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09-13-2006, 09:31 PM
Okay, who wants a cave?

Reply to this topic ASAP and I'll give you one or more screens with which to build your caves. Instructions will follow once we've got enough screens and people.

You won't have to build any new combos or tiles for this, BTW. All you have to do is lay the combos out on the screen. If you need to layer something, you'll get the entire right side of the map for that, as well as the map above it. Just make sure you use the matching coordinates, otherwise you'll overwrite someone else's work, so follow my instructions very carefully and don't deviate. (Again, otherwise, overwriting will occur.)

09-13-2006, 09:42 PM
I volunteer!

09-13-2006, 10:07 PM
Then you're automatically awesome.

What kind of cave would you like? We've got Heart Container caves (One, two, or three screens.) or portions of the King of Thief's cave. (Thieves'?)

09-13-2006, 10:10 PM
What are these caves supposed to consist of anyway, ST?

09-13-2006, 10:29 PM
Cave Example 1 (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/neofirst/NFCaveExample1.gif) Cave Example 2 (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/neofirst/NFCaveExample2.gif) Cave Example 3 (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/neofirst/NFCaveExample3.gif) Cave Example 4 (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/neofirst/NFCaveExample4.gif)

Right-click Scroll-To on any of the combos to find them. Everyone will be using the same combos, so don't worry about making any new ones.

09-14-2006, 12:18 AM
Eh, why not. I'll do one.

King of Thief's cave. (Thieves'?)"Thieves'", definitely. I think "Thieves's" might even be acceptable, in this case.
Of course, you could always just go with "Thief King's."

Dark Nation
09-14-2006, 12:44 AM
For posession by multiple thieves, it would be Thieves'. :)

09-14-2006, 12:48 AM
Thing is, that's not it. "King of Thieves" is a singular noun phrase, which complicates things a bit.
But, yeah, definitely "Thieves'."

09-14-2006, 03:15 AM
I want a big cave with a piece of optional equipment at the end! (White Sword.)

(This of course implies that it will be possible to beat the game wielding only the L1 sword (Deku Stick). I see no reason why not...)

09-14-2006, 07:43 AM
The Cave that which is Belonging to the King of the Theives, who may or may not be Plural in Number.

09-14-2006, 09:37 AM
Count me in ^_^;

09-15-2006, 01:44 PM
First, please read This Thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=93576), then the line marked "IMPORTANT:" in My post (http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1091768&postcount=4) in that same thread. For now: ...

.. G'haa. PC lab where I'm in now is closing in 5 minutes. Gotta jet! Great weekend all. Be back Saturday Night. Everything below this paragraph was typed many minutes ago.

... Although I am beginning to get these done.
Keep waiting, okay?

... ...

Okay, I have prepared most of the necessary version.
GO (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/neofirst/NeoFirstB13_9_19_06_CaveBuilding1.qst)

One thing I'll say though.

Not to be rude (Or loud) or anything, but if you modify any combos, make new ones, or remove them, or change any of the existing ones, it'll be hell to recombine them. Please, don't do anything at all with the combos other than place them into your own designated area. Please only work on your area, and nothing else.

Okay. Here's how this is going down.

BTW, the "Designated Color" corresponds to the color that I marked your screens for you on the map. (I also added a labelled combo for you so you know it's yours.)

I've already marked which screens need to have a Heart Container piece on them. Please do include one on those screens in any way you see fit. Thanks. :) The rest is yours. Remember, "No Item" just means no MAJOR item. Give out as many low-denomination rupees, bombs, arrows, etc as you want.

