View Full Version : ZC midi editor

09-14-2006, 08:10 PM
Maybe a midi editor could be in Zquest? Maybe when you press 'edit' on the midi on the list, theres another button 'edit notes' or similar.
*98th post! Only 2 more posts until I have 100 posts!*

09-14-2006, 09:13 PM
... I purely fail to see the point of a midi editor in ZC. There're hundreds of other midi-creating programs out there. Also, I don't think I'm going to explain why attempting to implement one into ZC is a bad idea, purely because all you have to do is put a little bit of thought into it and you'll get some answers... hopefully.

No offense really, but in the future, try to think some things out a little better afore ya share 'em on the forums.

Modus Ponens
09-14-2006, 10:40 PM
Well, now, let's be reasonable. I think that a MIDI editor is a fine suggestion. It's certainly no worse than "dude u ned to put in teh Rocks fether also tehre shuold be a way 2 make moer enimys thanx" or something of that nature; it's just a little far-fetched, but not a bad suggestion.

Just because MIDI editors exist doesn't mean ZC shouldn't have one. I mean, graphics editors exist, and yet ZC has a tile editor.

09-14-2006, 10:42 PM
IMHO, the only "Midi Editor" portion that could be looked into (If even.) is a way to not edit the midi itself, but what it does, and how it behaves. For example, you could set up loops where it'd play the same seconds of the midi a number of times, then move on to another loop and play that loop a set number of times, etc.

09-14-2006, 11:08 PM
Anvil Studio (http://www.anvilstudio.com/) is a good program for doing the basic editing of Midi files, as far as I've ever needed. You can shorten the tracks to save quest file space, delete dummy data tracks (a certain midi I once used in a quest had 50+ tracks of dummy data, and ZC refused to play the file until I had deleted them), or edit the notes and instruments if you're so inclined. I personally lack the ability to read and score music, so I can't use it's deeper features, but if you need a program to tweak midis for ZC or make ringtones for your cell phone, AS works just fine.

Putting an editor into ZC would just be a waste of time, as outlined before. Certainly, I wouldn't object to having more features in the midi player, but full fledged editing can be done better outside of the program.

09-15-2006, 06:36 AM
Ya I guess it's a stupid idea....

Nicholas Steel
09-15-2006, 06:48 AM
cakewalk pro audio 9.03 is also a good midi editor.... but i think it isn't available for purchase anymore... (think it got replaced with sonar.)

09-15-2006, 05:38 PM
Maybe just a way to change the instruments. And maybe an option for each midi "No notes longer than ___ position tics" so songs that were written muddy (too many notes on the same instrument at the same time) aren't. The default would be unchecked/255.