View Full Version : Playable Ocarina...

08-27-2006, 04:25 PM
Hear me out before you go yelling at me, please. XD Now that we've got FFC scripting in the engine, I think it would be a prime time to finally add this. We could have maybe 8 song slots available in ZQuest, and each one could have it's own flag (Ocarina Song 0-7 or 1-8). We could also add a few commands to the FFC scripting list for the songs, so we could play a specific song to trigger a FFC (maybe OCSONG 0-7). The use of this could be something like the Elegy of Emptiness in Majora's Mask. I'm pretty sure such a thing would be possible to do, currently, as long as we could trigger FFCs on use of items.

Now, as far as the Ocarina sound effects go, we could use B as the lowest note, A to stop playing (or B to start and stop playing and A as the lowest note) and the d-pad to play the rest of the notes, since I really doubt it'd be practicle to make wavering and sharp/flat sounds for all of the notes. It'd be in the same order as the 64 Zelda games, of course (down is higher than B/A, right is higher than down, left is higher than right, up is the highest note).

Edit: And, I had a thought. Why not be able to just CHOOSE how many song slots there were? The ZC engine really needs to start being more flexible like this, so perhaps new things like this should start being more dynamic... like this? Of course, if it were dynamic, the flags for Ocarina songs would have to be dynamically added to the flags list as well (FFC scripting could go either way, dynamically added or have the highest possible song number available whether you had that many songs or not).

08-27-2006, 04:46 PM
Excellent idea. A couple modifications to this, if I may:

10 song "slots", 8 for playable songs, one for a auto-song (plays when the whistle is used, which could require a flag or screen flag), and one for a recorded song, like the scarecrow in OoT. Flags for each, of course. And a quest rule to enable playable songs

08-27-2006, 05:46 PM
With the Playable Ocarina, We should also have LA style songs where the song is simply Equiped rather then having to play the song from memory.

08-27-2006, 06:52 PM
Yeah and maybe you have to play the songs in zquest to program what notes the songes have.

08-28-2006, 03:08 AM
Actually *B*, while the number of song slots could be increased by one to account for the Scarecrow's Song, I was thinking of this being a separate item from the Recorder, because of the fact that the recorder is auto-played and the Ocarina is manually played. The Link's Awakening 3-song auto-played Ocarina could be an upgrade to the Recorder, however. The point is that I think the playable Ocarina needs to be it's own item, y'know? Of course, we also need to be able to manipulate the SFX file more than just replacing sounds, but, you know... :p

Ooh, and I forgot about ZQuest. I can't decide if it would be better to "program" the songs in ZQuest just like you would in-game (only, with being able to manipulate timing of the notes as well), or if it should be an imported sound file, so we could achieve the effect of sharp and flat notes, despite the fact that the player can't do those. Or, maybe it'd be best if we could "program" the notes with sharps and flats as well? Perhaps the Ocarina should just be a sort-of midi player instead of having sound effects added to the SFX file? In this case, we could pretty much use a simplified midi composer to program the songs...

08-28-2006, 11:12 AM
maby whistle should change to ocarina...

08-28-2006, 06:02 PM
The whisle would be good to keep for warping. The ocarina would trigger
flags and maby more warp spots...

08-28-2006, 08:45 PM
That's another reason I think the playable Ocarina should be a separate item: the Whistle always tries to call the whirlwind to warp you. It'd be annoying having to jump out of the way of one of those just to play an Ocarina song.

Modus Ponens
08-29-2006, 04:23 AM
I think that, if at all possible, you should be able to go sharp and flat and stuff. One thing I love about OoT is that it provides a fully functional ocarina that you can play. It's so fun to try to learn songs on it and play them. If we have an ocarina in ZC, I hope it works the same way.