Eh, why not. I'll do one."
Map: 11
Screens: 76, 77, 67, 57, 47, 37, 36, 26, 27, 17
Designated Map Color: Purple (1)

I want a big cave with a piece of optional equipment at the end! (White Sword.)
Map: 11
Screens: 02, 03, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Designated Map Color: Light Purple / Gray (9)

Count me in ^_^;
Map: 11
Screens: 40, 41, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63.
Designated Map Color: Red (3)

I want one too.
Map: 11
Screens: 04, 05, 06, 07, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 35.
Designated Map Color: Blue (4)

I wouldn't mind makeing a cave either.
Map: 11
Screens: 73, 74, 75, 64, 65, 66, 56, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42.
Designated Map Color: Greenish (2)


The Cave that which is Belonging to the King of the Theives, who may or may not be Plural in Number.
Map: 11
Screens: 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52.
Designated Map Color: --

Okay Tygore, would you like the entire thing? It shouldn't be that much, (1/4 of a map at most, .. also at least. :p ) But it'll probably be on the other side of the map, away from all these caves.

If people want to design more, we've got a whole entire other half of the map to work on. Map 11's LEFT half is now entirely filled, but the right half is virtually empty. Remember, use Map 12 for Layers 1 and 2, and map 13 for layers 3, 4, 5, and 6. ONLY use your own space, okay? That includes the space allotted for you on the layer maps. If you don't have map 11 screen 55, then don't use screen 55 on maps 12 or 13 either, okay?

09-15-2006, 08:47 PM
Er uh? Did you forget about me Josh?

I want one too.

Just because I can't see this at work doesn't mean I can't DO anything.
I can still see Pure, ZCF, and ZCU. You know.

09-17-2006, 12:11 AM
Er uh? Did you forget about me Josh?

I want one too.

Just because I can't see this at work doesn't mean I can't DO anything.
I can still see Pure, ZCF, and ZCU. You know.

You'll notice that the information in that post is by far incomplete, and clearly copy/pasted. Even without the huge bold warning, I'm sure you can see how I'm not finished with it yet.

As soon as I can uncorrupt the latest NeoFirst, I can resume setting up the proper templates. The quest file was corrupted, and all the work I put in is gone. > <. I guess saving every five minutes just isn't enough then. :rolleyes: Would be nice to save a different quest file under a different name each time as a superbackup.

EDIT: DN was kind enough to fix it, (Thanks again, man. :highfive: ) and I'm setting up the room allotments this very second. I'm marking everyones' room(s) with a combo all their own so people know which rooms to work on and which to NOT work on. I'm placing a combo in there that acts as a label. There will be a few labels, for example:

Your name.
HCP - An HCP goes in this room.
No Item - No HCP. Basically "No important item." A smaller denomination of rupee is acceptable, or an arrow or two, for example.
Warp - You'll warp to and from this screen, so place some sort of stairs back up to the surface. Any warp will do, I guess, so long as it leads to the surface and not to another cave.
etc. Most should be fairly self-explanatory.

09-17-2006, 11:10 AM
Um...It may be a bit late to ask, but I wouldn't mind makeing a cave either.

09-19-2006, 05:32 PM
Okay Guys, it's ready (http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1091770&postcount=12). ^^; Thanks for your patience. :)

09-28-2006, 09:46 PM
Can we get an update on who's cave you've received and who you have yet to hear from?
I would like to know if you've gotten mine.

09-28-2006, 09:53 PM
Well, you sent me a PM, so ... But you should still be giving it to _L_ as he has the master version at the moment. I'm just working on graphics right now. ^^; So when _L_ is done with what he's doing, he'll give the master version back and we'll assemble what we have to from there.

09-28-2006, 10:41 PM
Is _L_ on pure? Remember, I can't get here during the day.

09-29-2006, 10:18 AM
But you can elsewhen, as you have just posted. Of course, I don't know your situation. It's just perplexing that you're able to tell me that you can't get on AGN, when you've posted on AGN to tell me such a thing. Know what I'm saying, Doug? :p You can't just upload a file and PM it to him when you CAN get on AGN? Or maybe give me all your files whenever you'd like, and I can do it?

09-29-2006, 12:33 PM
Is PMing these to _L_ the proper way to submit these?
I have a few related things that I would post. I suppose I can just do that separately.

