View Full Version : Subscreen Editor Addition...

08-23-2006, 12:44 AM
The subscreen editor's pretty nice, but something about it seems kind of odd, to me. The only selections available for visibility are Always, Active Subscreen only and Passive Subscreen only. When I saw the Visibility tab for the first time, the first thing that came to mind was "On Pickup" of a specific item. I'm sure there are other things besides this that could also be added to the visibility tab as well, to extend the flexibility, but for now, can we at least have this added?

Edit: I just thought of another thing I wanted to see added to the Subscreen editor. The ability to change objects would be nice, I think. You know, like, if you placed a text object down just to see what it does, then wanted to change it to, say, a counter, it'd be nice to be able to CHANGE it instead of having to delete the text thingy, create a counter and then click down to set it's priority again (since that's a bit tedious).

Double Edit: And for the heck of it, I'll throw this out there to see what you guys think: Would it be a good idea to be able to see the X/Y position of an object when we select it? My brother suggested this one, so I figured I'd mention it.

08-24-2006, 03:00 PM
I think that there's a lot of things that could be done with subscreens to make for some interesting effects. Your ideas are good, I really like the one in the first edit (changing types). I made a topic earlier about graphical representations of the "0" Ring and Default Shield, but it didn't get any replies, so I'm going to throw those out here now.

08-25-2006, 04:37 AM
You mean allowing tiles to be linked to show NOT having a ring and NOT having a shield (technically, at the moment), right? I'll second that idea, as it bothers me that you don't see the Green Tunic in current Z3 subscreens, even though the real Z3 screen shows the Green Tunic from the start of the game.

08-27-2006, 12:29 PM
You can put a "tile block" and make it a picture of the green tunic, then you can put the "current item" class named blue ring or the red ring over that game tile! The blue ring or the red ring in the game will be invisible until you get those rings.

08-27-2006, 06:56 PM
You can put a "tile block" and make it a picture of the green tunic, then you can put the "current item" class named blue ring or the red ring over that game tile! The blue ring or the red ring in the game will be invisible until you get those rings.

The only problem is that that only works if your rings are all recolors of the same item, or that they all overlap the default. If you have 4 seperate images, however, you could very likely have overlap issues.