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View Full Version : Level 6 Advice

09-15-2006, 06:02 AM
I'm up to level 6 and have the hardest time keeping a decent level of hearts when I reach the room with all the different ghosts, pulsating worms and roaming magic balls (as you can tell, I don't know the official names of these enemies). I believe its the room that is one left, and 3 or 4 rooms up. That room usually leaves me with like 4 hearts, which is not enough for the room that has the secret stairs to the magic wand. What the trick to keeping your health here?

09-15-2006, 06:57 AM
you forgot to tell which quest you are playing :)

09-15-2006, 08:47 AM
A perusal of GameFAQs (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/legend_of_zelda_dungeon_06.png) reveals that it is First Quest. The "ghosts" are Wizzrobes, the "worms" are Like Likes, and the "magic balls" are Bubbles.

09-15-2006, 09:56 AM
Have you found the Magical Sword yet because it will really come in handy here? If not, look in the graveyard by pushing one of the tombstones. You must have 12 Heart Containers to get it.

Having the Red Potion also helps (providing you have found the Letter) as will the Blue Ring. Do you have these?

09-15-2006, 10:00 PM
To answer everyone's questions, my problem is in Quest 1. I do own the Magic Sword and the blue ring.

Dark Nation
09-16-2006, 12:16 AM
You need the magic shield, too. I always like to take out the Like-Like enemies first as they can take your shield. Once they are out of the way, the other enemies are easier since the magic shield blocks Wizzrobe attacks. After the Like-Likes are gone, I go after any blue Wizzrobes on the screen since they are more dangerous. Never fight them head on. Consider them to be teleporting, projectile throwing Darknuts. Attack from the sides. After the blues, take out the red Wizzrobes. They are easy to avoid. :D

09-16-2006, 12:45 AM
Yes the Magic Shield is also helpful. Another thing is to stay away from the Bubbles since if they hit you, you can't use your sword for a few seconds, and you can't damage the Wizzrobes by any other means besides bombs. You can use bombs, candles, and arrows to hit the Like Likes.

Bottom line: This is one of the most frustrating rooms in the original Zelda, so just keep at it. It's easy to see why this Level has caused many a player problems.

09-30-2006, 03:19 AM
I always killed the red wizzrobes first, THEN the like likes, because they always got in the way of killing the blue ones. On rooms where the door is open not closed I kind of cheat and kill the like likes and the red wizzrobes, exit the room and re-enter, and the blue wizzrobes turn into like likes lol. Yes I'm a cheater so what lol?

09-30-2006, 10:30 PM
It's not really cheating, it's a trick from regular Zelda that carries over to Zelda Classic. Defeat the easier enemies, leave and re-enter the room, and the harder enemies may get replaced. I first saw it in Nintendo Power's Classified Information.

Of course, this trick does not work when you're in a situation where there is no way out. Quest designers may use that to force you to fight the hard enemies (e.g. Blue Wizzrobes, Blue Darknuts).