09-29-2006, 04:48 PM
But you can elsewhen, as you have just posted. Of course, I don't know your situation. It's just perplexing that you're able to tell me that you can't get on AGN, when you've posted on AGN to tell me such a thing. Know what I'm saying, Doug? :p You can't just upload a file and PM it to him when you CAN get on AGN? Or maybe give me all your files whenever you'd like, and I can do it?

Ok. Here it is. I work Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm. It's during those times that I cannot be on AGN. Just to get it straight.

As far as getting the stuff out to you guys, my cave work is at work, so if you don't mind, can you forward them to him?

I'm sorry if I've confused you. BTW: I was at home when I posted this one. Been here since noon.

09-29-2006, 06:26 PM
Aaaah, ... if you're actually doing all this at work, I can see how it can be an issue. Thanks Doug, didn't know that. :p Perhaps get yourself a 128 MB or so USB Flash Disc? Those things are godlike for transporting files.

I'd recommend just linking them here though. I mean either works, but if everything is right here, visible, then we all know what's out there. :p

Gotta go; weekend. Seeya Saturday Night. ^^: *waves*

09-29-2006, 08:05 PM
I have one. It's 512 MB. But I have other ways of getting things around.
Today was just waayy to hectic and it all slipped my mind. I transfer it on Monday.

I'm glad you understand now. Have a good night, Josh.

09-30-2006, 03:06 AM
All righty. I am done.

NeoFirstB13_9_19_06_CaveBuilding-Saffith.qst (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/NeoFirstB13_9_19_06_CaveBuilding-Saffith.qst)

There are two scripted FFCs in there that'll need combos added in. I made recolors of the originals, but I'm not too attached to them. I won't object in the least to using different ones.
I assume they won't actually be used, for the sake of the filesize, but I do also have the proper sounds. The scripts are currently using standard sounds, though, so if you want to use the custom ones, the scripts will have to be edited slightly.

Vacuum (screen 77)
The script (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum.z)
Tiles taken from LADX (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum-original_colors.bmp)
Recolored tiles (palette 0A, CSet 9) (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum-palette_0a_CSet_9.bmp)
High-quality sound file (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum-high_quality.wav)
Low-quality sound file (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum-low_quality.wav)

Chaser trap (screen 47)
The script file (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/chasertrap/ChaserTrap.z)
Tiles taken from OOS (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/chasertrap/Chaser_trap-original_colors.bmp)
Recolored tiles (main palette, CSet 8) (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/chasertrap/Chaser_trap-main_palette_CSet_8.bmp)
High-quality sound file (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/chasertrap/Chaser_trap-high_quality.wav)
Low-quality sound file (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/chasertrap/Chaser_trap-low_quality.wav)

Also, here's a quest (b13) showing how the combos should be set up: ffc_setup_example.qst (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/ffc_setup_example.qst)

Two last things to note...
First, there is a bug in b13 which prevents the vacuum script from working. It will work fine in b14.
Second, let me know if you want to use the vacuum script in other rooms or quests; it'll require some of modification to be suitable for general use. Right now, it does only as much collision detection as the room requires. In other areas, it may leave Link stuck in solid objects. The chaser trap, on the other hand, should be fine to use anywhere as is.

Edit: Changed the vacuum script slightly. Updated the quest file accordingly, but if you already got it, you can just import the new script and change the D0 argument to 0.85.

09-30-2006, 11:04 PM
NeoFirstB13_9_19_06_CaveBuilding-Saffith.qst (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/NeoFirstB13_9_19_06_CaveBuilding-Saffith.qst)
Seeing this makes me feel guilty about how few scripts I've written lately.

(The overworld's taking more time than I thought!
I can't help it - I'm a perfectionist!)

10-01-2006, 09:46 AM
I'm actually very glad to hear that. :p They'll need to be nice and pretty. ^^;

Make sure to make frequent backups of your work! All of you. Make a duplicate file of the .qst file every day! Don't let what happened to me happen to you! :p

10-01-2006, 08:03 PM
Well, with a little help from _L_ (http://armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1094310&postcount=1) (read: I shamelessly stole his function), I improved the vacuum's collision detection. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.
I'm not bothering with the quest file. Just compile the script (http://users.wpi.edu/~absutman/nfcave/vacuum/Vacuum.z). It's not like it's hard to do.

