View Full Version : Midis

09-15-2006, 08:37 PM
Okay, I have... another problem.

The midis I want to put in my quest don't show up as options for alternate midis. It prompts you to select one, but the midis don't show up. If I manually type in the midi name, it doesn't play it. What do I do? Is it the file extension? The size?

Many thanks to all who help!

09-16-2006, 12:02 PM
It is probably the format. If it is in Midi format, go to Quest_Midis and select it there. For alternet, it may not be one of the listed formats. Do you want a list of the formats?

09-17-2006, 10:48 AM
I think I understand now. I'll just find the formats through trial and error. Thanks!

09-17-2006, 10:52 AM
Um...Actually, if you know your going to be using these midis more than once, it's much more convianent to go to (umm..second menu on the left), than music/midis, or whatever, click on a blank one and import from there. That way you can select it for a map under reg. midis.
(Sorry, I dont have ZC in front of me now)