View Full Version : Of Stairs and Shutters

09-14-2006, 05:35 PM
For those of you that can help, I've got some quick questions.

1. First of all, how do I make stairs appear in a dungeon when I move a block?

2. How do I make stairs appear after defeating all enemies onscreen? Is this possible?

3. How to I make a shutter open upon the death of all enemies in the room? (Like, you kill all the enemies, then the shutter opens.)

4. Lastly, whenever I put in a secret combo, it typically ends up discolored. It appears brown and green, or white and blue if my game doesn't have a color glitch.

Thank you very much if you can help me with these!

09-14-2006, 07:03 PM
Make a push block. (Set the flag you want.) Set your undercombos. Have a scret combo with the stairs. Set the flag down. (I'm pretty sure)

Yes, it is possible. Make a secret combo with the stairs, then set it out. Go to screen data and then click enemies->Secret. When you kill all the enemies, it will trigger the stairs. (Or whatever else)

Make a shutter, put enemies. Make sure the block-> shutters screen flag is not checked.

When you're setting the secret flag, you can change the cset with + and -.

09-14-2006, 07:24 PM
Thank you very much!

One more thing, if anyone can tell me:

How do I alter my subscreen to enable hammer, flippers, etc?


09-14-2006, 07:33 PM
Go to Quests --> Misc. Data --> Subscreen Types. Then pick any type other than "Original."

09-14-2006, 07:39 PM
Thanks! That's all I need to know.

10-24-2006, 03:41 PM
I've got a fairly big problem with this. In my first dungeon (DMap Level 1), I've checked the 'block-->shutters' box and flagged the block (following alphadawg's tutorial), but the block only moves if there isn't an enemy in the room. Is there some way of getting the block to move while the enemies are still alive?

On a slightly less important note, how do you keep shutters open permanently? When testing the aforementioned dungeon and going through aforementioned shutters, they close behind me and I can't leave the room I move into (I tried putting 'passage' as the door in the second room but to no avail, as the shutters on the other side were shut).

Any help greatly appreciated, I'm very new to this so apologies if I've missed anything obvious (though believe me, I've trawled through combos and rules and flags forever to try and find the answer).

10-24-2006, 03:56 PM
Are you using the Push(Wait) combo? That type of block can only be pushed when all the enemies in the room are defeated. If you want just a standard pushing block, just set the combo type to (none).

10-24-2006, 04:04 PM
Thanks, that's brilliant (I've just tested it and it works superbly)!

Any ideas about the second problem? It's less important as I can easily work around it, but it would be nice if there was some way of keeping shutters permanently open.

10-24-2006, 06:55 PM
Um....I'm, well first the shutters shoud stay open in that, when you enter the room their briefly closed before opening. But, I bet it's that the block resets also, reseting the shutters, am I right. I'm not sure if this is beta only or not, but theres a screen flag called Treat as cave room, which perms. secrets.

Edit: Yeah. Its in a beta. Sorry. You could download one, but avoid the latest one. It's quite buggy.