... Meh. I should have more time to work on these things soon.

Dark Nation
10-02-2006, 08:04 AM
Vacuums suck. :p

10-17-2006, 07:08 AM
Hey, has anyone else finished a cave yet?

10-19-2006, 08:58 AM
Rocksfan's caves (http://www.zeldaclassicforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5677).

10-19-2006, 09:17 PM
Hey, thanks there Josh. I see now how you responded to my question.

As I had stated to Josh when I had finished. There are some step->next combos that need to be made. I'll have to give you the tiles for them and the locations.

10-20-2006, 01:35 AM
Rocksfan's caves (http://www.zeldaclassicforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5677).This "www.zeldaclassicforum.com" doesn't seem to be available.

10-20-2006, 09:46 AM
This "www.zeldaclassicforum.com" doesn't seem to be available.
Mirror (http://users.sephiroth.ws/Sephiroth/Caves%20for%20NEO.qst)

Hope that helps. :)

10-20-2006, 01:18 PM
The corridor-spanning spiderwebs looks kind of... implausible?

(Random thought: how come Moblin hideouts never seem to have any furniture?)

10-21-2006, 04:04 PM
What do you mean implausible?

I think it make the cave look unique and older. They're supposed to be like cobwebs. Hence the step->next combos that need added. Think they don't fit in?

10-21-2006, 10:53 PM
I mean, since they're suspended between two walls, you'd expect the weblines to be straight or just subtly curved. But you built them using a composition of regular cobweb tiles, and as such the lines are zig-zaggy. Which doesn't make any sense.

10-22-2006, 09:28 AM
Guys, these are all absolutely beautiful. :) Doug, I love your use of cobwebs to show inactivty. Very realistic. ^ ^. I want so badly to import the Ultima 7 Caves Midi (http://www.surfing.net/ultima/bard/u7midi/Cave.mid) (From Here (http://www.surfing.net/ultima/bard/ultima7.html)) in as the music to that area. Sure, the cobwebs are a little "diagonal," but meh. That can be changed fairly easily. I'm tempted to use Relational mode to fill it too. :p

Do you mind if I change the color of those caves to brown? I know I set the "preview" of them to blue so we could differentiate them as we build them, but that may have haphazardly given the impression that the final product _WILL_ be blue. o.o' So, if it's okay with you, we can change those (Previews) back to brown now that they're done. They'll probably be the same brown anyway, as it's the same Dmap, (And as such the same palette.) but we can always make exceptions. We've got TONS of Dmap space, after all.

Saffith, very, very awesome stuff. Didn't get to actually try it out, but it looks fantastic. That upperright most room looks interesting though. Dunno how to reach it. Is the vacuum script involved?

BTW, if I happen to make spike tiles for that cave floor, would you wish NF to use those instead of the marbled floor spike tiles?

10-22-2006, 11:29 AM
BTW, if I happen to make spike tiles for that cave floor, would you wish NF to use those instead of the marbled floor spike tiles?Well, I was thinking to myself "having marble floor spike tiles signifies that the spikes are indeed mechanisms placed there by crudely hollowing out the cave floor, and covering the mechanism with a perforated stone tile afterward, and not, in fact, a naturally occuring cavern feature resulting from erosion or something"... but okay.

"Why are there perpetually moving buzzsaws in the cave floor?!"
"Duh, water erosion. It's the limestone, y'know."

10-22-2006, 12:39 PM
No problem Josh. Change it. I only left it blue to be sure I wasn't confused betweeen screens.
The webs can be changed if you will. I just used what I had to work with. If I had full conrol over the quest, I would have changed them. Have at it guys.
Make them look better if you want.

10-22-2006, 04:12 PM
Saffith, very, very awesome stuff. Didn't get to actually try it out, but it looks fantastic.Why, thank you.

