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View Full Version : So, can't wait for the new Zelda GC game?

08-21-2006, 10:40 PM
I'm just wondering how excited are you for the new zelda game?

If you don't know anything really about it, I'll post a link for you.

I used to be a lot more excited a few months ago but with all those delays I'm not as excited. When the game gets very close to comeing out I'll be excited again.

I have the game reserved for $5, and I wish I could of afforded to pay it completly. I'm going to get the collector's addition.

08-21-2006, 10:44 PM
I'm with you, my excitement is inversely proportional to the square of the amount of time remaining until release. That is, I will get very excited like the month of release, but no sooner.

I'd really like to buy the Wii version of the game, but that depends on my financial situation and the price of the system. I can always buy the GCN version if money does not permit the Wii version :)

08-21-2006, 10:49 PM
Did anyone see the recent news that the controls for the Wii version have been changed. You now swing the wiimote as a sword to control Link's sword. No joke.

08-21-2006, 10:50 PM
I will only play the Wii version, I've said it time and time again...
You'll look like a retard swinging that thing like a sword, but it'll be so damn fun!

08-21-2006, 11:33 PM
Neat, now I have a reason to 'accidentally' hit people with my Wiimote :)

08-21-2006, 11:48 PM
The English language will not express the excitement I have for this game. So, Portuguese will have to do.

Quero o jogo tão mal. Parece grande. Eu gosto desta série valente.

08-22-2006, 12:32 AM
I don't know, I kind of think the GC version would be nicer. I don't like the idea of using the Wiimote for something it wasn't originally intended for.

08-22-2006, 12:42 AM
Miyamoto said that it was 'More fun playing with the wiimote'. So i don't think that's exactly right.

08-22-2006, 12:50 AM
Some people think it's more fun to have anal sex, it's a matter of opinion. I don't see whipping the controller around to slash or whatever fun at all. It's tedious.

08-22-2006, 02:33 AM
Did anyone see the recent news that the controls for the Wii version have been changed. You now swing the wiimote as a sword to control Link's sword. No joke.

I thought you were joking at first, but I just read the news - that settles it for me. I'm definitely getting the Gamecube version now. (unless someone can convince me otherwise)

08-22-2006, 03:14 AM
Considering i'm yet to hold a Wii controller, i'm on the fence with this one.

08-22-2006, 07:15 AM
Could be lots of fun. Not as fun as, say, Red Steel looks like it's gonna be, but still... Seems like a good use of the Wiimote to me. The only real issue I think I'll have with the Wii version is the use of that darn fairy as a cursor. HAVEN'T WE SUFFERED ENOUGH, NINTENDO!? Christ, and I thought we were past all that Navi "Hey! Listen!" crap. *shudders in horror*

08-22-2006, 10:25 AM
Maybe the sword-swinging part is an option and you can still use a GCN controller if you are too cool to look too much like a nerd swinging a controller around while you are inside playing video games instead of going outside and making friends?

08-22-2006, 02:47 PM
The only real issue I think I'll have with the Wii version is the use of that darn fairy as a cursor. HAVEN'T WE SUFFERED ENOUGH, NINTENDO!? Christ, and I thought we were past all that Navi "Hey! Listen!" crap. *shudders in horror*
As best as I could tell from the short demo I played, the fairy is only used for aiming. Hints are actually given out by Link's shadow, which turns into a flying creature thing when you need advice.

If they're going to make you swing the remote to use the sword, then you should use the shield by moving the nunchuck up in front of you. That could be interesting.

08-22-2006, 02:58 PM
Does the nunchuck thingus also have a motion sensor?

08-22-2006, 03:21 PM
I thought using the motion-sensor as a sword was something that had been in since before E3? Am I missing something here?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to using it freely as oppossed to just swinging in set patterns based on button presses.

08-22-2006, 03:40 PM
Maybe the sword-swinging part is an option and you can still use a GCN controller if you are too cool to look too much like a nerd swinging a controller around while you are inside playing video games instead of going outside and making friends?

The issue of looking like an idiot isn't it. It's that you expend far more energy by doing such motions and in video games the nature of such motions is highly repetitive. It'll get tiring quickly. I've never once had to quit playing a game cause I was actually exhausted.

