level, and you'll see it, two round ugly things frozen in a huge ice thingy. :p blast that to reveal a hole, and that is where you find your boss.

10-04-2006, 10:58 AM
I just started playing it a few days ago and haven't run into any major problems yet. There's been a some people at Elise's zelda forums who have already finished it and reported quite a few bugs already and Cole's made an update too so try it out franpa. I promise you won't be disappointed with this quest at all.


Those who loved Shattered Courage will not be dissapointed, the game uses all my skills, plus many new skills and tricks. I am more knowledgable in the skills of using Zeldaclassic.

Souls of Wisdom has much more promise than Shattered Courage, because it opens possibilities that Shattered Courage just cannot, with the use of freestile dungeons and more flavorful environments, it's a definate game for the win! :p

04-15-2017, 05:51 PM
Still looking fo the ladder