That upperright most room looks interesting though. Dunno how to reach it. Is the vacuum script involved?The one with the broken bridge? You just need the ladder.

BTW, if I happen to make spike tiles for that cave floor, would you wish NF to use those instead of the marbled floor spike tiles?It's fine either way, I think. The transition does look a bit odd in some spots, but, as _L_ points out, it's perfectly reasonable for them not to match. Especially when the spikes move.

10-23-2006, 09:03 AM
Well, I was thinking to myself "having marble floor spike tiles signifies that the spikes are indeed mechanisms placed there by crudely hollowing out the cave floor, and covering the mechanism with a perforated stone tile afterward, and not, in fact, a naturally occuring cavern feature resulting from erosion or something"... but okay.

"Why are there perpetually moving buzzsaws in the cave floor?!"
"Duh, water erosion. It's the limestone, y'know."
LOL _L_. The same general train of thought can be applied to ANYTHING within the cave though. "Why is there a big chest in it? Why is there an item in it?" If the cave was natural, they'd probably not hide something that valuable in there (IN A CHEST, no less.) without protecting it. It wouldn't just wander in there on its own, now would it? If there wasn't any useful item in there, I'm sure nobody would bother to protect it.

12-08-2006, 12:02 AM
If you want to see Amaster42's caves, apparantly they're here. (http://www.filefactory.com/file/8229ac)

12-08-2006, 08:18 AM
_L_, is it a good thing or a bad thing that your putting my work up for public display. Ohhdeearrr....I think it's bad thing, right. I'm very pessimistic, with low self confidence to boot.

12-08-2006, 02:09 PM
The caves look good, but the pot shadows hurt Link.

12-08-2006, 02:34 PM
_L_, is it a good thing or a bad thing that your putting my work up for public display. Ohhdeearrr....I think it's bad thing, right. I'm very pessimistic, with low self confidence to boot.Well, it's not like we wouldn't all be seeing it eventually, anyway.

12-08-2006, 06:35 PM
Pot shadows?
Did I mess up with an undercombo, or something?

12-10-2006, 02:23 AM
I expect he's referring to the slightly odd way the flying tiles (or pot, as the case may be) are implemented. That's no fault of yours.

12-10-2006, 09:49 AM
Well, the caves are pretty nice, but I'm a bit confused as to why everything is on layer 1 like that. The damage combos, specifically. Sure, combos can now cycle on layers, but the damage properties are still only applied to layer 0, and not any layers above that. When The Cyborg and Tygore submit their caves, we can fix everything as a whole.

I can't wait to begin messing with the Relational / Dungeon Carving setups. :D I've got so much of the tiles page I need to optimize! :kawaii:

So yes, continue sending _L_ the contents of whatever caves you generate, Tygore and TC. Then when they're all complete, I've got some more graphics I need to import and work with. Specifically on the combo page. I don't feel it's as "juicy" as it can be quite yet.

03-23-2007, 08:37 PM
I'll have a cave, if there are any left.

03-23-2007, 10:57 PM
Go ahead - somehow I doubt that the remaining volunteers are about to submit their contributions.

03-24-2007, 10:52 AM
You can have The Cyborg's portions. Either him or Tygore's. Read up on the thread for details.

03-24-2007, 02:44 PM
There wouldn't happen to be any caves left, would there?
I was thinking of doing one.

03-24-2007, 09:58 PM
Okay then, here are my caves.
http://www.filehosting.cc/?d=0892E0073 (http://www.filehosting.cc/?d=0892E0073)
Edit:this is using the 254 alpha. Is that okay?

04-29-2007, 04:46 PM
I would like to have another cave. If it is possible, I would like to have a larger area than I was allotted last time. At least 3x3 with little areas around it would be nice.

04-29-2007, 05:07 PM
Are The Cyborg's areas and Tygore's areas all filled yet? Can't quite check from where I am.

04-29-2007, 07:23 PM
The green area (Tygore's, I think) is empty, unless Blaman took it. I used the red area, though.