08-22-2006, 04:16 PM
Does the nunchuck thingus also have a motion sensor?

Yes it does.

I thought using the motion-sensor as a sword was something that had been in since before E3? Am I missing something here?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to using it freely as oppossed to just swinging in set patterns based on button presses.

The E3 videos show them using the A button to swing the sword. Jabbing the remote forward shoved enemies with the shield.

When they first announced that this game was going to be on Wii, I figured that swinging the remote would be swinging the sword. I guess it's not a huge surprise for me to hear the change now, but it would be nice to have an option to change those settings if it doesn't appeal to all players.

08-22-2006, 05:55 PM
I think that swinging the sword like that could add a world of difference to the game compared to the Gamecube version... Fighting where precision matters, not just hitting A a bunch, or whatever. I think that'd be really cool.
But... if what they're implying means just swinging it, no matter how you swing it, swings the sword, fuck that.

This will only be cool if it literally at least partially mimicks your control over it.

08-22-2006, 06:10 PM
I think that swinging the sword like that could add a world of difference to the game compared to the Gamecube version... Fighting where precision matters, not just hitting A a bunch, or whatever. I think that'd be really cool.
But... if what they're implying means just swinging it, no matter how you swing it, swings the sword, fuck that.

This will only be cool if it literally at least partially mimicks your control over it.

I am hoping that is exactly why they are making the move. Precision. The capability is there so it will be interesting to see exactly how this is implemented.

08-22-2006, 06:24 PM
I am going to make a couple guesses here...

First of all, there will probably be multiple options for control...not just swinging the controller.

Second of all, I highly doubt the actions will be mapped completely. I imagine certain motions creating certain sword combinations.

08-22-2006, 07:21 PM
That's how it worked at e3 - i.e. swinging the nunchuck in a circle produced a spin slash. And there the remote was used for looking and aiming, so I wonder how this will affect that.

08-23-2006, 01:52 AM
Maybe the sword-swinging part is an option and you can still use a GCN controller if you are too cool to look too much like a nerd swinging a controller around while you are inside playing video games instead of going outside and making friends?

That would be nice for people like me who aren't crazy about the new control features, but would like the slightly upgraded graphics and wide screen support, but Nintendo has already said that you will not be able to use a Gamecube controller to play the Wii version of Twilight Princess.


08-23-2006, 02:08 AM
I think i'm actually excited about the Wii contoller version. Nonetheless, i'll definately be getting the Wii version for the widescreen support.

08-23-2006, 11:14 PM
People bitching about the effort required to swing a controller around - has it ever occurred to you that in making such claims, you're only confirming widely held gamer stereotypes (fat, lazy, etc.)? Not to mention the fact that if exhaustion does limit gameplay time, maybe it's a good thing - gets you doin' something else other than sitting in front of the TV playing video games all day. ;p

lol Sorry, I know the counterarguments, about how people game to relax, etc., but I just can't help but laugh at the idea.

08-23-2006, 11:31 PM
You just answered it yourself. You don't play games to exercise. If you did then you would be one fat slob. However us normal people don't want to waste energy jumping up and down and all around to play Zelda. Now if it were like in depth to the smallest movement sword and sheild fighting, I'd dig it. But from what I've heard it's just taking basic game actions and making them alot harder.

08-24-2006, 01:12 AM
I'm gonna get both GCN and Wii versions so I can play both at once. Because I'll probably be able to do that soon. :O

08-24-2006, 01:32 AM
If you get the Wii version you don't have to jump up and down all day, right? Won't the Wii controller have an attactment thats like a normal controller?

Everyones attaking like if you get the Wii verison of tha game you'll have to exercise throught the whole thing. Couldn't you just add on the normal controller attactment whenever you get tired of jumping around?

08-24-2006, 02:26 AM
I'm pretty sure if the controller requires jumping around and things like that then the Wii is pretty much doomed. I'm also fairly certain Nintendo knows this.

Odds are you'll be able to sit on the couch and control the sword with fast movements of the wrists, which from the sounds of it most of you guys are quite used to that lifestyle already.

08-24-2006, 07:04 AM
Me is getting it for Wii n.n
And the swing controller is fun. Games are meant to be fun, even if a bit tiring.
I hope it's not "overused" y'know?

