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09-18-2006, 07:18 PM
(CBS4 News) DORAL His name is Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda; his followers call him everything from apostle to Dad, or simply Jesus Christ Man. De Jesus Miranda himself believes he’s the living incarnation of “Jesus Christ Man,” “the second coming of Christ.”

A follower of his believes “he is God, he is God.” She also lavishes him with money and gifts.

"I don’t have one Rolex,” de Jesus Miranda said, “I have 3 because they want to give it to me. It's like that woman that came to Jesus with the expensive perfume and put it on his feet. He didn’t reject it, so when someone gives me a watch or a gift, I receive it. I like them too, they're nice."

This self-proclaimed Son of God is a 60 year old former heroin addict and convict. The divorced father of 4 was born in Puerto Rico and now lives in South Florida with his second wife.

From a warehouse in Doral, near Miami, he presides over the "Creciendo en Gracia" or Growing in Grace Ministry which he also calls “God's Government On Earth.

As any other head of state, he is protected by a security detail that mimics the U.S. Secret Service.

In an interview with the self-proclaimed Messiah, CBS4’s Ileana Varela asked de Jesus if he was able to do some of the things Jesus Christ did like performing miracles, healing the sick and walking on water.

De Jesus said not necessarily. “My life is my church and what I’m doing worldwide,” he said.

What De Jesus is doing at more than 300 centers in Central and South America, Cuba and the U.S. is preaching a message of "freedom to indulge" because according to this modern messiah, there is no sin, no devil and no hell to pay.

De Jesus says, “It doesn’t exist. The devil was destroyed two thousand years ago."

It is music to the ears of his followers, mostly Hispanic men and women who believe they are God's chosen people, predestined for salvation no matter what they do on earth. They also believe all other faiths are false and must be destroyed, from Catholics to Baptists and Jehovah’s witnesses.

His followers have organized marches at which they destroy religious books and symbols. They also have a campaign aimed at disrupting other religious gatherings, sometimes with violent consequences.

“What disturbs me is that he fits into the typical mold of a cult leader, total complete submission to his authority," FIU Religion professor, Daniel Alvarez said.

Alvarez has a Masters Degree in Theology from Harvard Divinity School, and is among those who fear "Creciendo en Gracia" has the makings of a destructive cult.

“He destroyed my family,” said former member Regina Albarracin, who left the church about 5 years ago. Her husband soon followed but their son Alvaro remained to become one of the ministry's biggest financial backers, donating more than $1 million to the church.

Alvaro is not alone; many others have set up businesses in de Jesus' name that pour cash into the ministry.

"I know were going to be running the whole world,” de Jesus said.

A web entrepreneur and self made millionaire, Alvaro Albarracin left his wife and children for the man he calls Jesus. He has since remarried to another church member and rarely speaks to his parents who insist he's been brainwashed by the man "they" certainly don't call Jesus.

His mother, Regina Albarracin said, "You think he's Jesus Christ? No he’s the devil. You think he's the devil? Yes that's him."

Regina Albarracin is afraid for her son's soul, and Professor Alvarez says she should be. Most of these movements, he says, self destruct sooner or later.

"Lots of broken lives, lot of spiritual and emotional and psychological debris that will be strew on the path of the gentleman,” Alvarez said, “and the fallout will be inestimable for the lives of these people who get caught up in this kind of movement.”

Unfazed by the criticism, de Jesus continues to plan for the role he believes he is destined to play on the world's stage. “I will be president of the biggest government that this earth has experienced," promised de Jesus.


Let's see, the Anti-Christ will come before Christ does, gain tons of followers, and claim all the Bible's teachings as false, want to destroy Christianity, and create "the biggiest Government the Earth has experianced..." What do you know, this guy is fufilling most of the prophecies exept I learned he would come from Rome, hmmm... Well if he takes a trip to Israel any time soon we should be worried...

Yes, I'm mostly joking, it's probably just another cult, but if he was anything, it would be the AntiChrist.

09-18-2006, 07:40 PM
Ok, clearly I've been going about this "making money" thing all wrong. Forget college, studying hard, and all that chump garbage.

People of the world, I am God. You know it's true, so please send your check or money order for instant salvation to...

09-18-2006, 08:33 PM
I'm sure he'll die shortly from being 60 years old and Puerto Rican. I see no reason for concern.

Mr. Jones
09-19-2006, 12:08 AM
Holy shnike!
Interesting, if he's Puerto Rican, that makes him a possible candidate for pres... which could lead into a whole bunch of other crap.

The antichrist could also Arnold Schwarzeneggar, It's sounds like a gut-buster but it's kinda his goal, if you research deep enough.

Oh, wait Monika, you said in the end of your reply:
"gain tons of followers, want to destroy Christianity, and create "the biggiest Government the Earth has experianced..."
Hmmm, that kinda sounds like the United States with the U.N. it created, which was put into works by the 13 bloodlines of the Illumina---
*choke* *cough*,
might I say it again?
cha cha cha!!!

09-19-2006, 03:09 AM
Ok, clearly I've been going about this "making money" thing all wrong. Forget college, studying hard, and all that chump garbage.

People of the world, I am God. You know it's true, so please send your check or money order for instant salvation to...

