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View Full Version : Board Suggestion

08-24-2006, 03:46 PM
I think that a seperate ZC subboard for scripting (both here in beta, and in the main ZC boards once we get an official release) is going to be a necessity. What with the sheer volume of questions and possibilites this presents, I have a feeling the Beta Discussion/ZC Quest Editor Help will be swamped with both people showing off code and people needing help with code, and people wanting help without having to mess with scripts can get it without worrying about being given lines of code, which can be rather intimidating to someone with little to no programming experience.

08-24-2006, 06:16 PM
I fully support such a concept. It can only do us a world of good.

We could devote a full thread to each individual script if need be, and pin tutorials and libraries at the top.

08-24-2006, 06:23 PM
I third this idea. I've already seen some very impressive scripts, so, I'm sure people will want to discuss how to do this or that, or they'll need help working out a kink in one of their own scripts, etc. We really don't want to see this subforum get flooded with all that, now, do we? :p

08-24-2006, 07:58 PM
I forth this idea, it would help us who don't knowhow to script to script

Dark Nation
08-24-2006, 09:04 PM
My feelings on this are best expressed by Yul Brenner in the movie, "The Ten Commandments". (Now we'll see how cultured these forums are.)

08-24-2006, 09:22 PM
I'm not the least bit cultured.... yay

08-25-2006, 01:09 AM
You will be my wife. You will come to me whenever I call you, and I will enjoy that very much. Whether you enjoy it or not is your own affair. But I think you will.

Actually, I'm thinking it's "So let it be written, so let it be done," but there are so many others that are way funnier.

08-25-2006, 02:54 AM

Please do not attempt to marry me to Dark Nation. That would be inappropriate on multiple levels.

Thank you.

08-30-2006, 09:53 AM
So, Moses, it is I who own your woman. I know that when I hold you in my arms, it will be his face that you will see, not mine.

I have defeated you in life, Moses. You shall not defeat me with your death. The dead do not scorch in the desert of desire, suffer from the thirst of passion, nor stumble blindly towards some mirage of lost love. But you, Hebrew, will suffer all these things by living.

I will not make him a martyr for you to cherish. No phantom will come between you and me in the night. Yes, I will let him live. From where I send him there is no return. You will never know if he has found forgiveness in some other woman's arms. Now look upon each other for the last time.

I will... to mingle with your own!

Command them to kneel before Pharaoh. (Is it this one? o.o'?) ... *lol* ...

The city that he builds shall bear my name, the woman that he loves shall bear my child. So let it be written, so let it be done. It's GOTTA be this one. ... ... ... Except about the child part. ... ...

His God... *is* God!

[praying] Dread Lord of Darkness, I have raised my voice to you, yet life has not come to the body of my son. Hear me! ... Oh, ... don't tell me it's this one.

So many to choose from ... ... so little reason to continue quoting lines from old movies! *g'haa!*


EDIT: whatever. A few possible Title/Description combinations for the forum: (Take your pick.)

General Scripting
Script Development
Script Construction
Scripting Help
ZC Script Center
ZC Script Development Center
Anthony's Pizzaria, now with Scripting

Get help with ZC's scripting engine here.
Don't know how to script? Need a tutorial to help you out? Look no further.
Get tips and tricks for ZC's powerful scripting engine here.
Post your scripts here for others, or ask for help with your own scripts here.

08-30-2006, 01:24 PM
Anthony's Pizzaria, now with Scripting

Ha ha! That's definately the way to go ST! ;)

I hope the scripting gets it's own forum soon. It will be great to give all of these reference material it's own home so that it will be easier to find.

08-30-2006, 07:30 PM
My feelings on this are best expressed by Yul Brenner in the movie, "The Ten Commandments". (Now we'll see how cultured these forums are.)And, religious movies have what to do with being cultured? *Cough*

General Scripting
with the subtitle
Don't know how to script? Need a tutorial to help you out? Look no further.
seems like the best option, to me.

09-04-2006, 11:36 PM
And, religious movies have what to do with being cultured? *Cough*

How about a movie based on a story featured in a popular religious text that, oh yeah, won one Academy Award and was nominated for six others?

Seriously, its a pretty famous movie, and not just among religious circles.

09-05-2006, 03:13 AM
How about a movie based on a story featured in a popular religious text that, oh yeah, won one Academy Award and was nominated for six others?

Seriously, its a pretty famous movie, and not just among religious circles.Meh. I'm not much of a movie guy, so sue me. :p

Back on topic, now that scripting is getting more complex, we NEED a subforum for scripting. Seriously. Some Admin go create it, like, now. :p

09-06-2006, 05:45 PM
In addition to a forum, we definatly need a comprehensive, idiot-proof(I repeat, completly idiot-proof) tutorial, for those who have never scripted in their lives and have no idea what an argument is.

09-06-2006, 05:56 PM
I've confirmed with DN that he plans on creating a scripting forum, he just has been too busy lately to follow through. Nag him and it'll happen ;)

09-08-2006, 05:41 AM
Why does DN have to be the one to create it? Why can't we bug the webmaster, what'shisname about it? :p

Seriously though, it'd be a GOOD idea to add a scripting forum, like, NOW. It's hard to get started in scripting at the moment, but I'm SURE people want to (*coughmecough* >_>).

09-08-2006, 10:42 AM
I've confirmed with DN that he plans on creating a scripting forum, he just has been too busy lately to follow through. Nag him and it'll happen ;)

Well, if it's any consolation, ( ... Though that's probably the wrong word. An "alternative" is probably what I'm looking for here.) even though it'll take time, we don't need it *NOW* Rather, what we need, is to actually plan out the structures of the forums. The people know what they want, and they know how it'd work best.

Last we planned, it went something like:

General Scripting / Scripting Help
Scripting Suggestions
Script Requests
Scripting Showcasing

Fairly self explanatory really.

09-08-2006, 11:17 AM
Why must "Script Requests" and "Scripting Showcasing" be different forums? Why not one "Script Exchange"?

09-08-2006, 12:36 PM
Why must "Script Requests" and "Scripting Showcasing" be different forums? Why not one "Script Exchange"?

Okay. Anything DN says automatically makes sense. Ya hear? :p

[J/K] ... (Actually I'm not kidding, but yeah, that does sound like something a suckup would say. Since I'm a sheep, rather than a suckup, it does make somewhat of a difference.)

The two forums are actually very different for a few good reasons:

Any thread in the Script Request forum is fair game to recieve help in or suggestions for that script.
You can check off threads in the script request forum that have had their script granted.
In the script showcase forum, you can show off your scripts, have suggestions and comments and feedback posted in them.
Continuing from the above, most important factor of all, it's a giant collection of ready-made scripts. It's basically the script database people keep asking for. :shrug:
The Script suggestions forum I'm not so sure about, since I think that you can probably post suggestions in the "General Scripting Forum." The Scripting Help forum can be a forum of its own.
I mean, it's weird. I'm not sure that there's really enough content to warrant a seperate suggestions forum, AND a seperate General Scripting forum, ... but there -will- be topics of the sort, and they'll have to go somewhere. We also can't let things get all crumpled and mashed together and such when too many topics are made and they all belong to one of the different subcategories of scripting conversation.

*Leaves the thread, sees them, and gasps*

EDIT: ... ... nevermind. L_L' ...

They were all constructed as I was typing this. :p