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View Full Version : question about saved games

09-21-2006, 06:20 PM
I am not sure where to put this post, so i decided to post it here..

Right now i have version zc2.10w. When I am plaing the red bubbles are patra 2's and Gohmas are digdoggers. I have read the forums and found that this is common and I should get a new version and it will work..

My question is how can i download a new version and pick up on the quest where I am at now...

Thank you

Nicholas Steel
09-21-2006, 06:47 PM
you cant... unless one of the developers have the ability to "convert" your save game.... and you are not after a new version you are after the right version... check which version the quest was made for and play it in that version only.

09-21-2006, 09:48 PM
There was someone who tried to play AlphaDawg's Unoffical Third Quest who had that problem. Believe it or not, I never had that problem when playing that quest or any quest.

09-22-2006, 09:54 AM
that is the quest i am playing actually and that is what is happening. It also happened in the "official third quest as well" but i was able to beat it with much persistance and let me tell you fighting 7 patra 2's is not easy in the third dungeon......:confused: :D

Thanks franpa, yeah its the "right version" i am looking for....i'll just have to make sure from now on i am playing the quests on the right one...:)