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09-21-2006, 05:51 PM
My name is John, and I came across your site about a few months ago, and started playing Zelda Classic and enjoyed it so much, I did a feature on it for my TV show, Video Masters TV. We feature video game and movie reviews, and opinions about various forms of media. So far, we've met with mixed reactions, which is expected.

I really enjoyed this game, and I hope those that view the show feel I've reviewed the Zelda Classic game well. It's an honest, unbiased opinion.


09-21-2006, 07:59 PM
Thanks very much for posting about it. :) It begins 21 minutes into the clip. I saw quite a few quests in there, most of which I couldn't recognize, (BS, Freedom's Tileset, old ALTTP miniature, etc.) I also Castle Haunt II in there. Glad you enjoyed that quest. :p It's one of the best out there. ^_^

It was a wonderful review. A few terms could've been updated, such as calling the Editor "ZQuest" instead of the overworld/underworld editor, but that doesn't matter too much. Enemy graphics can be edited, but individual behaviors and stats cannot just yet though. A lot of other stuff is though. It's improving all the time, and you never know what's around the corner for people to entertain their brains with. ^^;

09-21-2006, 08:23 PM
True, some things I did forget to mention. As far as referring to the program as having an editor that can change the over and underworld, I said that because the editors in the past (on emulation) can only alter the overworld. In some cases, you would have to tweak the Zelda rom itself to change the underworld.

I love what was done with this program. I tried to show the editor itself, but it was too small to view in TV output. But I think those that have seen the show already liked what they saw.

Yeah, we had no idea how jammed the show would be. We definitely weren't aiming for 29 minutes, and I should have mentioned where the segment about Zelda was. Glad you liked it, though.

09-22-2006, 12:39 PM
I'm quite impressed by the show itself, and a nice review to boot. Nice job. :kawaii:

09-24-2006, 07:09 PM
Wow. This is a nice spirited project you've got going, and it's really pretty good. I always have a certain amount of respect for this sort of production, where a small group of people got together and produced something themselves- that people can, and do, do that is really cool in general I think ^^ (haha, I said doodoo)

I like the fact that you mix new and old articles so much- programming and reviews and such for older games in general aren't nearly as common, despite having more time to accumulate such things, so it's good to see for that reason, but also because you openly acknowledge lots of people still play this stuff ^.^ Just because it looks awful I think I might hunt up a ROM of that Doctor Jeckell & Mr Hyde game (uh, and delete it within 24 hours, yeah- wouldn't want to deprive nintendo of big $$$).

Also, glad to see Zelda Classic getting more publicity in general ^.^ I never did see that Screensavers segment...

09-25-2006, 09:19 AM
Thank you very much. I don't get many comments of this length. This certainly makes my morning. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. We just put out Episode 2 a few days ago.

Zelda Classic was on The Screen Savers? As in G4/Tech TV's Show? I didn't know that. That's very cool.

As far as mixing old games with new or modern, I do feel that the old games aren't given enough air time. Some people think "Oh, that game is 25 years old, we wanna see you review games for the PS3, or 360, or whatever". Hell, I'm just starting to collect games for my PS2 and X-Box games. I'm not really that into reviewing the new games, though I do want to look at the new Lego Star Wars game.

Well, this post is getting rather long. I'm very happy you like the show, and hope you look forward to future episodes. We'll be trying to go as far back as games for the Colecovision, Atari, Intellivision, Odyssey 2, etc.

So check back here, often, if you folks over here don't mind my posting about the show. Or I can extend an invite to our discussion board:


Dark Nation
09-25-2006, 10:12 AM
Yeah, it was on a short Screen Savers bit. Unfortunately, they didn't show any of the better quests. They just showed a small quest they made using the original LoZ tileset. Oh, well.

09-30-2006, 01:33 PM
Oh ok. I was gonna show off the quest I had so far, but what kind of person would that make me if I said "yeah, let's show them what neato quest I did". This segment was to acknowledge the creators of the program, and the users who have submitted their quests. I apologize to those whose quests were not featured. I didn't download them all.

09-30-2006, 01:47 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed the bootleg DVD bit.

10-01-2006, 09:33 PM
Good. I had one person say I didn't know what I was talking about. This is a person from the group that says the Bootlegs are crippling the film industry. It was ruined already. I think the majority of us would rather get screwed in the ass by a bootleg vendor selling a crappy quality DVD rip of the movie than have Hollywood do the screwing. Am I right?