No no no, you're doing it wrong. You see, everyone has problems- that's because there are many things inside of you that are struggling against one another! You must pay $30 and register to recieve a tape collection, which must be supplemented by this $25 book. Yes, now you see, you are many beings rolled into one! For the low price of $80 you can get this three-book set which will tell you more. Good, now work with us and gain the benefits of tax exemption, but more importantly the freedom of your very being! It costs only $400 per week. Now, Let me tell you a story after you pay me a mere $125... it is the reason for your suffering in this world. A story of alien origin! For you see, 25 million millenia ago, Lord Xanadu of the Intergalactic Ceceeded States found his worlds overpopulated. And so it was he brought forth his Space Planes and put the people onto them, and onto them he put space snakes. This caused the planes to crash into volcanos which he then exploded with hydrogen bombs. He then conceived his evil web of string which shot at random, which formed a web to absorb the many souls, or as they are truly called, nathans; and he placed them upon a sattelite reknown for love, and forced them to watch movies most terrible, with naught but robotic puppets to aid them in their feeble grasp for sanity. They lost, for they were soon squished together to form one large man of white who was meant to remain puft; and satisfied, Lord Xanadu left these beings to roam the earth, where they went into gargantuan lizards who promptly commited mass suicide. And so the beings entered the advancing monsters we would call apes, and created a new legend.... but Lord Xanadu was defeated by Kevin Sorbo of and his guards who were high, and imprisoned within a grassy knoll, surrounded by a force field fueld with energizers. We must work together to split our beings into their rightful form, only then shall our minds work without caffiene. To help us in our noble quest, we shall need $6,000 up-front and a continuous payment scale increasing .05% every lunar cycle.

I reckon my method'll work on them hollywood dudes, hee-yaw! Yep, and I'll tell em, this is based on real science, I mean there's rocks and stuff. Sure ain't no "cult." I'm tellin' ya, the best way to make money is to start a religion.

Aegix Drakan
09-19-2006, 07:56 AM


this is just...:odd:

scary thing is, this guy MIGHT just end up taking over the world. why? he's preaching exactly what peple want to hear: actions without consequenses.

-_- this is just...*sigh*

09-19-2006, 10:07 AM
he is but one of many...

most likely, he'll die of unusual circumstances, or be killed
cult leaders are funny that way
(I say he gets pumped full of lead)

09-19-2006, 03:35 PM
LIES! I'm the real Jesus! Shoot him, not me!

09-19-2006, 03:46 PM
he is but one of many...

most likely, he'll die of unusual circumstances, or be killed
cult leaders are funny that way
(I say he gets pumped full of lead)

Luckily crazy people with a a divinity delusion tend to get themselves killed either by themselves or others.

09-19-2006, 07:02 PM
Luckily crazy people with a a divinity delusion tend to get themselves killed either by themselves or others.
Oh come on, that's not fair... Now I want to make a really offensive comment about Jesus. Stupid... Um... Whatever it is that always keeps me from ever having any real fun.

09-19-2006, 08:55 PM
You know, I just saw the piece they did on Waco last weekend. The people there believed Carresh (or however the hell you spell his name) to be Jesus. They were so blind in their belief that they didn't question when he did things that were clearly contrary to what Jesus would do. Namely, he slept with all the women and he advocated the use of violence. This shows just how naiive the followers of these cults can be.

09-19-2006, 09:50 PM
You know, I just saw the piece they did on Waco last weekend. The people there believed Carresh (or however the hell you spell his name) to be Jesus. They were so blind in their belief that they didn't question when he did things that were clearly contrary to what Jesus would do. Namely, he slept with all the women and he advocated the use of violence. This shows just how naiive the followers of these cults can be.

It's just something for them to follow. Once his trend dies down or he dies OR even both they will move onto something else.

09-20-2006, 01:40 AM

09-20-2006, 05:23 PM

Not even close to funny.

09-20-2006, 06:59 PM
I can't tell but I am guessing that the pic is of Bush, but I don't believe he's the Anti-Christ, nesecerrily...

He has never claimed himself to be God, it's the people who hate him that say he thinks he's God. (like whoever made that pic, lol)

He is trying to keep Christian values (he may not be doing it in the best way, but he is trying), and other people are fighting him on it. The Anti-Christ will completely denounce the Bible and try to kill all the Christians.

The AntiChrist will speak of peace and tolerance and try to unite the world under his own rule, forcing all to worship him as God. That's part of his deception, since it wouldn't be peacful or tolerant at all.

The only similarities I see between Bush and the prophicied AntiChrist is that they both are charismatic and have lots of people that like them, but that's all.

I could always be wrong though. ^_^

09-20-2006, 07:55 PM
I can't tell but I am guessing that the pic is of Bush, but I don't believe he's the Anti-Christ, nesecerrily...

He has never claimed himself to be God, it's the people who hate him that say he thinks he's God. (like whoever made that pic, lol)

He is trying to keep Christian values (he may not be doing it in the best way, but he is trying), and other people are fighting him on it. The Anti-Christ will completely denounce the Bible and try to kill all the Christians.

The AntiChrist will speak of peace and tolerance and try to unite the world under his own rule, forcing all to worship him as God. That's part of his deception, since it wouldn't be peacful or tolerant at all.

The only similarities I see between Bush and the prophicied AntiChrist is that they both are charismatic and have lots of people that like them, but that's all.

I could always be wrong though. ^_^

You do know the picture was just a joke right?

People are always going to have a problem with the current President. Everyone bashed on Clinton for the affair with Monica Lewinsky and now people are going after Bush about the war.

The one thing that I am 100% against was his decision on stem cell research. I don't think he approached the waging war on Iraq deal very well but that's just me. I thought it was kind of funny when I heard him say Iraq will make a great ally in the war against terror.

09-20-2006, 08:31 PM
Oh yeah, I knew it was a joke, but I titled the thread "Anti-Christ Candidate" and since he was brought up, I figured he could be discussed, lol. ^^