08-24-2006, 02:25 PM
Heh... think of the all of the exercise that you'll get out of swinging it around with your arm. Besides, playing too long on the Nintendo damages your eyes, so swinging the Wii-mote around as a sword will tire you out to a point where you'll have to get off. Brilliant.

Neat, now I have a reason to 'accidentally' hit people with my Wiimote.
Good man.

08-24-2006, 02:46 PM
Most footage of people actually playing the Wii that I've seen has been relatively low-movement. Your arms might get tired, but it doesn't seem too strenuous. The jumping and all that in the commercials is (obviously) exaggerated in order to emphasize a point.

Modus Ponens
08-24-2006, 03:14 PM
I am excited for this game. I am very excited. Like, it's just...well, I'm really, really excited. And that's just right now. Like, when the release date is finally announced and is coming up soon, then...I don't know. I'll likely lose sleep. The night before will be like Christmas Eve for a six-year-old. And when I actually hold my copy in my quivering hands?

...Man. I'm pumped.

08-24-2006, 03:23 PM
Yeah, I'm excited. I'll probably get the cube version, though. The Wii one sounds fun, sure, but I'm not sure when I'll be getting a Wii, and the GCN is out now, so, the sooner the better in my book

08-24-2006, 03:29 PM
I am excited for this game. I am very excited. Like, it's just...well, I'm really, really excited. And that's just right now. Like, when the release date is finally announced and is coming up soon, then...I don't know. I'll likely lose sleep. The night before will be like Christmas Eve for a six-year-old. And when I actually hold my copy in my quivering hands?

...Man. I'm pumped.

Be honest: you're the "NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOUR!" kid aren't you?

08-24-2006, 03:43 PM
I'm pretty sure if the controller requires jumping around and things like that then the Wii is pretty much doomed. I'm also fairly certain Nintendo knows this.

Odds are you'll be able to sit on the couch and control the sword with fast movements of the wrists, which from the sounds of it most of you guys are quite used to that lifestyle already.

I don't have a couch to sit on, I also do not have a very good distance to sit from the TV. You sit down in a chair like any person like you do at your PC. I understand some people have their game systems hooked up in a big room with a big TV, but that's some people, not everyone.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of LightGun based games and have played them with no problem. And the Wii sounds interesting. Again my complaint is I don't want to play Zelda, a game that was originally developed for the GameCube and a traditional controller, on some after-thought control scheme. It might be cool, it might not. The fact that they don't include an option is insulting.

WindStrike, you can play games all day long. It won't damage your eyes. Now if you sit 1" from the TV screen, sure. Also it helps if you have an LCD display. Plus who are you to tell anyone how long they can use their game systems or watch TV? Most people here are adults and can do whatever they want.

08-24-2006, 09:01 PM
I think I said this before...

but do not be surprised in Nintendo follows the strengthen your brain series with some sort of exercise games with the Wii. I think they could strike gold like that.

Modus Ponens
08-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Be honest: you're the "NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOUR!" kid aren't you?

I think Masamune made a post about him, having found his MySpace page. I'm probably a good seven or eight years older than him. Actually, I owned Ocarina of Time[/b] before I owned an N64. My mom didn't like the idea of me getting an N64 so I just got the game and either rented or borrowed the system. (And I was like sixteen or seventeen.) I was all the way to the Water Temple, in fact, when Christmas rolled around and I got the big N-6-4. And I was happy to have it, yes, but nowhere near as crazy as that guy.

But, when the release date was approaching, oh, my, was I jazzed. I remember when school let out on November 23, 1998. All I had between me and it was after school play rehearsal, and I was buzzing with excitement. My director knew what was going on, and was amused about it. It was so rad. I think this is going to be something like that. (Except it's almost a decade later, and all that that implies.)

Plus, we have [i]Phantom Hourglass coming up, too. I'm a little less pumped about that game than I was initially, since I learned that you use the stylus to control the fairy, thus indirectly controlling Link. I really wanted a new 2-D-with-3-D-graphics Zelda game that you controlled with the control pad, but...oh well. You can't always get what you want.

09-10-2006, 08:15 AM
... the new zelda? i want that... if i dont get the wii this christmas, ill start crying... seriosly... i... need zelda...

... zelda...