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View Full Version : Scripting applied to Subscreen Editor, too?

09-02-2006, 04:19 PM
I understand that you're not stopping with FFCs for scripting, but I'm wondering, will you allow scripting for the Subscreen Editor, too, so we can make our own special features happen once you pick up a certain item or something? It'd be really interesting to see what one can do if they have complete control over what the Subscreen does. You could even script the subscreen to bring up the map upon pressing a certain key at the subscreen! Or, you could script it to flash rainbow colors the moment you collect every pickup item in the quest, except Magic Containers, Pieces of Heart, Heart Containers, Potions, and any other weapon that may not be required, like the Bait and Letter. Weapon items like Bombs and Arrows would count toward the script, though. Just imagine the possibilities...

09-02-2006, 05:10 PM
You could values for the following:
-Number of Weapons Obtained (so if you have sword, boomerang, & whistle, this value = 3)
-Number of Bombs currently held
-Number of Super Bombs currently held
-Number of Hearts currently filled
-Number of arrows currently held
-Number of rupees currently held
-Number of keys currently held
-Amount of magic in magic meter currently held
-Sword # (1=wooden sword, 2=white sword, 3=magic sword, 4=master sword)

These values could also be applied to strings so that messages vary depending on what items you have.