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09-18-2006, 01:08 PM
After starting work at 9am last Saturday, I had a nasty feeling that something bad would happen to me later on. It started out pretty good since I found out that I was opening with one of my best friends, so I kinda ignored that feeling. It was soccer saturday and the ventalation system wasn't working... so meh. I was doing the Taco Bell line pretty much myself and I was keeping pretty good speed within the first hour of the lunch rush. A little bit later, I was really starting to wear down. Once it was past the 2nd hour of the rush, I was past my limit and my asthma was really acting up due not only to the humidity/heat, but also the stress. And I have good reason to belive that I have allergies to the some of the product that I was working with. After I sat down in the office, I took 12 doses of my maxair which really didn't work. =/ It got to the point that I was hyperventaling. Someone asked if they should call my mom, and struggled to say for them to call 911, and then my mom.

The paramedics came in within a few minuets and immediately started me on an albuterol treatment. I was walked out a few minuets later, put into the ambulance and was switched to oxygen. I was taken to the Riverside ER shortly and was checked out. I'm still a little worn out and sore from that whole ordeal, and I've decided that I'm quitting that job today. Screw a 2 weeks notice, I'm not letting something like that happen again with the possiblility of winding up in a hospital. (this has happened a number of times before anyways).

I've made a number of friends over there and I hope to keep in contact with them; as for the people I don't like, I'll tell them good riddance or to fuck off if I see any of em today. Bonus points if I piss off the assistant manager to the point of kicking me out. (I really don't like her, doesn't help that she's full of shit) It'll be sad saying goodbye to some of the people, but I have the hope of seeing some of them again. Even though I have a 2nd job to fall back on, I'm going to have to look for a new one that isn't related to fast-food. Wish me luck!

(crap, it's been a while since I've posted something this long)

Aegix Drakan
09-18-2006, 02:01 PM
that sucks...

I hope you get a better job soon...

Coder GT
09-18-2006, 04:02 PM
Damn, are you okay? Well, get their numbers, call them up, and hang out with them sometime. Join telemarketing, like me! Well, I make like $10.50/hr, I got promoted two times. Strarted at $9, went to $10, then went to $10.50

09-18-2006, 07:15 PM
I don't really enjoy telemarketers, they keep calling my house, and one of them called at 12:00 at night...
But yeah, I hope you do get a better job.
The less people that work fast food, the less fast food there is, which equals more healthy people in the United States, but as if that would ever happen

Mr. Jones
09-19-2006, 12:37 AM
If a telemarketer calls you past like 9:00, you can press automatic charges and claim money for the disturbance, look it up.

The large amount of asthma cases in the U.S. has a lot to do with us Americans growing up in such "sterilized" environments while being soaked in anti-biotics and so many medicines. It has made our immune systems so terribly weak.
Try to build your immunities more naturally, Cyborg. Our best medicine is our own human bodies. I had asthma and grew out of it. All give a prayer, brother.

Good luck on the job search, mane.

09-19-2006, 09:41 AM
I might be holding off on the job search for a little bit, since I found out that now I'm going over full time at my 2nd job, I'm getting promoted to crew trainer (with possible payraise) Didn't go as bad as I thought it would, and I already had most of my friends' numbers, so that was covered. Now that I'm out of that job, I'm going to try hard as hell to convince some of the disgruntled employes to come to where I work. (mainly because it's maybe a 3-5 minute drive, whereas the other is about 30min)

09-19-2006, 11:19 AM
I don't really enjoy telemarketers, they keep calling my house

Nobody likes telemarketers. It's their job to call your house. I mean, what else would they call?

The point coder is trying to make though, is that being a telemarketer is much more fun than being called by one. The money is good, and you get to make strangers mad, without the risk of being punched in the face. It's win-win.

Aegix Drakan
09-19-2006, 11:53 AM
The money is good, and you get to make strangers mad, without the risk of being punched in the face. It's win-win.

not really. I have a friend who had a summer job as a survey guy.\, and he said it was depressing. he said it was really harsh on the morale whenever something like this happenned:

friend: Hello! I'm...

other guy: *hangs up*

and this happened on a regular basis.

and plus, you often get paid by how many successful calls you make, so...you can' t afford to piss the other person off.

09-19-2006, 12:23 PM
he said it was really harsh on the morale whenever something like this happenned:

friend: Hello! I'm...

other guy: *hangs up*

and this happened on a regular basis.

and plus, you often get paid by how many successful calls you make, so...you can' t afford to piss the other person off.

I recall a bit on an episode of the Simpsons where this happened, and the guy playing your friend broke down into tears. Really, what the heck is so depressing about being hung up on? If you go into an occupation like that not realizing that people HATE you for what you do, you really shouldn't be getting out of bed in the morning.

When I used to work at the senior care home, the people there were crazy. They'd yell at me, try to kick me in the balls, try to stab me, try to bite me (even if they had no teeth), spit water on me, spank me, beat me with chairs, shower heads, canes, TV antennas, electrical cords, shoes, all sorts of things. Sometimes they were naked while doing this. It wasn't pleasant. But I never went home and cried. Not when they cussed me out for trying to pass meds. Not when the man with the catheder rolled over the collection bag with his wheelchair and spilled two liters of hot urine on the dining room floor. Not even when I got punched in the jaw for trying to help an old man to the dinner table. None of it ever bothered me, because heck, they're freakin' crazy people. I don't expect them to remember where the bathroom is or use a salad fork at dinner.

I appreciate your friend being frustrated, perhaps, if he was on commission, but really, it's a fact of life that most customers hate most employees in most industries.

Coder GT
09-19-2006, 12:53 PM
My job isn't commission, and nobody would join if they didn't pay like $9 / hr or commission based pay. Sure, I get hung up on a lot, who cares, it's just 3 hours and my paychecks are pretty decent at around $315